Debbie Mucarsel-Powell blames Rick Scott for Florida inflation rate

Rick Scott Debbie Mucarsel-Powell SBS AP
The Democratic Senate candidate made the claim on a South Florida program.

A Democrat looking to challenge Rick Scott in November says his tenure as Governor that ended in 2018 is the reason for high prices in the Sunshine State.

“Floridians are tired of extremism, they are tired of the division, the chaos, and they are facing an affordability crisis. We have the highest level of inflation here in the state of Florida than in any other place in the country because of Rick Scott’s failed policies that started when he was Governor,” claimed Debbie Mucarsel-Powell during an appearance on The Sasha View.

It is debatable whether Florida has the “highest level of inflation” in the United States. Moody’s Analytics claims Florida has the fifth highest inflation rate, behind California, Alabama, Washington, and Tennessee.

“More people moving in has put a lot of upward pressure on house prices, for example,” said Moody’s regional economist Adam Kamins to Fox 13 in Tampa. “That upward pressure exists everywhere, but it’s been significantly stronger in Florida.”

Of course, the recent wave of in-migration happened under the watch of Gov. Ron DeSantis, with people moving to Florida amid stricter COVID-19 restrictions in other states.

Mucarsel-Powell has pledged, if elected to the Senate, to lower costs for Florida families.

Among the policy solutions are some that may seem unusual in a Senate race, including a vow to combat the “corporate consolidation of big grocery chains,” following in the footsteps of Senators opposed to a proposed merger between Kroger and Albertsons.

The Democrat also promised to fight “shrinkflation” and pricing schemes from “big oil,” while working to cap drug costs, as well as looking to increase renter protections and to fight hedge funds as they continue to create competition for individual buyers in the home market.

In a response to Mucarsel-Powell’s claims, Scott’s Senate office notes that he has been warning about the impacts of inflation for years, arguing since 2019 that escalating consumer costs are tied to the national debt.

A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has written for since 2014. He is based in Northeast Florida. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • U. Dunnet

    June 1, 2024 at 7:14 am

    “Debbie Mucarsel-Powell blames Rick Scott for Florida inflation rate”

    What’s next: a Republican trying to pin Florida crime problems on the late Bob Graham?

    • Ocean Joe

      June 1, 2024 at 10:48 am

      The incessant desire of Republicans to bring more people here definitely contributed to housing supply issues, and in turn can be credited with helping to drive housing costs up. Supply and demand. Not sure why so many folks think packing the state with more people is such a great plan. Will disagree with the author, this press for development started under Jeb! and has continued ever since.

      • Karen B

        June 1, 2024 at 12:52 pm

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  • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

    June 1, 2024 at 7:41 am

    Desperate Democrats trying anything to get out from under the “Gianormous Red Wave”.
    America knows the 08iden Sad-Ministration is 100% responsable for the crippeling inflation.
    America laughs at Debbie:
    HA HA HA ….. HA HA HA,

    • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

      June 1, 2024 at 7:42 am

      “[FKA EARL]

      • Speedy y SloPoke

        June 1, 2024 at 7:57 am

        Senior Elvis, my Cousin SloPoke, says its pure genius on your part to keep on reminding your many fans, both on the right and left sides of the isle, that you transitioned from The World Famous Earl to the even more Beloved Elvis.
        SloPoke says nobody ever tires of hearing about your “Transition To Elvis”.
        So, Senior Elvis, keep on reminding your Beloved Fans of your Successfull “TRANSITION: Again ….. and Again ….. and Again as nobody ever gets tired of being reminded. Pure Genius Senior Elvis Indeed.
        Speedy (for his Cousin SloPoke Gonzalez). SG

  • Ocean Joe

    June 1, 2024 at 10:43 am

    Face it, Debbie. Red Florida loves scoundrels and thieves. You’re just not dirty enough.

  • Richard D

    June 1, 2024 at 2:50 pm

    Hedge funds, such as Blackstone and a division of BlackRock, are buying houses and thereby driving up house prices beyond what ordinary people can afford, faster than wages. Stimulus money created by the Federal Reserve goes into bank reserves and, from there, hedge funds borrow it and are thus able to pay high prices for houses, many of which they turn into rentals. Legislators could do something to stop this practice and let the free market determine house prices. Currently, due to the presence of hedge funds, house prices are no longer determined by a legitimate market driven by workers and their wages.

  • Richard D

    June 1, 2024 at 2:59 pm

    About the corporate consolidation of super market chains, that is being helped along by local zoning laws which seem to require placing competing supermarkets in close proximity to each other (“clustering”), often only a few blocks apart. For example, in my area, there was a Winn-Dixie directly across the road from a Publix. The Winn-Dixie finally went out of business, leaving the Publix as the only supermarket for that neighborhood. For most neighborhoods in my area, there is no supermarket close by.

  • Johnny kaye

    June 3, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    When inflation in Florida is running at about 3.6%
    How do you argue that with a republican” friend”
    Who insists it’s closer to 10-15%
    Gotta get them off the trump collage!!

  • Johnny kaye

    June 3, 2024 at 6:46 pm

    That was supposed to read ‘Coolade’

Comments are closed.


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