Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg is putting in $1.2 million toward a direct mail campaign aimed at tanking Donald Trump‘s support with Florida’s seniors.
Bloomberg will fund the program in concert with the Center for Essential Information PAC, an organization which supports Joe Biden‘s presidential bid. The direct mail campaign will target 875,000 seniors throughout the state.
Bloomberg has promised to spend $100 million to help Biden defeat Trump this fall. Bloomberg himself made a late entry into the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, but failed to court enough support to sustain his campaign.
Thursday’s news follows Bloomberg’s Wednesday announcement that his Independence USA PAC is launching a TV ad campaign arguing Trump would be a threat to Social Security and Medicare. That effort will target seniors as well.
“As seniors across Florida cast their votes, we will work hard to ensure it’s clear: Joe Biden will be the best President for seniors and for all Americans,” Bloomberg said in a release on that TV ad campaign.
The new direct mail effort argues Trump has “put coverage for people with preexisting conditions, including COVID, at risk and refused to take action that would reduce the rising cost of prescription drugs,” according to a release obtained first by Florida Politics.
Biden has been heavily overperforming among seniors as compared to previous Democratic presidential candidates. A new St. Pete Polls survey shows Biden winning in Pinellas county by 13 points after Trump won the county in 2016. That sizable swing is due in large part to Biden’s lead with seniors.
Earlier this week, Biden appeared in South Florida for two events, one of which was aimed directly at seniors.
“So many lives have been lost unnecessarily because this President cares more about the stock market than he does about the well-being of seniors,” Biden argued.
Also Friday, Bloomberg donated $250,000 to the Jewish Democratic Council of America PAC to help turn out Florida Jewish voters. Biden has led significantly with that demographic as well.