Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon will speak in Jacksonville Monday and Tuesday, under the auspices of the World Affairs Council.
Calderon’s Monday 6:45 pm presentation, preceded by a 6:00 pm cocktail reception at Haskell, will be an exclusive address for World Affairs Council donors, on the theme of “What Does Mexico Think?.”
Tuesday evening sees Calderon at the University of North Florida’s Adam Herbert University Center for a 7:00 pm speech, entitled “A Presidential Look at Latin America and Mexico’s Perspective on Hemispheric and Bilateral Relations.”
Calderon has been a fierce critic of President Donald Trump, ensuring that his remarks will be quite lively.
While Trump was running for office, Calderon said that Trump’s “racist” remarks regarding illegal immigrants from Latin America were reminiscent of Adolf Hitler.
Calderon also called President Trump’s proposed border wall “stupid.”