Older people are often neglected in their twilight years, and Florida’s senior Senator sees a federal role in making sure they aren’t.
Sen. Rick Scott is reintroducing the Social Engagement and Network Initiatives for Older Relief (SENIOR) Act.
The legislation would add “loneliness” to the definition of “disease prevention and health promotion services” under the Older Americans Act, which would create pathways for socialization programs to counter isolation.
Additionally, Scott’s bill would compel Robert Kennedy, if confirmed as the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to dig into the impact of loneliness and draw up recommendations for solutions, with an eye on how “multigenerational family units” help.
“Florida is blessed to have a wonderful senior population, and in my state and across the nation, seniors contribute greatly when given opportunities to be active members in their communities. Combating the feeling of isolation and loneliness for our aging community has endless benefits – from better mental and physical health to stronger, multigenerational relationships with families and communities. As Chairman of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, I’m proud to lead this bill and fight to better support American seniors,” Scott said Friday.
Scott’s bill is supported by the Foundation for Social Connection’s Action Network.
Ocean Joe
February 8, 2025 at 9:53 am
This explains the cuts to funding for Meals on Wheels. It may force a few seniors who are mobile to get out of the house more. Thanks, Ricky.
Listen, empathy has no place in the Republican party, as proven again and again and again. Stay in your lane. You’re on the wrong committee.
Sunny days
February 8, 2025 at 9:59 am
Predators in isolation wouldn’t trust it..
February 8, 2025 at 10:09 am
Trick is practicing his argument for getting Gaza residents to leave — after which he’ll obligingly lock the doors against their return.
Larry Gillis, Libertarian (Cape Coral)
February 8, 2025 at 10:28 am
How is this a legitimate concern of any Government, least of all the Feds? As “conservatives” go, Senator Scott has a long way to go.
Vote Libertarian.
February 8, 2025 at 12:17 pm
Rick must be lonely……
February 8, 2025 at 5:57 pm
I’ve heard that’s how it is at the top.
February 8, 2025 at 12:19 pm
Such a VP- Vote Panderer, although I’m confused about which group of voters this appeals to?
MUSKadonians? Not in my backyard MAGAdonians?
If it’s not the Navy hat symbol, it’s the push to move Grandma out of that expensive Medicare nursing home and into a multigenerational family unit- make over that garage. Just stop VP!
Dennis Andrew Ball
February 8, 2025 at 1:44 pm
Senator Scott need not look any further than the outrageous behavior by the mass incarceration of the Nations Guardianship Courts. Probate is not only a license to steal by 3rd party guardian appointments but also separation of loved ones of the elderly, particularly females. There are estimated more than 6,000,000 Seniors locked up in Nursing homes bring exploited by lawyers and probate judges commissioners just in the United States particularly Florida Arizona Texas New York Illinois.
Dennis Andrew Ball
February 8, 2025 at 1:46 pm
Senator Scott need not look any further than the outrageous behavior by the mass incarceration of the Nations Guardianship Courts. Probate is not only a license to steal by 3rd party guardian appointments but also separation of loved ones of the elderly, particularly females. There are estimated more than 6,000,000 Seniors locked up in Nursing homes bring exploited by lawyers and probate judges commissioners just in the United States particularly Florida Arizona Texas New York Illinois. VOTE AOA-ANC.org
February 9, 2025 at 11:07 am
Mr. Ball has created his very own political party — Americans of America party: http://www.aoa-anc.org/about-1.html
Patricia Vail
February 18, 2025 at 8:41 am
As a member of the Duval County Council on Elder Affairs, I am curious to see just what the Senator has in mind. As a senior myself, I can confirm the issue is real. We have a variety of attempted solutions including senior centers where meals and activities occur M-F. And at least in Duval I can vouch for the quality of the meals. The problem I see is communicating availability of programs to seniors and their families regularly as new folks join our age group. Aging True and ElderSource are both terrific advocates with great programs. But again, how do we let folks know? Possible partnership with local TV stations for routine, regular free advertising perhaps?
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