A post-election infographic from the Republican Party of Duval County raises more questions than it resolves about what happened on Election Day.
The most provocative assertion: supporters of Hillary Clinton and, in the two elections before that, Barack Obama, were guilty of “novelty voting.”
Clinton and Obama, centrist and corporatist Democrats by many reckonings, were apparently not supported by nearly half the voters in Duval County for their policy bona fides.
Parenthetically bolstering the “novelty voting” charge: descriptors of Obama as “(1st Black Presidential Candidate)” and Clinton as “(1st female Presidential candidate).”
“Despite the #NeverTrump movement, and the novelty of 1st female [SIC] running for president, we topped our vote for Romney and McCain,” the infographic asserts.
Clinton lost by roughly 6,000 votes in Duval, and the local Republicans claim to have “robbed her of victory,” despite the “Super PACs and Hillary” having “canvassed our conservative voters as never before.”
In the wake of Election Night, many local Democrats saw a silver (or blue) lining in Clinton’s strong showing. However, Duval Republicans are the ones gloating at November’s end.