The depressing denouement of the political career of former HD 13 Rep. Reggie Fullwood got even sadder this week, as his driver’s license was suspended.
On Aug. 25, days before the primary election, Fullwood received a ticket for running a red light. Fullwood failed to pay the $262 ticket, and 60 days after the infraction, his license was suspended. called Fullwood Wednesday morning to get his take on the situation, but he did not answer the phone or return the call before this post was published.
An unpaid traffic ticket and a suspended driver’s license, sadly, comprise the least of Fullwood’s troubles.
On Friday, federal prosecutors filed a motion to collect “$60,552.80 … the amount of proceeds he obtained as a result of the offense to which he plead guilty.”
In the plea deal struck in late September in his fraud case involving the Jacksonville Democrat using campaign funds for personal expenses, Fullwood agreed to the forfeiture money judgement.
“Because the United States could not locate specific property constituting or derived from the proceeds the defendant obtained as a result of the scheme to defraud (wire fraud),” prosecutors contend, “it seeks a forfeiture money judgment in the amount of $60,552.80 against the defendant.”
Fullwood had spent the money on personal expenses.
In striking his plea deal, Fulwood resigned from the state House and abandoned his re-election campaign.
Sentencing is still pending.
Meanwhile, there is a race for the open seat in HD 13 now between Republican Mark Griffin and Democrat Tracie Davis, whose slogan is “Vote Reggie Fullwood to Elect Tracie Davis.”