Freshman Rep. Daisy Morales is back in the running for House District 44. But this time, she’s eyeing a 2024 return.
The Orlando Democrat lost her first re-election bid last month to Rita Harris, who will represent this district beginning in November after winning the winner-take-all Democratic Primary with 54% of the vote.
In a news release from Morales’ campaign, she said donors and voters from across the aisle “expressed their outrage” to the ousted lawmaker that her seat was “being given” to a candidate with no prior legislative experience.
“District 44 and the Florida House deserve a Hispanic voice that represents the people. Experience and diversity matter,” Morales said. “House District 44 will need more than just an activist and noisemaker like Rita Harris in Tallahassee.”
Much of the Democratic establishment lined up behind Harris and against Morales. They pushed a candidate with a platform of progressive positions on issues from abortion access to gun violence, against a freshman Representative who has been accused of frequently annoying her party’s leadership with her votes and unreliability on front-line Democratic issues.
Morales has broken with her party on a handful of major bills, like the 2021 tax bill and legislation to ban employers from mandating COVID-19 vaccines. However, Morales noted her high score this year on the progressive Florida’s People First Report Card, which gave her a 97% record. In 2021, the report scored her at 88%.
Harris drew the backing of gubernatorial candidate U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist, Ruth’s List Florida, Orange County Property Appraiser Amy Mercado, Orlando State Attorney Monique Worrell, state Sen. Victor Torres of Orlando, and state Sen. Jason Pizzo of Miami, among others.
Morales is the first to file for HD 44 in the 2024 election. She delivered her campaign documents to the Department of State’s Division of Elections office in Tallahassee on Thursday.
Democrats Reps. Allison Tant, Christine Hunschofsky and Felicia Robinson have similarly filed for 2024 bids already. However, those three will serve a 2022-24 term after running unopposed this year. Harris has not yet filed for re-election.
“The primary election is over,” Morales said, “But our work is far from over. I was the target of Hispanic leaders who chose to turn their back on their own community in an effort to forfeit this seat to pretty much anyone else — because that’s the message they sent on August 23rd. What has long been a Puerto Rican seat is pretty much anyone’s seat now.
“I won’t stand for that. Our community deserves to be represented in District 44, and one thing about us as Hispanics, especially Puerto Ricans, is that we will be heard, no matter what, and we know the power of our vote, especially in Central Florida.”
Morales touted legislative victories and a history of working with the Republican majority to secure tax exemptions, a proposed specialty license plate supporting Down Syndrome awareness and more, including legislation education opportunities for disabled veterans that she is working with a Louisiana Republican to bring to his state.
“This district is an economic engine that requires an effective lawmaker that has a history of getting results in the form of bills being signed into law benefiting Floridians and funding coming back to the district. Rita Harris has none,” Morales said. “District 44 needs a representative that is not bogged down in massive IRS debt, is open about their employment history, and can speak to both the English and Hispanic communities.”
Concerned Voter
September 3, 2022 at 8:58 am
I wonder if the Hispanic community ‘heard’ Morales when she co-sponsored the Anti-Woke Bill then later removed her name. Or when she voted against mask mandates during a pandemic when POC were the hardest hit. Perhaps going on vacation to Mexico 3/4 into the campaign sent the wrong message.
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September 3, 2022 at 9:49 am
I don’t understand why people criticize Morales for this petty remark about a trip to Mexico and don’t praise her for the goodness she has done for our community and our kids. She is not a politician she is a people people, she loves to help people, she is real, she is not fake like others. I really think some people likes those fake politicians.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 5:25 am
What are you talking about? She voted against life saving mask mandates, she co-sponsored the racist Anti-Woke bill then removed her name. She voted in favor of big corporations. She spoke out AGAINST trans people. She lies about her opponents. If that’s a real real person then you are a MAGA republican.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 5:29 am
And, BTW, when you go on vacation for a week during primary season what you are telling voters is they don’t matter, Daisy. You aren’t entitled to anyone’s vote. Maybe next time do something other than sign waving every other week. Rita EARNED her win.
