- Adams Street
- Anitere Flores
- Ben Albritton
- Bill Galvano
- Carlos Trujillo
- Elizabeth Porter
- Frank Artiles
- GOP House fundraising
- Governance House
- Governor;s Club
- House Majority 2016
- Jack Latvala
- Jeanette Nunez
- Joe Negron
- Larry Metz
- Lizbeth Benacquisto
- Manny Diaz Jr.
- Mike Bileca
- Paul Renner
- Republican Party of Florida
- Senate Majority 2016

The start of the 2016 Legislative Session means a cessation of political fundraising – sitting lawmakers are barred from ginning up cash while they legislate.
But session begins Tuesday, so the Monday before is the usual orgy of tippling, grip-and-grinning and check writing.
House Majority 2016, Senate Majority 2016 and others sent out emails last week detailing the various events, subject to change and cancellation. All locations are in Tallahassee:
- Heather Fitzenhagen, Holly Raschein: 11 a.m. at The Tennyson, Unit 5007, 121 N. Monroe St.
- Kathleen Peters: 11:30 a.m. at 113 E. College Avenue, 3rd floor.
- Ben Albritton, Larry Metz, Elizabeth Porter: 12 noon at the Governors Club, 202 S. Adams St. (on the corner of College Avenue).
- Jamie Grant: 4:30 p.m. at the Governors Club.
- Alan Williams, a Tallahassee Democrat who is term-limited as state representative, is having a fundraiser for his run for Leon County Supervisor of Elections, 4:30 p.m. at the Governors Club.
- Paul Renner: 5 p.m. at the Governors Club.
- Colleen Burton, Bob Cortes, Fred Costello, Eric Eisnuagle, Julio Gonzalez, Mike Miller, Mike La Rosa, Scott Plakon, Rene Plasencia: 5:30 p.m. at the Governors Club.
- Also at 5:30 p.m., Senate Majority 2016 is hosting a “Welcome Back Reception” in the downtown Doubletree Hotel ballroom, 101 S. Adams St. (on the corner of Park Avenue). Senate President Andy Gardiner, President-designate Joe Negron, Majority Leader Bill Galvano and Sens. Lizbeth Benacquisto, Anitere Flores and Jack Latvala are the headliners.
- Frank Artiles, Bryan Avila, Mike Bileca, Manny Diaz Jr., Jeanette Nunez, Jose Oliva, Ray Rodrigues, Carlos Trujillo: 7 p.m. at the Governance House, 510 N. Adams St.