When it comes to House District 16 Republican Dick Kravitz and the NRA, Kravitz must feel he’s being graded on a curve.
Kravitz posted a flyer to his Facebook page touting an A-plus rating earlier Wednesday.
The trouble is, the National Rifle Association didn’t give him an A-plus this year.
And double trouble: Kravitz has already been called out on this deception, and persists in misrepresenting the NRA position.
Consider what Peter Schorsch wrote earlier this month.
“Dick Kravitz DOES NOT have an A+ rating from NRA,” wrote Marion Hammer, past NRA president and executive director of Unified Sportsmen of Florida.
Candidate ratings are posted on NRA’s website; and Kravitz was provided with a link to his A rating.
More from Hammer: “No responsible candidate would claim a grade without first checking to find out his grade … One can only assume that Mr. Kravitz is deliberately misrepresenting his NRA rating.”
Kravitz’s mendacity is especially ironic given his grandstanding Facebook post on probity earlier this week.
Kravitz leads off with CAPSLOCK, to let you know that either he’s serious or having vision problems.
Kravitz uncharitably refers to the political consultants of his opponent, Jason Fischer, as “political assassins,” before attempting to cloud the issue about the fraudulent flyer.
“I ALSO HAVE BEEN A or A+ rated and ENDORSED BY THE NRA 3 TIMES! ALL NRA MEMBERS CAN LOOK THIS UP THEMSELVES … 2002, 2004, 2006, 2016,” Kravitz wrote, apparently believing that there is no difference between an A and an A Plus.
Fischer is endorsed by the NRA, not Kravitz, which raises questions as to why he continues to tout an NRA rating that, at the very least, Kravitz no longer has.
One comment
Karen Olson
August 18, 2016 at 3:24 pm
If Both Kravitz and Fisher have an A rating why does Fisher have the NRA endorsement with no voting record or previous history with the NRA?
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