Jennifer Dotson
September 3, 2022 at 1:40 pm
I am glad that Rita Harris won. Democrats deserve to be represented by a real Democrat like Rita Harris in Tallahassee.
Sam Dotson
September 5, 2022 at 10:54 am
This is not jennifer dotson this is a phony.
THE REAL Jennifer Dotson
September 4, 2022 at 4:37 am
This is not the real Jennifer Dotson. Likely Rita Harris playing games? Or Wes Hodge? Ir one of the anti alimony cretins? No matter who it is, I do NOT support that monster. She destroys everything in her path. Well she tried with me, only she doesnt realize I cant be taken down that easily.
Rita Harris
September 4, 2022 at 6:20 am
Daisy Morales should have won. I am an imposter, just like my video says. Some people are an expert at something, some people are a jack of all trades. Not me, I can’t do anything.
Becky Murphy
September 4, 2022 at 3:04 pm
Just like a narcissist to fish for sympathy with this BS comment, just like my ex-husband does.
How about you stop and find a therapist to help you with your personality disorder and admit you have a problem? Then maybe you can continue with whatever chosen-flavor-of-the-month ambitions you never follow through with and stop hurting people in the process.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 5:07 am
If I had to guess I’d call deflection. Rep Elect Rita has campaigned for over 6 months (beating an incumbent), was voted vice chair, was events chair and has volunteered for campaigns pre-Obama. What have you accomplished besides sharing private information about your friends and ex-husband? I’m guessing nothing.
Rita Harris
September 4, 2022 at 2:54 pm
If you don’t believe what I say above, just give this short video a glance. Yes, that is me, my words. Thank you Jennifer for sharing my words, immortalizing them for always, even though I deleted them. Guess you beat me to it. https://twitter.com/neenna68/status/1562286990254641152?t=uYrkUbEj5wtfu6cbNbSQ0Q&s=19
Jennifer Herbert Dotson
September 5, 2022 at 4:40 pm
Don’t know why Rita had to call the Police for protection. Also why I’m not allowed attend meetings any longer. These Aggravated Assaults happened years ago.
Location FL
Date of Offense 06/19/1990
Court Fines –
Show more about this case
Location FL
Date of Offense 06/19/1990
Court Fines –
The real jennifer dotson
September 5, 2022 at 5:39 pm
What was the outcome? And 1990? How many years ago was that? And what happened with that? And was Rita aware if that when she filed the false police repirt who I might add was witnesses by several people?
Yall dont get it. I am not proud of my story but I am not ashamed of it either. I had quit drinking for a few weeks. Was evicted from my home. My friends invited me out to eat and I thought I could handle being around booze. I was doing fine until someone slipped something in my soda. I dont remember what happened after that until I woke up in a ditch with a Seminole county deputy beating me. And you should know that I did finally quit drinking after that (32 plus years now, my sobriety date is 6/20/1990 hmmm look at that) and I was given 1 year probation, reduced to a misdemeanor. No other ‘legal history’ and adjudication was withheld upon successful completion of probation.
Anything else you want to use to personally trash me with? Or should I just put it out here myself? You do NOT get it. I am an open book. How about you be one too and stop using my name. Cowards cant do that though, can they. And whoever you are – you are a coward.
Becky Murphy
September 5, 2022 at 5:43 pm
I mean, assault from 30 years ago vs almost 200k that she and her husband owe the IRS CURRENTLY She shouldn’t be running for any office if she cannot pay her taxes.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 4:56 am
So you people are saying assault is less severe than owing $79k (trying referencing reputable sources not blogs)??? Sounds kinda MAGA.
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 5, 2022 at 9:45 pm
Meetings? For something that is SUPPOSED to be open to any registered democrat? Where is the bv official notice of me being banned? Or are you replying on the passive aggressive nonsense of just not sending me the notice and link to the zoom meeting? I mean, in 3 years since the incident where Rita Harris and Wes Hodge lied to police and Wes Hodge lied to Terri Rizzo, I received 1 emailed meeting notice. One. Because Rita Harris and Wes Hodge were doing everything in their power to make me quit.
Well I am temporarily out of Orange county. Temporarily. I will be back. This is just bv so pitiful. A 32 year old misdemeanor versus almost 200k owed to the IRS. And then you only share part of it.
