Former U.S. Rep. Sandy Adams has endorsed congressional candidate Scott Sturgill in the crowded Republican field for Florida’s 7th Congressional District, a Central Florida district that has lineage back to her tenure.
Adams represented Florida’s 24th Congressional District for one term. The last congressional redistricting redrew her into the current CD 7, where she had an unsuccessful Republican Primary Election showdown with another incumbent drawn in there, former U.S. Rep. John Mica.
Now, CD 7 is being redrawn again, likely evolving even more into the district that Adams had represented from 2011-13. Sturgill, a Sanford businessman and civic figure, is among a bevy of Republicans seeking to succeed Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy. She displaced Mica in 2016, but she is not running for re-election this year.
In a news release issued Thursday by Sturgill’s campaign, Adams called him “a true conservative who recognizes the need to get government off the necks of the people.”
Sturgill is in a packed Republican field that includes military veterans Brady Duke, Cory Mills and Kevin McGovern, Mica’s former Chief of Staff Rusty Roberts, former DeBary City Commissioner Erika Benfield, state Rep. Anthony Sabatini, and several others.
The latest proposed map, set to go before the Legislature in a Special Session next week, would have CD 7 spanning Seminole County and southern Volusia County. That would give it a likely Republican lean, based on the last couple of General Elections.
Two Democrats have filed, though neither is a significant political figure.
Sturgill is a lifelong resident of Seminole County and a longtime figure in Seminole County Republican politics and in Central Florida civics. He built his family business, Durable Safety Products, which provides safety gear and personal protective equipment in 48 states to front-line workers including first responders, construction workers and school crossing guards.
“Scott Sturgill was born and raised in our community. He is raising his family in the district and cares deeply about their future. He is a local businessman who understands that free market conservatism is the best way to offer greater opportunity to defend our constitutional freedoms,” Adams said in the release.
Sturgill was a Republican candidate in 2018 for the CD 7 seat in the current configuration. But he lost the Republican Primary Election to state Rep. Mike Miller, who then lost the General Election to Murphy.
“At a time when Americans need a true conservative who recognizes the need to get government off the necks of the people, Scott will represent the people, not the special interests lobbied by his opponent. Scott knows that the key to helping local families is to reduce the burden of government. Bloated budgets only feed corruption. He will stand up against the Washington special interest and work on policies to help get our economy moving again.,” Adams said.
One comment
Clayton Farlow
April 14, 2022 at 2:16 pm
Is this a joke? I mean did Sturgill really seek out a Sandy Adams endorsement? This makes me question his mental clarity. The fact he actually made any effort to reach out to Sandy Adams just eliminated him from my vote.
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