Neal Dunn, a Republican candidate in Florida Congressional District 2, launched a new television spot across North Florida on July 4.
In keeping with the values of North Florida Republicans, Dunn pledges to fight for and protect our Constitution in Congress, while defending our Second Amendment rights.
The narrative of the 30-second spot revolves around a historic musket.
“This musket, surrendered at Yorktown to General George Washington, has been in our family for generations,” said Dunn in the ad. “It’s one of my most prized possessions. When I get to Congress, I’ll hang that gun in my office as a constant reminder of the freedoms our founding fathers embedded into our Constitution. Like you, I’m fed up. And, I’ve decided to do something about it.”
Dunn, a urological surgeon from Panama City, has been the most aggressive CD 2 candidate on television thus far.
In May, Dunn released an ad in which he called Obamacare “a total disaster,” adding that as a surgeon, he knows “what works in our health care system and what doesn’t.”
CD 2 extends from Bay County, in the western part of the district, out to the Big Bend, to southeast of Tallahassee.
Dunn faces two Republican opponents, former United States Attorney Ken Sukhia and former Scott administration attorney Mary Thomas, in the Aug. 30 primary.
One comment
July 6, 2016 at 4:14 pm
Marxists and Islamists who infect our federal government plus the media prostitutes who protect them will gleefully lie, falsify, fabricate, slander, libel, deceive, delude, bribe, and treasonably betray the free citizens of the United States into becoming an unarmed population. Unarmed populations have been treated as slaves and chattel since the dawn of history.
The Second Amendment foes lying about gun control – Firearms are our constitutionally mandated safeguard against tyranny by a powerful federal government.
Only dictators, tyrants, despots, totalitarians, and those who want to control and ultimately to enslave you support gun control.
No matter what any president, senator, congressman, or hard-left mainstream media hookers tell you concerning the statist utopian fantasy of safety and security through further gun control: They are lying. If their lips are moving, they are lying about gun control. These despots truly hate America..
These tyrants hate freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, and private property. But the reality is that our citizens’ ownership of firearms serves as a concrete deterrent against despotism. They are demanding to hold the absolute power of life and death over you and your family. Ask the six million Jews, and the other five million murdered martyrs who perished in the Nazi death camps, how being disarmed by a powerful tyranny ended any chances of fighting back. Ask the murdered martyrs of the Warsaw Ghetto about gun control.
Their single agenda is to control you after you are disarmed. When the people who want to control you hold the absolute power of life and death over your family, you have been enslaved.
Will we stand our ground, maintaining our constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights, fighting those who would enslave us?
American Thinker
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