Have fun. It wont be fun much longer. You can play games all you want, but breaking the law is something completely different.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 4:58 am
Your arguments became moot when we learned you have an assault record AND a police report where you threatened Rep Elect Rita. Get some counseling.
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 6, 2022 at 8:33 am
You are truly tripping. I am a legally registered voter. Have been my entire life. Have never lost my rights. Are you implying that the simple act of being arrested is enough to cast doubt against a person? Why wont my impersonator post the full record, which will show one charge, simple assault, 1 year probation which was a nolo contendre plea with ajudication withheld. AND it is 32 years ago, with nothing since then.
Can you bring up anything else Rita? Anything newer than 32 years? I am waiting. Maybe you should learn to fill out forms better. Does it matter that you owe almost 100k in taxes? How does one reach the point of owing that much, almost 100k or almost 200k?
You are almost cute. Almost.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 9:21 am
And I think I, not Rep Elect Rita, already mentioned the police report filed against you. You have anything to refute that?
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 9:25 am
Oh, but wait. Your assault 30 years ago and the police report against you are really nothing, right? A small business owner that owes taxes is much, much worse than someone arrested for a felony (regardless of your plea deal) compounded with that same individual having a police report filed against her because Rep Elect Rita feared for her safety around her? MAGA much?
But her taxes!! LOL.
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 6, 2022 at 11:03 am
So only ‘certain’ returning citizens are allowed grace? Is that what you are saying? And I DID explain it. I took the best offer I had. One officer said I assaulted her. The other contradicted her. But the other facts of the case were being used against me so I took a misdemeanor plea deal.
And again, you mention Rita’s fear of me which led to the filing of her police report. When did that alleged crime occur. When was her report filed. Where was I when she was so afraid of me?
Answers: the alleged crime was me calling her an f-ing liar and and f-ing bitch. That was on Monday june 3. She AND wes filed the report on June 4th nearly 24 hours later. Then Wes sent an email to Terri Rizzo lying about what had happened. I completed my probation with no problems. Adjudication was withheld. But it’s more fun for your little band of flying monkeys to make me look as bad as possible.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 11:09 am
No, what I’m saying is there seems to be a pattern here. Assault 30 years ago and having the police called on you again a few years ago from someone fearing that you’d assault them. Get it now?
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 11:18 am
So, again, you were investigated by police for threatening a person and you were sentenced probation?!? Yeah, but that’s quite a bit less sleazy than owing the IRS back taxes from your business. LOL. You people.
But her taxes!!!! LOL.
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 6, 2022 at 2:17 pm
There seems to be a pattern here? Isnt that kind of like profiling? Didnt realize democrats did that. And again, the police report was not that there were fears that I would assault her. She said I DID assault her. Catch up, concerned!
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 6, 2022 at 1:36 pm
When does a misdemeanor bar someone from being a member of the dec?
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 6, 2022 at 4:23 pm
You wrote: ‘Your arguments became moot when we learned you have an assault record AND a police report where you threatened Rep Elect Rita.’
Except there is just MAJOR point missing in this. I did NOT threaten Rita.i called her an f-ing liar. I called her an f-ing b***h. There were witnesses silly person. Do you really think I would not be able to back up what I say? Rita must have forgotten about those pesky witnesses.
So, Concerned voter? Try again.
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 5, 2022 at 6:51 pm
I am really concerned over the legality behind the process with which this was obtained. Care to explain that Rita? Or Wes? It was expunged.
Becky Murphy
September 6, 2022 at 2:12 pm
Isn’t it funny how an expunged misdemeanor can get you kicked out of the DEC, but owing tens of thousands of dollars to the federal government is “no big deal” and “ex-besties” just want to see a narcissist fail? LOL
I thought Ohio politics was crazy. Florida Dems take the cake!
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 9:19 am
No, keep up. I’m throwing your ‘LOGIC’ in your face. You’re saying that someone is disqualified for owing the IRS taxes. I’m paying you the same compliment.
And only a dimwit would think that Rep Elect Rita would responding to your simpletons.
