After a lengthy party-line debate, the House adopted a resolution Tuesday that would denounce democratic socialism and reaffirm individual liberty, constitutional democracy and private property.
The House adopted the resolution (HR 145) with a 79-36 vote. Republican Rep. Tom Fabricio of Miramar is the resolution sponsor.
“This is a message from the Florida House of Representatives to say that we stand by our economic system, progress and our system of government,” Fabricio said.
Republicans and Democrats fired back and forth over the resolution.
Numerous Democrats, including Rep. Anna Eskamani and Rep. Carlos Smith of Orlando, raised issue with the proposal.
Collectively, Democrats called for a condemnation of slavery, White supremacy and right-wing fascism.
Smith proposed amendments that would’ve expanded the resolution.
Republicans shot them down.
Democrats also argued that the proposal unfairly targets Democratic Socialists.
“We are adopting possibly a resolution to condemn an entire political party and movement” Smith said.
Republicans, however, argued there’s little difference, even noting Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders’ advocacy for the ideology.
No form of socialism, Republican Rep. David Borrero of Sweetwater contended, is acceptable.
“We have seen throughout history how public ownership of the means of production has led to death, massive famine, starvation and taken advantage of millions of lives,” Borrero added.
Democratic Rep. Fentrice Driskell of Tampa, meanwhile, took issue with the resolution as a whole.
She argued COVID-19, not socialism, should be front of mind.
“There are many important issues that we can take up in this body as a Legislature, but members, this is not one of them,” she said.
According to a staff analysis, more than eight democratic countries are led by a socialist party as of 2021. Those countries include Armenia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Iceland, Nicaragua, Northern Ireland, Portugal and Serbia.
Additionally, Cuba and Venezuela are socialist states that face economic crisis, the staff analysis adds.
Notably, the Heritage Foundation ranks Australia, New Zealand and Singapore as the most economically free countries in the world.
The United States, meanwhile, ranks 20th.
April 13, 2021 at 6:27 pm
Seriously. THIS is what we’re paying these people to focus on?? Can we please elect adults who don’t live and breathe right wing propaganda to be in charge of our state government next time? We have some reality-based issues that might be just a bit more important than making sure no pinko commie socialists are hiding under the bed. Like maybe water quality, our school systems, rampant fraud & grifting by elected officials, toxic waste handling/dumping, health care for the state’s children, human trafficking, our abysmal and dysfunctional foster care system, affordable housing….just a thought.
Catherine Lincoln
April 13, 2021 at 7:13 pm
DeSantis and Republican syncophants are pushing ahead on issues they know will become critical as people realize a major overhaul to our current system is in order. Cancelling any possibility of the necessary changes that benefit a majority of people has always been the Republican mandate.
Alex Jones
April 14, 2021 at 1:44 am
Take away their Funded through Taxation salaries if they hate ‘socialism’ so much.
Ron Ogden
April 14, 2021 at 6:35 am
Nothin’ the wokish snowflakes hate worse than being woked right back, chuckle, chuckle.
trump lost
April 14, 2021 at 7:27 am
Nothing like supporting independent liberty by trying to suppress someone’s political philosophy.
Ron Ogden
April 14, 2021 at 9:00 am
Ain’t suppressing anyone. You want to come out of the closet as a socialist, go ahead. It’s your right. The legislature wants to say that socialism is an abusive, decadent, tyrannical and vicious dogma, go ahead. It’s their right, too.
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