As voters turn their attention toward the General Election, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio released a new ad touting his accomplishments.
The 30-second spot runs through a series of nut-and-bolts issues with broad appeal, from stepping in on a Jacksonville slumlord dispute to crafting legislation to help businesses survive the pandemic.
“Marco Rubio gets stuff done for Florida,” said Elizabeth Gregory, communications director for his campaign. “He’s a tireless fighter for this state and the only candidate in this race who has delivered result after result for the people of Florida. Val Demings can’t hold a candle to his impressive record, and this November Floridians are going to re-elect Marco Rubio to the United States Senate.”
The ad splices together a series of local and national broadcast news pieces highlighting Rubio’s achievements.
It notably kicks off with a story that largely received interest only from Florida media, showing footage of the Senator at a Westside Jacksonville apartment complex. He held a press conference last year at Valencia Way Apartments to show improvements after working with the Housing and Urban Development Department to rehabilitate the once-dilapidated community.
“Marco Rubio is stepping in to help residents at a troubled apartment complex,” said a local anchor. It cuts to other local reporters describing federal inspections and declaring “Rubio took action.”
It then moves on to various journalists discussing the Paycheck Protection Program, a massive federal response to the pandemic that bailed out businesses facing a stoppage in cash flow so the companies would not need to lay off employees.
“Sen. Rubio was really key in crafting the Paycheck Protection Program,” says Spectrum News journalist Samantha Jo-Roth in a clip featured in the ad.
The spot then moves to a series of other achievements, including assistance to veterans and soldiers. That includes a clip of CNN anchor Jake Tapper discussing the Senator “addressing the burn pits crisis.” Rubio was the lead Republican sponsor for the PACT Act passed this year, which expanded coverage for military members exposed to burn pits during their service.
The full ad focuses on the Senator’s effectiveness in his first two terms. His campaign noted the Center for Effective Lawmaking has consistently listed Rubio as the most effective Republican Senator.
The release of this ad comes after Rubio booked more than $1.3 million in ad time for the first week of the General Election cycle.
It’s also a positive message running a day after Rubio’s campaign releases another TV spot, that one attacking Democratic Senate nominee Demings’ record in Congress.
Charlie Crist
August 25, 2022 at 9:48 am
Marco Boobio and Fraud Scott…products of a broken, two party system and exploitative economic system. Vote Blue or you grandchildren will be enslaved by the rich. GOP is a dangerous far right party and national security threat. It must be eliminated for the sake of humanity.
August 25, 2022 at 10:07 am
Wonderful spot highlighting results, success and accomplishments.
Sen Rubio, literally is the best “legislator” in the U.S Senate. His craftsmanship on writing pertinent legislation is second to none in Congress.
Sen. Rubio rises to the challenge when Florida and America needs it. His legislation saving people and businesses during the pandemic without a doubt, saved lives.
Dumings is in way over her head, still looking for her gun. Pelosi, Biden clone, 100% vote in support with Pelosi! Atrocious.
Charlie Crist
August 25, 2022 at 10:41 am
^ False information.. right wing propaganda.
August 25, 2022 at 3:37 pm
How mentally ill ate you?
My goodness, do you bang huge head all day on the bedroom wall.
August 25, 2022 at 1:26 pm
Senate Republicans have abandoned funding for JD Vance, Oz, Walker, Johnson , and Masters …. None of them are “quality” candidates.
Mitch McConnell’s nasty job is to put lipstick on his pig candidates! Obviously, there are a few unworthy pigs!
Rubio on the other hand is an incumbent…. and shouldn’t have to run campaign ads.
Why isn’t Rubio mentioning his Party’s overturning Roe v Wade in his list of accomplishments? Isn’t he proud of finally denying women from their own healthcare decisions? Didn’t Rubio champion and sign on to the enacted “Florida’s Scarlet Letter Law?”…..why didn’t he champion those wins? How about Rubio’s two votes to keep Trump in office ….. isn’t Rubio proud of those accomplishments? Why doesn’t Rubio mention that this campaign ad is 100% funded by his benefactors THE GUN LOBBY?
If Americans want women to control their own bodies, qualified teachers to replace DeSantis’s culture wars in classrooms, intelligent teacher-student conversations concerning the social issues facing Americans in the 21st century, non-bullying discussion about classroom students who are different, common sense gun regulations, and a new honest approach on how best to address climate change……AMERICANS MUST VOTE ALL REPUBLICANS OUT OF OFFICE. REPUBLICANS ARE AMERICA’S PROBLEM.
Mr. Haney
August 25, 2022 at 3:06 pm
Rubio is useless and doesn’t even show up most of the time.
You’re just another traitor supporting traitor cowards.
August 25, 2022 at 3:49 pm
Arnold the pig!
Only a ignorant Dum soros Manchurian would say so.
Go find Dumings gun. LMAO
If you knew anything, you would understand that Rubio is a champion on actually doing his job. A actual “legislator” that makes a difference in people’s lives. As I’ve highlighted above on key legislation for Florida and the country.
You idiots have no facts, just liberal wish lists. Get your facts straight.
Dumings is clueless.
Marco Oh-No
August 25, 2022 at 5:43 pm
Val is twice the man Marco Dumbo is. She will dispatch him with haste so he can get on with grifting in the private sector and shilling on Faux News
August 25, 2022 at 10:01 pm
Val get your gun, get your gun
Get it on the run, on the run.
From the play Annie Oakley!
August 25, 2022 at 7:59 pm
Why aren’t we talking about how Rubio wants to dismantle Social Security and Medicare? Does he want to create a huge class of almost homeless retirees living on insufficient fixed incomes?
August 26, 2022 at 5:05 pm
Rubio promised his corporate donors/owners plenty of low wage workers. It looks like he plans to starve the elderly back into the workforce by taking away their Social Security and Medicare. He’ll probably even come up with a plan to funnel their Social Security benefits directly to the employer, so that corporations can pay seniors what they’ve already earned over the years– minus a small processing fee.
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