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 6, 2022 at 11:05 am
So Chris, did you have a good 30th birthday? There arent too many of you out here who would go to these lengths. And no worries, Rita is going to be super busy.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 11:34 am
Who’s Chris? Hearing voices? And you’d be surprised by the number of people…
But, her taxes! LOL.
Becky Murphy
September 6, 2022 at 11:14 am
200k, 80k, what TF is the difference? 80k is more than I gross in 2 years worth of income. And yes, not paying your taxes for 5 years or whatever the truth is should be just as much disqualifying for Rita Harris as it should have been for Donald Trump.
“Concerned Voter”, someone else pretending to be Jennifer Dotson. Y’all are clearly petty high school level, soap opera drama level people here. Rita and her friends on here are hilariously pathetic and have no business being in politics representing folks. Makes me wonder why Rita primaried a fellow Democrat rather than try to flip a Republican seat. And how she Crist’s endorsement I’ll never know except that the Florida Dem Party clearly does NOT vet the candidates asking for endorsements.
To borrow Rita’s own words when she cut me out of her life: I’m embarrassed for all of you.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 11:21 am
“…not paying your taxes for 5 years…should be just as much disqualifying for Rita Harris as it should have been for Donald Trump.”
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 11:28 am
“And how she Crist’s endorsement I’ll never know except that the Florida Dem Party clearly does NOT vet the candidates asking for endorsements.”
LOL. See, when you actually work for the party and best represent the party you get the endorsements. Also works with donations. What’s the count for Daisy? 10 donations: 1 from her son and the rest from corporations! LOL
But, her taxes! LOL.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 11:32 am
“To borrow Rita’s own words when she cut me out of her life: I’m embarrassed for all of you.”
Awwww. You still butthurt about losing a bestie? Grow up and move on, lady. I bet Rep Elect Rita never thought an ex-friend would go to such lengths to see her fail only to watch her win. If anything, Rep Elect Rita needs to vet her friend s better. Both you and Jennifer Dotson are a testament to that.
But, her taxes! LOL.
Becky Murphy
September 6, 2022 at 11:41 am
You’re weird, Coward who won’t reveal themselves. Clearly, you know who I am as I didn’t mention anything about being besties.
But to answer your question, no, I’m not still hurt. I’m glad she did what she did because she’s a narcissist and I don’t want any of them in my life. I divorced one am in therapy now, and living my best life.
It’s cool though that you think not paying tens of thousands in taxes is no big deal. Don’t worry, friend. She’ll turn her sights on you someday when she has no more use for you. There’s a reason she doesn’t have life long friends. And when she calls screaming at you and then save your voicemail response so that YOU look like the crazy one, you’ll understand. Bye now. I have a real job and a real life, unlike you all.
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 8, 2022 at 1:08 am
Becky, it’s ironic. Truly is. Scrolling through Facebook tonight and I see a new post on Rita’s campaign page. Of all things it talks about her friend Rhonda who met up with her for lunch. Also discussed how they could not see each other, but that Rhonda is her hero. My question, is Rhonda even real?
What I find interesting is that you mentioned how she treats almost everyone who becomes a part of her circle and how she has no long term friends – and magically, she pops up with a long time friend that she just so happens to be seeing ‘for lunch’. LOL okay Rita. We believe you.
And ‘Concerned voter’? Maybe use your real name. We might take you more seriously. Right now it’s a big fat no. Oh and there is an answer for you on facebook regarding the police report made by Rita. The answer is from LT and she states that the report is a lie – funny thing, she was there. Standing right next to me. So try again ‘Concerned’ lol. And no worries, 2 years is just around the corner.
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 6, 2022 at 2:01 pm
Rita needs to vet her friends better? I am aware of at least 4 of us. Three others that have come to me and apologized since I came out about the false police report. Apologized to me, saying they were sorry for how I was treated by Rita. Sorry that they told me that it happened a long time ago so I should just get over it. But they got it. Because they soon got added to her list. It really is sad. And I know you do not think or believe that she would ever turn on you. She will though. People like her always do.
