Republicans now hold a voter registration edge in another Florida county, albeit by a narrow margin.
As of the morning of May 1, Madison County has more registered Republicans than Democrats, according to Madison Supervisor of Elections Heath Figgers’ official count. As of a 7 a.m. update to numbers, the county had 5,095 registered Republicans in the county and 5,094 Democrats. The county is home to 1,606 other voters, with 11,795 registered in total.
The Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) cheered the red flip, which came the same day Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris was expected to campaign in the state.
“Welcome to Florida Kamala where another county has gone red and Republicans lead by over 900,000 voters,” said Bill Helmich, Republican state committeeman for Madison County and Acting Executive Director for the RPOF.
Division of Elections figures, which don’t yet reflect April changes, show the Sunshine State had more than 5.2 million Republicans registered compared to 4.3 million Democrats. Statewide, there is a more sizable contingent of voters without any party affiliation, more than 3.5 million, and almost 344,000 voters in minor political parties.
Census estimates put the total population of Madison County north of 18,500. The Big Bend county sits at the Florida-Georgia line.
Of course, like many of North Florida’s rural counties, the electorate started voting Republican long before voter registrations aligned. In the 2020 Presidential Election, Republican Donald Trump led Democrat Joe Biden in the county by more than 1,800 votes.
The last time a Democrat running for President carried the county was in 2008, when Barack Obama topped Republican John McCain by fewer than 300 votes the year he first won the White House by a landslide. Before that, Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1996 carried the county by about 600 votes when he won re-election.
Republicans in recent years have made significant gains in voter registration statewide. The party in 2021 secured an advantage in registered voters for the first time in the state’s history.
Impeach Biden
May 1, 2024 at 9:14 am
Paging Nikki Fried! Nikki Fried? What happened Nikki?🤣
Leave Nikki Alone!
May 1, 2024 at 3:08 pm
It’s Madison County! And by one registration🙄. Keep in mind: “Of course, like many of North Florida’s rural counties, the electorate started voting Republican long before voter registrations aligned.“
Hung Wiil
May 1, 2024 at 4:41 pm
Wait a minute. Where is Dont Say Fla, Rick, Science BLVr and all the other nimrods. The silent minority!
rick whitaker
May 2, 2024 at 12:47 am
HUNG, your nimrod is hanging around. want some? what’s with the biblical pack of lies reference.? nimrod, is that biblical crap what you are about? iv’e got a nimrod all ready for you. nimrod, what a clown. are you so childish, or stupid enough to believe that jesus bull?
Hung Wiil
May 2, 2024 at 8:20 am
At HIS name, every knee shall bow.
rick whitaker
May 2, 2024 at 2:07 pm
HUNG, you bow to trump, desantis, scott, or jesus, i don’t care. i don’t bow to any of those people and in the case of jesus, fairy tale characters are not something i would believe in because i am an adult. nimrod, what a joke.
May 1, 2024 at 4:47 pm
1 registration dipsh!ts.
“5,095 registered Republicans in the county and 5,094 Democrats. The county is home to 1,606 other voters, with 11,795 registered in total.”
May 1, 2024 at 6:39 pm
Wrong Dook 4 Brains Lefty, JD,
Let Earl take you and the rest of our readership to “Poly-Sci 101.
1.) Everyone forgot that all Black Men are voting Trump because of the economey.
2.) All Black women are still voting 8iden because of abortion.
Let Earl “Run The Numbers” for you “Because The Numbers” dont lie.
Madison has 5094 Democrats – 38% of them are Black [5094 x 38% = 1936]
[1936 ÷ 2 = 968, (968 are Black males who will vote Trump).
5095 Republicans
+ 968 Black Males
6763 Votes for Trump in Madison County, Florida.
Wrap your “Pea Brains” around Earl’s undisputable facts and repeat the “Sage Mathamatical Formular for the additional 61 Counties in Florida.
