Long before they called Ron DeSantis “America’s Governor,” New Jersey’s Chris Christie cut a singular figure of his own.
Christie, currently out of elected office, has not ruled out a run in 2024, a play that could put him on a collision course with DeSantis if both men run.
Christie already derailed one Floridian’s presidential hopes, with a bruising takedown of Sen. Marco Rubio during the Primary debates of 2016.
On the edition of the Ruthless Podcast released Tuesday, Christie suggested devising a strategy for dispatching DeSantis may be a bit tougher than handling Rubio was.
“It’s going to take some time because I don’t really know him,” Christie said.
The conversation then turned to DeSantis’ loner status at meetings of governors, presumably the Republican Governors Association.
“I don’t think Ron hangs out with anybody from what I can tell,” Christie contended.
“You know, like when I’m at the RGA meetings and Ron’s pretty much to himself and his entourage,” Christie said. “I don’t see him hanging with the other governors.”
“I’m going to need some time on this because I don’t really know him well enough,” Christie contended. “You’ve got to know these guys a little bit to find out what really bothers them.”
That process, Christie added, would come before the debates if he runs.
“You’ve got to be ready once you get on the stage,” Christie said.
While Christie may yet mount a campaign for the presidency, indications are the base of the party may be with DeSantis, the first-term Governor elevated by former President Donald Trump before emerging as his heir apparent.
Polling consistently shows DeSantis as the overwhelming favorite among potential 2024 candidates as a primary Trump alternative, with Christie in low single digits in polls, if included at all.
DeSantis, meanwhile, appeared on this same podcast in January. Just as he has been in more recent interviews, he was coy about his 2024 aspirations.
June 14, 2022 at 11:32 am
Ron DeSantis….. initiator of LGBTQ violence across America….. rabid Trumpster ……“I hardly knew him!”
Chris Christie
June 15, 2022 at 7:59 am
You pathetic Lincoln towel boy, peter h. America’s Gov busts you and Rick Wilson’s Kahones daily!
You RINOS are jealous and at wits end with this wonderful, decent public servant! Great family, humble servant who is the new generation leader, conservative conscience.
The hybrid between Reagan to Trump!
Do for America what he’s accomplished for Florida. Leader of men.
On all issues, he has confronted and wins! His Covid response is seen as the right stuff. Harvard study compliments his open and medical response, non fraud Fauci response.
Schools opens, education taught in person and suicides saved. Economy, jobs, families and businesses saved.
Most seniors inoculated, per Biden’s HHS. Unemployment 3%.
Christie had no chance. None.
DeSantis is the real deal. Rising tide for all, not a few like incompetents Biden, Harris. Do for America what he’s accomplished for Florida.
America’s Gov the best!
June 16, 2022 at 3:22 pm
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Ryan in Tampa
June 14, 2022 at 11:44 am
I would love to see Christie make another run. He checks the non partisan plays well with others box for me. As well as can be expected from a politician at least.
June 14, 2022 at 1:34 pm
Are you serious? Is that you chris? He’s a clown, a fat circus clown!!!
Ryan in Tampa
June 14, 2022 at 1:49 pm
Maybe. I just remember how he acted after Sandy hit NJ. Seems like someone that knows when playing politics is less important than doing the job he’s there to do. Giuliani fooled me after 911 as well though, so you may be on to something.
David in Shoreline
June 14, 2022 at 12:35 pm
Sorry, no, Christie is not going to win the support of the Republican base over Ron DeSantis. Not going to happen. Our next President will either be named Ron or Don.
The podcast was good though – I did enjoy Christie’s recounting of how he demolished little Marco during the debates.
Ryan in Tampa
June 14, 2022 at 12:58 pm
I agree. That analysis seems like the most probable end result unless Ron really doesn’t run or ~75 million people magically change their political stance over the next 2.5 years. One can hope though.
Lady Gator
June 14, 2022 at 1:56 pm
Christie does not have a shot against DeSantis in a POTUS (R) primary. Ron would resoundingly beat him. Wishing thinking.
Grassroots would be with DeSantis, then Cruz and then most likely Abbott were he to run.
Christie talks a big game as a ‘tough guy’ and former prosecutor, but he is not a conservative. His time has past.
Pancho Villar
June 14, 2022 at 2:20 pm
In a debate, I think Christie could get a few hits in on DeSantis. DeSantis isn’t the most rousing orator out there. I don’t think the GOP base is clamoring for Christie like they are for DeSantis though.
June 14, 2022 at 4:23 pm
Hey Pancho, Hey Cisco!
DeSantis, America’s Gov is the candidate unless ex potus 45 runs.
Christie is a sell out Repub. he is pro life apparently but pretty much a liberal. Yeah he went and kissed Obummers ass when hurricane sandy hit. Week before the election.
