State Rep. Rene Plasencia, a former public school teacher, was appointed by Gov. Rick Scott as one of the state’s board members on the Southern Regional Education Board, a 16-state compact.
“I am a firm believer we need to start reducing some of the high-stakes testing that we offer,” Plasencia told POLITICO Florida. “I want to make sure they are hearing from a conservative voice who believes we’ve probably gone a little too far” in implementing accountability.
Through the board, each state receives core services funded by annual appropriations. States also benefit from targeted programs funded by grants from foundations and agencies. In addition, states, districts or schools may opt to contract for additional services or participate in networks with annual fees.
Plasencia, a Republican representing the Orlando-based House District 50, also is a district relations manager with Florida Virtual School. He sits on the House Education Committee.
He replaces former state Sen. Nancy Detert of Venice on the SREB. His term starts immediately and runs through June 30, 2018.