Last Call — A prime-time read of what’s going down in Florida politics.
First Shot
RepresentUs on Tuesday launched an interactive website to help voters understand the redistricting process, why it’s important and how their state fared.
The website follows a recent poll that found only a quarter of U.S. voters know that redistricting happens every 10 years or whether their state gained or lost seats in the U.S. House.
In addition to explaining the redistricting process, the “2021 Redistricting: What Happened” website grades each state on the fairness of their final maps and the transparency of the mapmaking process.
Few states did well, with seven earning an A and one earning a B. States where a non-legislative commission controlled the process generally fared better, averaging a B+. States where legislatures are in charge, such as Florida, averaged a D+.
Florida’s grade is currently incomplete, but the prognosis isn’t good — the Legislature’s state House and Senate maps earned Fs. Florida’s congressional map is in limbo, but since the Republican advantage is more likely to increase than decrease with the Special Session redraw, it’s likely to earn an F as well.
The grades were mostly in line with RepresentUs’ “Gerrymandering Threat Index,” which found that 35 states, including Florida, faced a “high” or “extreme” risk of gerrymandering.
Evening Reads
“Gov. Ron DeSantis continues redistricting feud with GOP lawmakers by vetoing congressional map” via Mary Ellen Klas, Kirby Wilson and Lawrence Mower of the Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times Tallahassee Bureau
“With Florida’s congressional map vetoed by Gov. DeSantis, redistricting future remains uncharted” via Jacob Ogles of Florida Politics
“Is Ron DeSantis the future of Trumpism” via Jonathan Chait of the Intelligencer
“Joe Harding returns Disney campaign contributions” via Kelly Hayes of Florida Politics
“Grim new developments reveal more trouble in Florida home insurance market” via Ron Hurtibise of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel
“The White House is getting defense wrong” via Kori Schake of The Atlantic
“Gov. DeSantis says state’s top cop had ‘long run’ but now is time for change” via Christine Jordan Sexton of Florida Politics
“Russia darkens Olympics’ bid for a reset after a gloomy stretch” via Joshua Robinson and Rachel Bachman of The Wall Street Journal
“‘Not focusing enough on my family’: Vance Aloupis announces departure from Legislature” via Jesse Scheckner of Florida Politics
“Webster Barnaby’s $33k+ PPP loan forgiven amid backlog of applications” via Sean Mooney of WNDB
“How 2 industries stymied justice for young lead paint victims” via Ellen Gabler of The New York Times
“Pinellas religious groups join forces to hold political power to account” via Lauren Peace of the Tampa Bay Times
Quote of the Day
“Disney has long been a pillar of the Florida economy and provides family-friendly entertainment for both Floridians and tourists of every nation. But their rejection of common sense, parents-first principles gives me no other choice but to return their donations.”
— Rep. Joe Harding, sponsor of the Parental Rights in Education legislation, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics.
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One comment
Dave Verret
March 30, 2022 at 2:11 am
I don’t know HOW to do this on-line, but will you PLEASE help me?
On a different topic on 3/29/22, Jesse did a segment on what MANY people in America believe with regard to certain questions versus what the true # is. May I PLEASE have the statistics quoted or can you tell me how to get them? I thought that was fantastic and insightful. Fan of the show. Thank you. Dave Verret, San Tan Valley, AZ
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