A Venice-based political committee has launched a website taking aim at former Alex Diaz de la Portilla in the special election to replace former Sen. Frank Artiles in Senate District 40.
Making a Better Tomorrow has launched a new website, called the “Facts about ADLP.” The site, which is available in both English and Spanish, features a filing filled with what it calls “the evidence against Alex Diaz de la Portilla.”
The website includes digital file folders labeled “supporting Obamacare-style programs,” “raising insurance rates,” “hurting our schools,” “raising taxes,” and “a career politician,” among other things. The group calls the information as “staggering evidence of how liberal and completely unfit he is to lead.”
The website is the latest in a series of advertisements from Making a Better Tomorrow going after Diaz de la Portilla in Senate District 40. The group has released a series of mailers, including one this week call out the Miami republican for voting to raise taxes, cut funding to education, and cut funding for senior programs.
Diaz de la Portilla served in the Florida House from 1994 until 2000, when he was elected to serve in the Florida Senate. He served in the Senate until 2010, serving stints as the Majority Leader and Senate President Pro Tempore.
He faces Rep. Jose Felix Diaz and Lorenzo Palomares in the special election to replace Artiles, who resigned earlier this year amid scandal, in Senate District 40. The race for the GOP nomination is expected to be a bitter and expensive battle, with outside groups pouring thousands upon thousands of dollars into the race.
Making a Better Tomorrow has raised more than $289,331 million since 2014, according to state records. The group hasn’t received any donations since February 2017, when it received a single $4,000 contribution. State records show it ended May with $41,923 cash on hand.