Though the lion’s share of attention in Tuesday’s leadership races in the Jacksonville City Council has focused on the race for the Presidency between Anna Brosche and John Crescimbeni, the race for the Vice-Presidency is also wide-open … and poised for a Tuesday afternoon decision.
One candidate, Scott Wilson, has two pledges outside of himself: current VP John Crescimbeni and Bill Gulliford.
Wilson’s opponent, Aaron Bowman, has six committed supporters including himself: Jim Love, Matt Schellenberg, Doyle Carter, Sam Newby, and Brosche.
With just nine people out of the 19 person body committed to one candidate or another, there are lots of variables in the mix.
One thing certain as of Monday morning: Wilson intends to stay in the contest.
As he told us outside of Jacksonville City Hall, he still could win the election.
The VP race has been overshadowed by a race for the top job that has proven to be more competitive than Crescimbeni’s early supporters, a cadre of old guard males, wanted.
Yet it is clearly in play. Wilson could win it. Bowman could win it. Or another candidate could be nominated for the role on Tuesday afternoon, potentially forcing multiple votes before a resolution.
It is theoretically possible, for example, that “pack voting” could lead to a floor nomination of a VP hopeful who might start off the discussion with four votes in his or her pocket.
Fans of esoteric infighting and personality clashes, as well as those with an interest in who actually calls the shots in Jacksonville’s City Council, will want to be on hand in Council Chambers at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
New officers take the helm July 1, 2017.