- 2022 elections
- Aldo Bartolone
- Allison Kerestes
- ballot qualifying
- circuit judges
- deadline
- elections
- Fay Olga Pappas
- Florida's 18th Judicial Circuit
- Florida's 5th Judicial Circuit
- Florida's 7th Judicial Circuit
- Florida's 9th Judicial Circuit
- JC 18
- JC 5
- JC 7
- JC 9
- Jessica Recksiedler
- John Beamer
- John Mannion
- judicial circuits
- MIchael Stewart
- returned to office
- Vincent Chiu

Four judicial contests were set for elections while 30 judges were returned to their benches without opposition Friday in Judicial Circuits serving Central Florida, when the judicial ballot qualifying deadline expired for the 2022 elections.
In Florida’s 9th Judicial Circuit, serving Orange and Osceola counties, Judges John Beamer and Vincent Chiu drew challengers: Michael Stewart of Orlando and Aldo Bartolone of Bartolone Law of Orlando, respectively.
Also in JC 9, two lawyers have qualified as candidates for an open bench. They are Allison Kerestes of the Kerestes Law Firm in Orlando, and Fay Olga Pappas, with the Bailey Fisher law firm in Winter Park.
In Florida’s 18th Judicial Circuit, serving Seminole and Brevard counties, Chief Judge Jessica Recksiedler drew an election challenge from John Mannion of the Mannion Law firm in Sanford.
Meanwhile, all the judges who did not draw election competition when the qualifying deadline expired at noon Friday were returned to office for fresh six-year terms without having to be elected.
In Florida’s 5th Judicial Circuit, which serves Lake, Citrus, Hernando, Marion and Sumter counties, Judges Ann Melinda Craggs, Thomas Ralph Eineman, Joel Fritton, Robert W. Hodges, Cary Frank Rada and Donald E. Scaglione all were returned to their judicial benches without having to face election contests.
In Florida’s 7th Judicial Circuit, serving Volusia, Flagler, Putnam and St. Johns counties, Judges Dennis Craig, Matt Foxman, Kenny Janesk, Howard O. McGillin Jr., A. Kathleen McNeilly, Dawn D. Nichols and Stasia Warren all return without elections.
In JC 9, Chief Judge Lisa T. Munyon and Judges Alice L. Blackwell, Paetra Brownlee, Luis Calderon, James Craner, Robert Egan, Gisela T. Laurent, Josh Mize, Patricia Strowbridge and Greg Tynan all return without election competition.
In JC 18, Judges Scott Blaue, Kelly Jo McKibben, Michelle L. Naberhaus, Michael Joseph Rudisill, Christina Marie Sanchez Serrano, Christopher Michael Sprysenski and Michelle Pruitt Studstill all return to the benches after not drawing any election opposition.