Gubernatorial candidate Nikki Fried is calling for five statewide debates among candidates in the 2022 Governor’s race following the withdrawal of fellow candidate U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist from a forum in Homestead Saturday.
“It is unconscionable but unsurprising that Charlie Crist would deprive the people of Florida the opportunity to interview him for the highest office in Florida,” Fried’s strategic manager Matthew Van Name said in a statement. “Maybe Charlie is afraid to compare his past policies in criminal justice, affordable housing, education, or a woman’s right to choose, where he has been on the wrong side of all of these issues. It’s a stark comparison to Nikki’s lifelong advocacy. Nikki Fried has been a consistent fighter for the people her entire life.”
The call for debate comes as Crist leads the Democratic field in fundraising, becoming the first to collect more than $1 million in a month. Crist’s haul since entering the race in May now comes to $8.2 million. He closed last month with $5.3 million in cash on hand after expenses. Fried, on the other hand, has collected more than $3.6 million.
Crist previously served a term as Governor as a Republican. He later ran as a Democrat in 2014 against then-Gov. Rick Scott.
“It’s clear Charlie has his own definition of the issues that concern women. So, let’s have a debate whether his pro-life record means pro-choice. Let’s debate whether his pro-drilling for oil off our beaches record means anti-drilling. Let’s debate whether his anti-LGBTQ+ record is actually pro-LGBTQ+ rights. Let’s debate if criminal justice reform means supporting the 85% mandatory minimum rule and chain gangs. Let’s debate whether a former Republican governor who has never won statewide office as a Democrat should be nominated over the only statewide elected Democrat in Florida,” Fried’s campaign communications director Keith Edwards said in a statement.
Crist and Fried also face state Sen. Annette Taddeo in the Democratic Primary.
Impeach Biden
April 23, 2022 at 9:53 am
Give it up Nikki. Your hero, Nancy Pelosi, endorsed flip flopped Crist. Tick Tok. Our time is almost up.
Impeach Biden
April 23, 2022 at 12:46 pm
Your time.😀
Bruce Dame
April 23, 2022 at 5:27 pm
For What?
Bruce Dame
April 23, 2022 at 5:33 pm
Your time to impeach never started! The Florida voters are being constantly lied to by the GOP governor. His petty and inhumane actions are hurting Florida citizens. Willing to pay Disney’s bills by a 25% raise on your property taxes?
Impeach Biden
April 23, 2022 at 6:06 pm
They can’t do that on a homestead property, but nice try. I think it is a Disney who will get the tax bill and pass it on to the tourists.
Orlando resident
April 24, 2022 at 10:24 am
They can a do raise property tax on homestead property. The assessed value of your home cannot go up more than 3% per year, but there is no limit to the millage rate increase. In other words, if the millage for your city was 5 mills, the city council can vote to raise it to 10 mills, which would double your city taxes. This would apply to all property in the city equally. But if the value of your homestead was $200k, the most it could go up in assessed value is to $206k.
Two parts to the taxes you pay – value of home and millage rate. There are limits on the value increase, but the only limit on the millage is that each entity can charge no more than 10 mills (except voted levies).
Itold Usoh
April 24, 2022 at 12:16 pm
The taxes Disney now pays to the RCID will go to Orange and Osceola Counties. Net net it is a wash. If the tax assessors of those two counties cannot get that done, well, through them out of office.
Itold Usoh
April 24, 2022 at 12:14 pm
A marijuana lobbyist vs a professional flip-flopper? What a choice!
Edward Lyle
April 24, 2022 at 2:32 pm
Nikki Weed is in desperation mode. Face it Weed, Chuck wins the Primary, then looses to the best Governor in the US… and you my dear, make a mint as a hippie lettuce lobbyist.
… next
Roger Allen BOWERS
April 25, 2022 at 7:59 am
What kind of voter would take an opponent’s statements as fact, without doing their own research? Shame on the media sources that simply parrot talking points without comment, or attempting to set the record straight?
Roger Allen BOWERS
April 25, 2022 at 7:59 am
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