Matthew Montavon launches website to track Greg Steube votes and statements

Matthew Montavon steube
The Sarasota Democrat spotlights controversial statements about defunding investigations of Donald Trump.

One of U.S. Rep. Greg Steube’s Democratic challengers has started a tracking effort on the Republican incumbent’s actions and votes.

Sarasota Democrat Matthew Montavon launched Steube Watch, a campaign to “bring attention to prejudicial actions of our Congressman.” Montavon said the information gleaned will appear on his campaign website.

“I will work for the people on election integrity and voter access, the environment, energy efficiency and women’s right to choose,” Montavon said.

“I have dedicated my career to making organizations work better through service and management. I am the candidate for common sense and common ground.”

The tracking includes controversial votes against infrastructure spending and green energy and notes Steube’s support of restrictions on abortion.

But Montavon also suggested that Steube’s recent statements about a Special Counsel investigation of former President Donald Trump cross a line.

Steube recently discussed the case in an interview with Newsmax.

“Hey, you don’t like Jack Smith’s investigation or the way that the FBI is handling spying on American citizens without a warrant? Cut their funding, do away with their funding,” Steube said. “You don’t like what the Department of Energy is doing in going after the domestic production of oil and gas? Cut their funding.”

Montavon said such a tactic by a Republican Congress would undermine the independence of the judicial system.

“Putting aside his outrageously loaded political statement, you cannot cut funding for the Justice Department because you don’t like the work,” Montavon said.

“Steube should understand the Justice Department should be independent and free from political interference. Steube should also understand that oil and gas, and the carbon they produce, are destroying our planet, and creating more powerful hurricanes and floods here in Florida, destroying the lives of his constituents and driving up insurance costs. Sadly, that’s the kind of representation we now have in Washington.”

Montavon is one of two Democrats who filed for the chance to compete against Steube in Florida’s 17th Congressional District. He faces Nokomis Democrat Manny Lopez in an Aug. 20 Democratic Primary.

Steube remains the favorite regardless. He last won re-election in 2022 with almost 64% of the vote over Democrat Andrea Doria Kale.

Jacob Ogles

Jacob Ogles has covered politics in Florida since 2000 for regional outlets including SRQ Magazine in Sarasota, The News-Press in Fort Myers and The Daily Commercial in Leesburg. His work has appeared nationally in The Advocate, Wired and other publications. Events like SRQ’s Where The Votes Are workshops made Ogles one of Southwest Florida’s most respected political analysts, and outlets like WWSB ABC 7 and WSRQ Sarasota have featured his insights. He can be reached at [email protected].


  • the devil

    May 20, 2024 at 3:52 pm

    great. im not a democrat but i think all ppl will find this useful as greg steube has betrayed his constituency.

    but lets see if this dem will produce any good ideas that are actually aligned with his district.

  • Ocean Joe

    May 20, 2024 at 4:08 pm

    Track Steube’s ladder, make sure it stays locked in the garage.
    The election is in the fall.

  • Charlene

    May 21, 2024 at 3:24 am

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  • Arlene Tuck

    May 21, 2024 at 10:07 pm

    We will gladly take Congressman Steube back as our Congress. He is
    So personal and concerned about your problems. He is involved with Veterans and helping everyone.

    • Andrea Doria Kale

      May 29, 2024 at 8:05 pm

      Congressman Greg Steube is NOT concerned with nor does he help Veterans as one reader suggests. He voted against the PACT Act. The most significant bipartisan piece of legislation helping Veterans and their families in over 30 years for service related exposure to toxic chemicals and burn pits.

  • Greg Cuy

    May 30, 2024 at 11:52 am

    What has Steube, or for that matter, any incumbent done to make our lives better? Every Dem and GOPer are rotten to the core most are liars.

    They promised before the 2022 mid-term election to-
    Secure the border…… is NOT secure and has not been for 3+ years.
    Reduce inflation……….it is still running almost 4% and collectively it is up over 20% since Bidumb took office.
    Reduce Crime…………Crime is still increasing nationwide.
    Cut the wasteful spending………….They have cut NOTHING and have borrowed and spent TRILLIONS more since their 2022 promise (lie) to cut spending.
    Promised to NOT send any money to Ukraine or Israel until our own border is secure. Did the happen……………NO. Ukraine and Israel got billions and we got invaded with millions of undocumented, unvetted illegals. (How many of these illegals are criminals?)

    Bottom line. EVERY Dem and GOP in Washington DC have lied to us American citizens. They have NOT done their job to protect us or make our lives better. Yet, each and every one of the Washington DC swamp creatures are personnally getting richer and more self-serving by the day while us American citizens continue to struggle.

    It is time to VOTE OUT all INCUMBENTS and I mean each and every one of them, Dem and GOPer, from the local, county, state and federal level. Do you think anything will ever change if we keep putting the same people back into office again and again?

    Definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

    • rick whitaker

      May 30, 2024 at 12:50 pm

      GREGCUY, you are looking for a simpler solution for complex problems. that’s possible with accountability. so, vote straight dem ticket. the dems at least believe in accountability. the gop or maga, can’t stand the light of accountability. that is your clue. if a group hides their actions in any way, run them off. maga say’s, just move on, nothing to see here.

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