DeSantis has conviction. If 45 runs he gets 60% if not more of the delegates vs anyone, if not more. Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Sununu jr are all secondary.
tom palmer
June 14, 2022 at 6:33 pm
That’s not true. DeSantis hasn’t been convicted of anything yet.
June 15, 2022 at 12:19 pm
Still awaiting your Lake O veto praise you one sided liberal apologist Palmer.
David, yes these pathetic Manchurian haters are empty vessels.
I watched America’s Gov speech and it was solid! He hit all the key points on domestic Florida policy.
His Covid response is now recognized as the right stuff, as Harvard acknowledges he had the correct non fauci reply.
He saved Florida’s economy and kept the people working.
America’s Governor is the youngest Governor in America at 43. He’s grabbed Repub. voters attention. His leadership is top line.
Rising tide for all.
June 18, 2022 at 10:40 pm
Tom – are you Pushaw or a member of her bot army?
David in Shoreline
June 14, 2022 at 7:42 pm
DeSantis’ “I’m standing in your way” monologue was pretty rousing. As was his press conference in Brandon. And when he did the event in Orlando with Dave Rubin or the recent MMA event, the crowd was treating DeSantis like a rock star. I’ll stop gushing, but dang, even his State of the State address was fantastic.
June 15, 2022 at 8:16 am
David, yes these pathetic Manchurian haters are empty vessels.
I watched America’s Gov speech and it was solid! He hit all the key points on domestic Florida policy.
His Covid response is now recognized as the right stuff, Harvard acknowledges he had the correct non fauci reply.
Saved Florida’s economy and kept the people working. 3% unemployment is monumental.
America’s Governor is the youngest Governor in America at 43. His leadership is second to none. His oratory is improving and he hits the key points of interest well.
America’s Gov is the leader, he is the conservative leader. Do for America what he’s done for Florida.
Ryan in Tampa
June 15, 2022 at 10:03 am
Last I heard Harvard wasn’t exactly on DeSantis’ side. I think the quote from Michelle A. Williams, epidemiologist and Dean at Harvard is quoted as saying: “I think it’s reckless”.
I’m happy to hear an update though.
June 15, 2022 at 8:28 pm
David, yes these pathetic Manchurian haters are empty vessels.
I watched America’s Gov speech
and it was solid! He hit all the key points on domestic Florida policy.
His Covid response is now recognized as the right stuff, Harvard acknowledges he had the correct non fauci reply.
Saved Florida’s economy and kept the people working.
America’s Governor is the youngest Governor in America at 43. He has done a brilliant job managing Covid.
Harvard’s most recent study acknowledged Florida’s success in managing and keeping Florida ahead of the curve.
Unlike N Y with the fondler Cuomo groping women. He also made $5million on Covid death. Sick perverted bastard.
June 15, 2022 at 8:30 pm
You don’t know civics or political science 101. You are as ignorant as Adam Schiff. Enjoy.
June 18, 2022 at 10:47 pm
Only for his most ardent, mouth-breathing fans it probably was. His team knows where to find his audience, so they make sure to get him in front of the lowest dregs in society. For the rest, his public speaking skills leave much to desire.
June 20, 2022 at 7:34 pm
I saw the speech on c span, it was well delivered. He spoke concisely for 40 mints. Don’t be a racist, he addressed a conservative Jewish Org.
Be respectful you loser.
As for your cheap shot toward me, shove up your pie hole, I’m a prof pol analyst, America’s Gov is the new generation leader of conservatives and GOP. No one cares what you think. Repub. love DeSantis, Independents too.
Your right loser, he doesn’t stick his hand out for no one to shake, or laugh and giggle like mental moron like Harris, in Poland and elsewhere. Just pathetic.
Who are you Winston Churchill ? Save it you ass wipe Chris.
DeSantis is the whiz kid Gov, youngest Gov in USA and whizzes upon you and rest of Manchurian nation.
Chameleon crisp or nut case n. fraud have no chance. America’s Gov wins bigly. Go scratch Chris.
June 15, 2022 at 9:13 am
christie needs to know his role; which is at the head of the all you can eat line.
June 16, 2022 at 10:16 am
Golden Corrals have 3 alert levels: Yellow Alert, Red Alert and Defcon Christie. If Christie is sighted anywhere within 10 miles of a Golden Corral, the restaurant is required by their corporate office to go to Defcon Christie.. All employees vacations are automatically canceled, shift switching is forbidden, and overtime is assigned on a random basis. The goal of the restaurant is simply to survive, and be able to open its doors again the next day.
June 16, 2022 at 9:02 pm
LMAO, Christie had that gastro surgery. He’s as pathetic as they come. Just a compete elephants ass.
He is just a bully.
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