**** A little back-story: our Black Men will remain regestared Democrat but just like all voters the Black Men are free to cross party lines once we pass the primaries and go in for the final vote. Again 968 Black men in Madison will vote Trump.****
And no they wont be able to ever mention their Trump vote to their Beautiful Wives. If they do the Black men of Madison will never know the sweet treats of the Female pudendum which come with “The Holy Bonds Of Matramony” Ever Again. No the Trump vote “Seceret” must be “Taken To The Grave”. Otherwise these Black Men Of Madison will be destined to “Milk Their Own Filberts” if they Ever Want To Get A Nut for the rest of their lives.
I hope the “Dook 4 Brains Leftys” in our Readership Audience are able to grasp and process the Sage Mathimatical Wisdom which I have Endowed you with. I know all the Sage Patriots in our Readership Audiance already “Figgured This Out On Your Own”.
Have a great evening everyone,
Earl Pitts “Sage Political Math Genius” American
rick whitaker
May 2, 2024 at 1:59 pm
May 2, 2024 at 4:43 pm
I’m impressed Shitts.
That’s the best lying with statistics I have ever seen, mostly due to the fact it was built on like 3 strawmen, and 2 factors you obviously plucked that addled brain of yours. Too much cornbread and bad Cincinnati beer?
Keep up the stellar work in fiction and obfuscation.
rick whitaker
May 2, 2024 at 8:08 pm
JD, that POS earl has never responded to me about the dishwashing boy incident at his Cincinnati excuse for a bar-b-que restaurant. i have asked him many times about it and all i get is silence. it just goes to show how unaccountable he is. i have asked him many other question about his past that i found on the internet, and he has never answered any of my questions. he’s got a lot to hide just with this one thing it seems. i know what happened. all the police reports i found were pretty damming. no wonder he moved to florida. ask him about the dishwashing boy and see what he tells you. guys like him get under my skin. i worked in restaurants when i was a teen, so i am sympathetic to those vulnerable aged workers getting screwed over.
Hung Wiil
May 1, 2024 at 11:25 pm
Hey, dipshit. The county has been Democrat since 1877 . . . tool.
Speedy Gonzalez
May 1, 2024 at 7:25 pm
Buenos Nochas every Americano,
My Cousin, SloPoke, says this tied vote thing is hurting his brain to be mucho thinking about.
My Cousin Slopoke wishes Senior Earl could Por Favor be come allowed to say some wisdom sage nuggets of his muy grande wisdom so we will better knoe how the thinking of us should be knowing nuggets of the gage wisdom thinking ways. SG SP GONZAlez.
Phil Morton
May 2, 2024 at 6:07 am
The Supervisor of Elections is a Republican, “elected” with 41% of the vote. When you rig the system is pretty easy to rig the numbers as well.
May 2, 2024 at 9:15 am
With a name like “Not So” Hung Wiil, you’d want to stop flinging the moniker “tool” around.
And so what? It’s 1 registration. Should we talk about the Republican and Citizens United push to purge the voter rolls.
You act people want what the Republicans are selling, when all it is culture wars. But wait until November and we will see how they get their asses spanked with abortion and weed on the ballot. They overstepped their roles being high and mighty.
And everything the Republicans do these days is grifting for rich people at the expense of tax payers. So which are you? A rich person or a dipsh!t lacky, licking their boots while sniffing their assh0les? Or you some brain dead, brain washed Fox minion?
You wear that dipsh!t tool moniker well “Not so” Hung Wiil.
Oh, and f@ck off.
Hung Wiil
May 2, 2024 at 11:00 am
Stop Asian Hate . . . tool.
May 2, 2024 at 11:13 am
Who said I hated Asians? I just hate you. Dipshit.
And you saddled your wagon to wrong group if you are aligning with the hypocrisy of the Republicans. Good luck stopping their racist hate.
You Tool.
Hung Wiil
May 2, 2024 at 11:34 am
Looks like that’s working out well for you. Better go check the mailbox to see if your welfare check arrived.
I don’t hate you; I don’t give a shit about you.
May 2, 2024 at 11:52 am
And yet you continue to reply?
rick whitaker
May 2, 2024 at 9:36 pm
HUNG, you are starting to get on my nerves. your smartassed attitude, is so unattractive. you sound like a 22 year old punk. who knows what you are.
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