And what is even sadder, if she and her supporters could have made it cleaning contest without dragging up extraneous nonsense, if Rita had apologized to md for what she did to m ed andmhson – I would never have said a word. It does meno good dragging all this up. Just brings in feelings of anger because of what she did to my family and I, sadness over what my son had to endure, and more.
So you can furiously type on your keyboard, thinking you are just so clever pretending to be me by using my name, by being rude to me and others on here. Continue if you must. It shows your mentality. But it is also a permanent record, one which is not being stopped by the Queen herself. So continue. I will get notified with new comments. I will screenshot everything. I will save it with all of the other screenshots I have saved for the last 3 years.
And one day, they will come in handy, I will be able to use them to highlight just how egregious her behavior and the behavior of her supporters is.
As a friend of mine used to say to me – jen you only have so many spoons, you ain’t got enough for this. I have much more important things to do.
Ironically, just like in 1990 when I was arrested. I had other more important, more pressing issues to take care of. I was falsely charged in that case, there were conflicting police reports, I could have likely won my case. But there are no guaranteed in life, so I took the sure and safe path so I could take care of the other issues and so those were not harmed if I got the wrong outcome by rolling the dice.
But hey, that’s because I am capable of analyzing issues, figuring out the pros and cons for each path and making the best choice I can make.
It appears that all Rita can do is feed information to someone who is too afraid to use their real name, someone who has to try to terrorize others online using false info and a false persona.
I might take you more seriously if you used your real name. On second thought, not likely. You are acting just like a school bully, being mean, poking at things that you think are peoples weaknesses.
Read my pinned post. Or I could just give you the readers digest condensed version here.
I am not proud of my past, but I am not ashamed of it either. So (using Pat’s infamous words) hit me with your best shot, fire away! I have endured much worse than some mean words online.
Either way, see ya wouldnt want to be ya. For real! Kindness must be a lost art with you.
Concerned Voter
September 6, 2022 at 11:26 am
“Makes me wonder why Rita primaried a fellow Democrat rather than try to flip a Republican seat.”
Don’t wonder, think. Rep Elect Rita lives in the district and applied to run for the seat before Daisy. 2/3 or Daisy’s OLD district is now part of a district where a fellow LatinX woman is running (a real democrat, not like Daisy). She wasn’t primaried, you goof. She jumped into a race that already had a democrat.
You would know all of this if you were from this county or even this state. Move on, lady.
The REAL jennifer dotson
September 6, 2022 at 2:33 pm
Basically what all this mess boils down to is this:
You have Jennifer (me), Bevky, and Sam. We are all using our real names. We arent hiding.
Then there is Concerned Voter. And whoever is impersonating me by using my name.
An dd’s what is being done here. Becky and I are posting factual information. Concerned voter and fake Jennifer are trolling. Bullying. Using personal information in order to try to silence us. So I am leaving this right here so anyone coming here can read this comment alone (well until you reply to it 3 or 4 or 10 times to remind them about my misdemeanor assault court case from 32 years ago that has been explained multiple times). And again, when that case happened I was not much older than my son is now. I looked at my options. Pleading no contest to a misdemeanor felt like a much better option than rolling the dice on what felt like a strong case for dismissal, but you can never tell with a jury. A misdemeanor plea deal was better for me in the long run. Yes, I could have won. But the what if is always there. What if I lost. Guaranteed prison time for something I had no recollection of because I am an alcoholic. That night was the last time I ever drank. My ‘sobriety’ date is 6/20/90. Dr bob and bill w have been very kind to me. 32 years now of putting one foot in front of the other, adding another day and another day and another day. I am humbled that my amazing child not once ever witnessed me puking drunk, passed out drunk. I was always sober and able to care for him like a mother should.
Now please continue. I think I have left enough information for anyone who tries to follow these comments. I do know that you and Rita cannot let this go. You have to make me into some terrible kind of monster. But I know the truth. My friends know the truth. And most important of all, my amazing son knows the truth. And no matter what through thick and thing, all of our ups and downs, we have each others backs. We are a real and loving family.
September 12, 2022 at 6:36 pm
Stewart defends making vaccine mandate probes secret, citing input from Disney, Tampa Bay Bucs
RITA first filed (hand delivered) to run against Daisy Morales Feb. 28.
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