Did striking dock workers get back to work because they knew Ron DeSantis wouldn’t back down from their demands?
The Governor isn’t saying no, telling a friendly radio show host that he used his “megaphone” to effectuate desired results when it came to the recent work stoppage from the International Longshoremen’s Association.
“I knew we would be able to get this stuff resumed,” Florida’s Chief Executive said Friday.
When Dana Loesch suggested that a “lot of people are giving (the Florida Governor) a lot of credit for bringing that to a close or at least bringing them back to the negotiating table,” DeSantis said he used his “megaphone” to sound the alarm that his state wouldn’t tolerate the short-lived strike by the folks at the ports.
“I think I was the first major elected official to actually lean in on it in a way that benefited the public. I think a lot of other people have been kind of tiptoeing around it. A lot of people were justifying what was happening. And I’m just thinking to myself that is not in the best interest of Florida or this country,” DeSantis recounted Friday.
Among his actions announced just hours before the ILA got back to work: deploying the Florida National Guard and Florida State Guard “to critical ports affected to maintain order and, if possible, resume operations which would otherwise be shut down during this interruption.”
While Floridians never got to see the spectacle of DeSantis’ armed forces working to “ensure order” against organized labor, he alluded to a “lot of other moving parts behind the scenes” Floridians never got to see come to fruition.
It was “crunch,” he added, for storm recovery, given the “inordinate amount of supplies compared to what you would normally use in a given area.”
“So this stuff can get backed up under the best of circumstances. Just imagine if you stop bringing in the key materials that we need to make all this happen, it would have been a total disaster,” DeSantis added.
The Governor said he was “confident we would be able to mitigate with what I had done” and “even more confident just the optics of this to have people suffering and basically be told that you’re just S.O.L. that this was not going to be something that was sustainable.”
Bobblehead Kammy
October 5, 2024 at 8:45 am
That’s leadership and we are lucky to have him. Standing by for the Andrew Gillum zombie force to take their shots at him.
A Day without Republican delusional
October 5, 2024 at 9:48 am
These workers do not know who he is,you cross a longshoreman people line,like he can stop this Hurricane from coming to Florida Thursday
Tropical Storm Milton
October 5, 2024 at 10:37 am
Who.has seen the Winds Google NHC
Frankie M.
October 5, 2024 at 3:05 pm
I’m sure those dockworkers were shaking in their little white rubber boots after Ronnie threatened to sick the FNG on them. He’s a legend in his own mind. Just ask him. He’ll tell you.
October 5, 2024 at 10:43 am
“That’s leadership.” No, that’s bullshit. And you are spooning it into your mouth as fast as you can. Breakfast of Chumpians.
Cheesy Floridian
October 5, 2024 at 10:43 am
He did nothing let’s be honest.
John P
October 5, 2024 at 6:41 pm
Buttigieg is the one that both sides called in to mediate the agreement. He spent hours with both sides hammering out a deal. That is how effective leaders operate. DeSantis did nothing but pound his chest like the blowhard he is. That is not an effective leader, that’s a clown.
October 6, 2024 at 10:20 am
Heard Mayor Pete online interview recently and, as always, he is capable of being both partisan and non-partisan.
The main thing is: He recognizes that all points of view should be aired before important decisions are made by elected officials.
This was the key to avoiding a crippling docks strike.
Billy Rotberg
October 5, 2024 at 9:14 am
It wasn’t Biden. He was too busy eating ice cream and looking for kids to sniff.
Michael K
October 5, 2024 at 9:42 am
It was President Biden and his administration that worked behind the scenes to reach an agreement, as widely reported in Politico, WaPo and other sources. The administration has been working on this issue for months – long before DeSantis saw a political opportunity.
Bobblehead Kammy
October 5, 2024 at 10:35 am
Maybe the !Biden administration but not Joe himself. He is soooooo far gone now.
Tropical Storm Milton
October 5, 2024 at 10:39 am
Only a man with Homo Erotic wet dream, could support Trump
October 5, 2024 at 10:44 am
You’re pretty far gone yourself, TrumpSucker.
October 6, 2024 at 10:22 am
Yeah, may be time for an intervention, that is, if anyone cared. Perhaps some of their “many female friends” we keep hearing about?
Ocean Joe
October 5, 2024 at 9:56 am
A laughably big stretch for the “wildly popular” Iowa Rocket.
His megaphone doesn’t seem to be working on Amendments 3 and 4 either.
Cheesy Floridian
October 5, 2024 at 10:44 am
Thank goodness i hope they pass with flying colors and we can laugh in his face and shove real freedom down his throat
October 5, 2024 at 10:34 am
Dee should get a bit part in the next Ghostbusters movie sequel — plus he’ll work for less than union wage.
Silly Wabbit
October 5, 2024 at 10:45 am
He kwazy.
Rhonda, you’re fired!
October 5, 2024 at 11:22 am
Rhonda did nothing, she’s a flea on the national dogs ballsack. That’s all she’s ever been and all she’ll ever be. A loser at a presidential race and now a loser at the GOP and Florida governor. Watch November when Florida slips to blue and 2025 when senate president Passidomo shuts him up. You’re done!
Victoria Olson
October 5, 2024 at 1:03 pm
As usual DeSatan did nothing to change anything. UNIONS, as a Union member I know how much we despise him what how he’s tried to destroy unions.
Tr me nothing he said or did would make any influences to the decision. He always tried to make himself the “big, little man” as he has a Napoleon complex to take credit the little NAZI.
John P
October 5, 2024 at 6:35 pm
I, for one, was looking forward to seeing Ronny’s brownshirts climbing up those ladders into the crane cabs and hopping around on containers to secure them for removal. That would have been hilarious. DeSantis did nothing. The Biden Administration was working hard to get some resolution here and they succeeded.
Ed Maurer
October 5, 2024 at 9:28 pm
Jack Jericho
October 6, 2024 at 8:27 am
The balls on these port workers. I’m glad they threatened to have our military step in and run our ports. Those ports belong to us Americans and the show will go on.
Sgt Slaughter
October 6, 2024 at 8:32 am
The people on here commenting have no clue about our military capabilities. We have engineers that build billion dollars machines. You truly believe we don’t know how to operate cranes on ports??? Hahhaa comical. I would have gladly stepped in to keep our ports open. I would have done it for free. God bless America 🇺🇸
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