Florida’s 1st Congressional District remains Florida’s most ruby red district, providing U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz a reliable voter base. But Democratic challenger Gay Valimont said voters of all political stripes have reason to toss the four-term incumbent.
Marred by controversy and scandal while frequently irritating even Republican leaders in the House, Valimont said it’s a matter of time before someone shows Gaetz the door out of the U.S. House. It may as well be his voters.
“If he wins, watch for him to be expelled in November or December sparking a Special Election,” Valimont said. “We are also prepared for that.”
Gaetz remains under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, whose leaders in June said they were looking into accusations of sexual misconduct, drug use and the potential granting of favors to romantic interests.
But Gaetz has been under scrutiny for personal accusations for a long time. Last year, federal prosecutors informed he would face no criminal charges related to a two-year sex trafficking investigation stemming from a probe of former Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg’s litany of crimes. He scoffs at Valimont’s prediction of his professional doom.
“It’s quite the historic prediction,” he said. “Congress has only expelled two groups of people in American history: those who have been charged with crimes, and those who joined the confederacy during the civil war. I’m in neither group.”
Asked why voters should retain him for a fifth term in Washington, his reply was to the point: “I fight for them.”
A Niceville High School graduate, and the son of former Florida Senate President Don Gaetz, he has a long history of advocating for the region. He served in the Florida House before his 2016 election to Congress. In Washington, he helped this year to secure $240 million in the House budget for military operations in the Panhandle, along with $191 million for new Defense Department construction.
Elected to Congress the same year Donald Trump won the presidency, Gaetz quickly forged a relationship with the Republican leader, something he said will pay dividends if Trump wins a second term in the White House on Nov. 5.
But Valimont sees Gaetz chasing cameras more often than advocating for constituents. And cable news may be the only chance voters get to see him. Valimont said he seems content to campaign for Trump and avoid local questions on his record.
“He is not even in the state to ask constituents for their vote. He has been silent by Gaetz standards,” Valimont said.
“He either thinks he’s so safe that he doesn’t have to campaign, taking voters for granted, or he knows if he comes home he will have to answer questions about the sworn testimony in his sex scandal. I have been on the ground talking to voters for 15 months, so it’s not going to be a landslide win, maybe the biggest upset in the country. I’m asking voters to vote for common sense, not nonsense.”
Valimont, a gun violence prevention activist with Moms Demand Action, has been politically involved for years. She recently lost both her husband and son to health issues and was a prime caretaker for each. She now hopes to serve the district in the U.S. House.
Of note, another explanation why Gaetz isn’t heavily campaigning in the district could also be the relative safety of his seat. As of Oct. 11, Republicans registered in the district outnumber Democrats by more than 184,000 votes. As of the end of September, Gaetz reported $735,000 in cash on hand, while Valimont had less than $65,000.
Perhaps because of Gaetz’s notoriety, she has been able to raise more than $1.4 million over the course of the campaign, compared to the incumbent’s $6.4 million.
Much of Gaetz’s war chest went into defeating a Republican Primary opponent, Aaron Dimmock, who had been vetted by former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Gaetz in 2023 led an ouster of McCarthy as Speaker, marking the first time the House has removed a presiding officer in U.S. history. While that prompted wide anger within the House Republican caucus, Gaetz won his Primary at home with more than 71% of the vote.
Gaetz also notably has tried to clean up his act publicly in recent years. After the Greenberg scandal threatened his career in 2021, Gaetz married Ginger Luckey. He’s now rumored as a candidate for Governor.
But he has previously shot down speculation about 2026, and said he’s focused instead on his work in the House.
I Am Garbage
October 31, 2024 at 10:38 am
What happened to the phony scientist? I guess she is doing Only Fans now. By the way Gaetz is a loud mouth punk. At one point I thought he was a rising star, but like Wasserman-Schultz he needs to stay in the safety of his district.
October 31, 2024 at 10:08 pm
She works for the federal government now.
As a scientist.
October 31, 2024 at 11:01 am
MAGA Republicans are a national embarrassment and an international disgrace. Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump present a horrible role model example for America’s youth.
Republicans are America’s worst enemy.
Vote all Republicans out of office!
I Am Garbage
October 31, 2024 at 11:27 am
The difference between me and you Peter H is that I can criticize Republican politicians but you will never ever criticize a Democrat no matter what.
October 31, 2024 at 11:10 am
Matt Gaetz is a national treasure. And I thank the LORD for him, his parents, and his spouse. Bless them LORD. Bless the LORD. And GOD BLESS Donald Trump. MORE LORD. MORE LORD.
If you don’t have a personal relationship with YESHUA the CHRIST, also known as CHRIST JESUS, you can. Repeat after me, “FATHER GOD, thank you for sending your SON, who died for my sins, so that I could be born again, and was raised from the dead, so that I could inherit eternal life. PRAISE YeHoVaH, the FATHER, HE is a live! JESUS is alive. And thank you for the down payment of HOLY SPIRIT.
HOLY GHOST! COME! Thankful and grateful. Amen!
Terry Bjorling
October 31, 2024 at 4:02 pm
Do you actually believe that Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump are Christ-like?
Donald Trump
November 4, 2024 at 5:03 pm
You truly are deranged and should be incarcerated for life in a mental institution
John j.
October 31, 2024 at 10:07 pm
They had the chance to elect a real hero and American treasure last time with Rebekah Jones. Maybe some places just can’t be saved
November 4, 2024 at 3:53 pm
Beyond sick to death of Gaetz. Way to long. He needs to go.
It's Complicated
November 5, 2024 at 3:56 pm
A Republican losing FL-1 is as close to be statistically impossible as it gets. Trump won the district by 32% in 2020.
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