Another day brings another Ron DeSantis denunciation of the Democratic candidate for Vice President, Tim Walz of Minnesota.
“This whole shtick is contradicted by the record,” DeSantis said at “The Gathering,” a conservative event in Georgia.
“He will give this stump speech and he says, you know, ‘Our neighbors can do what they want. It’s none of your damn business,'” DeSantis said. “This from the guy that set up a COVID snitch line, imploring Minnesotans to tattletale on their neighbors for leaving their house to walk the dog or go out and shoot hoops.”
The Governor called that a “total abuse of government power,” before moving on to note that Walz “used Minnesota tax dollars to put tampons in the boys’ bathrooms throughout the schools in Minnesota.”
“Are you kidding me? And then he talks about trying to say he’s like, ‘I just, I want people to be able to make your own health care decisions.’ Fine. Yeah, I agree. But he’s the one that mandated the experimental COVID mRNA shot. There was a lot of people that didn’t want that and he forced that on the state employees.”
DeSantis has not been shy in trying to define Walz for “government overreach” and for a lack of authenticity, calling him a “shyster” earlier this week.
During his appearance on Friday, he offered other thoughts on the presidential race as well, including suggesting Democrats and media allies are propping up Kamala Harris.
“They are manufacturing this candidacy out of whole cloth. They are creating, trying to create this excitement and look, the thing is, is sometimes that can create excitement, sometimes it can create momentum. And so this is all manufactured,” DeSantis said, before channeling Gertrude Stein’s comments on her native Pittsburgh to denounce the Democratic nominee.
“There’s no there there with Kamala, she doesn’t answer questions for good reasons because you know, she’ll talk about the passage of time and being unburdened by, I mean, it’s just nonsense.
M. Mouse
August 9, 2024 at 12:46 pm
DeSantis is such a sad little man. Squeak!
FC1(SW) Glen Cook usn ret
August 12, 2024 at 10:45 pm
I will always trust a SEAL over a Wannbe who deserts before a deployment and can not keep his story straight.
August 9, 2024 at 1:14 pm
Walz “used Minnesota tax dollars to put tampons in the boys’ bathrooms throughout the schools in Minnesota.”
Googled this fatuity by Dee and nothing comes up but the quote in this column.
Talk about creating something from whole cloth.
August 9, 2024 at 2:05 pm
Yeah, it took me like 2 minutes tops to find that the law did not require tampons in boys bathrooms but allowed schools/school districts the FREEDOM to supply them in boys bathrooms if they thought there was a reason to.
And it took me like another 5 minutes to find that the ‘snitch hotline’ resulted in the vast majority of cases, people were given a warning, many of whom didn’t even really know what the dangers could be. He was using it as a way to educate people with the sincere belief that it (wearing masks) would save their lives. He was quoted in an article at the time as saying ” ‘Please, just wear the mask so you live long enough to vote against me,'”
One Herman Cain might have wanted to listen to that advice so that he could have voted for Trump in 2020.
DeSantis is just trying to sling mud, probably trying to ingratiate himself back into relevance in the Republican party.
August 9, 2024 at 7:50 pm
Maybe you could use soon
August 9, 2024 at 1:39 pm
Shyster? Shtick? Snitch? Stump Speech? Is it just me, or is our erudite gov stuck on the “S’s”? Yikes! I know for an Ivy League grad, Ronnie’s discourse does seem suspiciously lower level… but Egads, Dude, move on down the road and alphabet..
Michael K
August 9, 2024 at 4:15 pm
Lying. It’s evidently a Republican requirement these days. And poor Ron. He can’t stand to see someone like Walz build success on kindness and decency.
Michael K
August 9, 2024 at 4:40 pm
Poor Ron. He just can’t stand to see happy people and a positive joyous vibe.
All that Ron has to peddle is personal destruction, bitterness and fear. That old schtick is past the expiration date.
tom palmer
August 9, 2024 at 5:46 pm
Gov. Troll strike again.
August 10, 2024 at 7:27 am
DeSantes is such a pathetic little man..
When they resort to such blatant lies that can be debunked with a simple google search, you know they are running scared.
Unfortunately, Google searches seem to be beyond the capabilities of MAGAs
Tramp Poop Pants
August 10, 2024 at 7:41 am
Rona could learn alot from Tim about governance with compassion. Instead, Rona fabricates lies and uses harsh names to inject himself into the Presidential race. You know, the object of his obsession- being President. He just doesn’t get it even after wasting $150 Million on his failed run. Now he’s just a cheerleader for a felon, who poops himself. Seems like becoming a pathological liar is GOP requirement. In my view, Rona should put on his cute white rubber boots and start filling sandbags because the cyclones are coming!
August 10, 2024 at 7:58 am
Can someone remind DeSantis that the maximum unemployment benefit in Minnesota is $890 a week. Florida’s maximum is $275. DeSantis is good with that. He was also good with people dying by the truckload in Florida during covid because of his bullshit freedom policies. He refused to sign an executive order to help people who lost their jobs. The employment website was an utter disaster and some were forced to go pennyless for months. DeSantis is a selfish conniving little torp. F him.
August 10, 2024 at 7:59 am
Desantis also blocked a federal benefit for people who could not find suitable employment. He expected 60 somethings to go get jobs at McDonald’s despite health ailments and the risks involved with exposure to the deadly pandemic.
Richard Kszystyniak
August 10, 2024 at 11:55 am
Mo-Ron is such a pathetic, impotent little weasel! He and his opinions have never been less relevant than they are today. Have the common decency to simply be quiet and go away! Are you auditioning to be the next Steven Miller?
August 10, 2024 at 12:38 pm
Isn’t Steven Miller the author of family separations as the solution to record numbers of asylum seekers?
Perhaps Dee could take charge of deporting some 11+ million folks if DJT is elected?
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