About the breaking Ron Book story.
We don’t know much.
We do know that one of the state’s premier lobbyists — Florida Politics just reported that his was the top-earning governmental affairs firm during the 4th quarter of 2018 — was involved in an auto accident last night.
We know he refused to take a DUI test.
We know someone else was involved in the accident.
We know he was arrested and charged by Florida Highway Patrol officers.
We know car accidents can make people act as if they are out of their minds.
And we know that he is on medication to treat his cancer.
These things we know for sure.
We also know that those who love to hate will hate. They will spread and relish in misinformation and gossip. Some will even take a measure of glee.
But let’s hope the better angels of our nature — those angels who believe in forgiveness — compassion and understanding get the upper hand.
There but for the grace of God go I.
We all make mistakes. We all have bad days – some of us even have really bad ones. Today, one of the biggest names in The Process is having such a day.
I cannot speak for anyone but myself, but today I offer Ron Book — and anyone else involved — my thoughts and my prayers.