Approximately 100 Florida lawmakers and A-list insiders attended a briefing Tuesday morning in Tallahassee designed to ‘bring the Florida family together’ in support of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio‘s White House bid.
Held at the Governors Club, just blocks away from Florida’s Capitol, the organization meeting’s purpose was to update Rubio supporters on specific ways they can help Rubio in the run-up to Florida’s primary on March 15.
According to those in attendance, the briefing was led by former House Majority Leader Adam Hasner, who is Co-Chairman of Rubio’s Florida effort. Longtime Rubio adviser Todd Reid gave a presentation outlining the victory plan, while lobbyist Nick Iarossi presented a finance plan.
Iarossi said the campaign is in a great financial position and has plenty of money to get through Super Tuesday but also said it’s a “three-man race” and the campaign needs additional resources to “take it to the next level to get Marco’s message out.”
Iarossi announced a list of statewide fundraising events that will be made public in the coming days.
Several legislators attended the meeting, including Senators Rene Garcia, Garrett Richter, David Simmons, Kelli Stargel, as well as “Day 1” state Reps. Jeanette Nuzez and Matt Caldwell. Also in attendance were Reps. Dana Young, Manny Diaz, Mike Miller, Scott Plakon, Pat Rooney, and Jennifer Sullivan.
As previously reported, several Florida lawmakers plan to publicly endorse Rubio today, while several more plan to do so later this week as their schedule permits.