If it were a boxing match, the white towel would have been thrown before the first bell.
The University of South Florida’s (USF) Institute for Public Policy & Leadership hosted an Amendment 3 forum this week pitting Sen. Joe Gruters against former Sarasota political operative turned blogger Jamie Miller, who was there representing the opposition, although its important to note that Miller is not affiliated with the official No on 3 campaign.
To say it was a massacre would be an understatement.
Amendment 3 is one of the biggest items on this year’s ballot. The initiative would legalize recreational pot for adults, building on Floridians’ decision in 2016 to legalize medical marijuana.
And in an era where political polarization is as high as ever, legalizing recreational pot is one rare area of agreement between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.
The bipartisan support goes deeper as well. Enter Gruters, a Sarasota Republican who has become one of the most effective messengers for the recreational marijuana amendment. During the USF event, Gruters took Miller to the woodshed spewing a litany of statistics while dispelling misinformation coming out of the Governor’s Office that no Floridians go to prison for consuming or possessing marijuana.
The Tampa Bay Times recently reported that in 2022 prosecutors in Florida filed more than 16,000 charges against people for possession of small amounts of pot. “The lies being spewed about the amendment are just a few of the reasons people hate politics and politicians,” Gruters said.
Miller, on the other hand, fumbled and bumbled his way through the forum reading off prepared notes while offering little pushback to Gruters’ missives.
In one particularly embarrassing moment, Miller started reading the Amendment 3 text regarding liability protections not realizing it was the identical language used in 2016, when over 70% of Floridians voted to legalize medical marijuana.
Gruters started laughing and couldn’t help but toy with Miller, saying, “Thank you for reading that and here’s the drumline for the conclusion, that same language is already in the Constitution with the amendment that we passed eight years ago.”
Gruters, a close ally to Trump and a leading contender to be the state’s next Chief Financial Officer, has been all over the airwaves in recent weeks in support of Amendment 3. That comes as opponents to the measure, including Gov. Ron DeSantis and his allies, have gone on the offensive to undercut support for Amendment 3.
But like Miller, a lot of the opposition has relied on fearmongering or outright falsities to try and spook the public off supporting the measure.
A spate of recent polls, however, have shown the initiative right at or above the 60% support needed to pass come Tuesday, and with some additional undecided voters still weighing whether to vote “yes.”
And nationwide, support has grown sharply over recent decades, with a clear majority believing marijuana, like alcohol, should be legal for consenting adults.
That makes it crystal clear that the public is open to Florida’s pro-legalization pitch. And with strong messengers like Gruters helping to make the case, it gives the pro-Amendment 3 side the ability to close out this campaign on a high note.
Trump Will Put Ladapo in Charge of the CDC
November 2, 2024 at 12:45 pm
It should pass, and then the GOP legislature will come up with a series of restrictions to nullify it.
While Gruters was on the stage he should have reminded his Republican voters how Rick Scott redesigned Florida’s unemployment compensation fund to fail. If I recall, Gruter’s own mother was one of the unsuspecting victims, at least that’s what he claimed at the time.
Teresa cadolino
November 3, 2024 at 12:44 pm
I homestead in New York but spend my winters in south Florida.
I’m tell ALL Floridian to vote NO on amendment #3. If you like the smell of marijana filling the air you breathe every day and EVERY WHERE in your neighborhood and community that’s what you’ll have. And people driving and puffing that stench even when they drive. Let me tell you it’s absolutely horrible! You can’t even escape it by closing your windows at least alcohol drinking doesn’t invade your privacy. I’m telling you to think twice about voting yes on amendment #3 because once it’s passed you’ll be living in a stench you can’t escape!!!!
November 4, 2024 at 11:17 am
Somebody needs to change Teresa’s diaper.
November 4, 2024 at 3:14 pm
As a Michigan resident who loves to visit Florida, please don’t legalize pot. It is everywhere here. You smell it riding down the roads, the parks and it only helps the company’s that profit from it and ruin the quality of life for everyone else!
November 4, 2024 at 6:01 pm
Totally AGREE!! It’s a stench you’ll NEVER ESCAPE!!
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