U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is signing on as a co-sponsor for a federal abortion ban.
U.S. Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina filed a bill to prohibit most abortions performed 15 weeks or later into pregnancy. Now, Rubio, Florida’s senior Senator, has signed on as the second co-sponsor, behind only U.S. Sen. Steve Daines of Montana.
“Banning abortion after four months is consistent with Florida law and more permissive than all but two European countries,” Rubio said. “Why doesn’t the media ask (Democratic opponent) Val Demings why she doesn’t support a single restriction on abortions? She is an extremist that supports abortion, for any reason, at any time up to the moment of birth and paid for by taxpayers.”
His co-sponsorship suggests he will at the least play a role in crafting the bill, the most stringent regulation on abortion offered since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
That’s not a major surprise. Rubio also served as an introducing co-sponsor to a prior bill filed by Graham that would have prohibited abortions at 20 weeks.
But Rubio just this month has told media outlets he preferred for state Legislatures to take up the issue of abortion.
“Now, states will decide,” he recently told NBC 6. “New York going to have different abortion laws. In Florida, abortions are illegal after four months.”
Rubio has said he would have voted for a 15-week abortion ban just signed in Florida. Of note, that law allows no exceptions for instances of rape or incest, while Graham’s bill does allow exceptions for pregnancies resulting from rapes that were immediately reported, and in cases of incest involving a mother who is a minor.
Rubio recently told CBS Miami’s Jim DeFede that he believes abortion kills an unborn child, but would support a ban with exceptions. He also stressed in the August interview that the overturn of Roe v. Wade meant the debate “was not going to happen in Washington, where it wasn’t happening at all because of Roe v. Wade. Now, that decision has to be made at the state level.”
A federal bill, if passed, would preempt states with less restrictive laws in statute.
Democrats pounced on Rubio’s co-sponsorship of Graham’s bill.
“Introducing a federal abortion ban is just the latest example of Marco Rubio pushing dangerous restrictions on Floridians’ freedom to make their own health care decisions,” said Florida Democratic Party spokesperson Grant Fox.
“Rubio has long made it clear that he supports extreme policies that go even farther than this national ban, including bans on abortion with no exceptions for victims of rape, incest or human trafficking.”
U.S. Rep. Demings, the Orlando Democrat challenging Rubio for his Senate seat, denoted the Graham bill as part of a plan driven by Rubio.
“Marco Rubio has never been shy about his support for extremist abortion bans and criminalizing doctors, and cosponsoring this federal ban is just another step in his fight to take away women’s freedom,” said Christian Slater, spokesperson for Demings’ Senate campaign.
“As a 27-year law enforcement officer who investigated cases of rape and incest, Chief Demings is committed to protecting Florida’s women and girls. Floridians will hold Rubio accountable for his out-of-touch stance in November.”
Demings tweeted: “This is just the next step in Marco Rubio’s fight to ban abortions with no exceptions for victims of rape, incest and sexual abuse. In the U.S. Senate, I will never stop fighting to codify Roe v. Wade and protect women’s freedoms.”
Val Demings
September 14, 2022 at 12:52 pm
Vote for me. I’ll send fascist cracker Marco Boobio back to Cuba on a reverse banana boat. Show him what communism really is.
September 14, 2022 at 4:17 pm
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September 14, 2022 at 12:54 pm
So much for State’s rights!
Every Floridian should google: “Rubio and the Scarlet Letter Law” that Rubio signed onto in Florida. Understand what the law required women to comply.
If Americans want women to control their own bodies, qualified teachers to replace DeSantis’s culture wars in classrooms, intelligent teacher-student conversations concerning the social issues facing Americans in the 21st century, non-bullying discussion about classroom students who are different, common sense gun regulations, and a new honest approach on how best to address climate change……
September 14, 2022 at 1:00 pm
Dumings looking for her gun.
Just a joke, 15 weeks is bout right.
Dumings and Dums support abortion at birth!
She voted for it.
Charlie Crist
September 14, 2022 at 1:23 pm
👆This dumb ass talking about dumb Dems? By God this man is a walking advertisement for abortion. Vote for me. I’ll give this guy a vasectomy via kick in the balls.
September 14, 2022 at 2:34 pm
Well, I just spit coffee all over the keyboard..funny!
September 14, 2022 at 4:33 pm
Yes. We know you spit up all the time Mary who! 😝
Charlie Crist
September 14, 2022 at 5:30 pm
👆Vote for me. I’ll lock this neo nazi sexual abuser up for heinous sex crimes.
September 14, 2022 at 5:42 pm
Joey corsin, show Mary how to swallow.
Jay Smif
September 14, 2022 at 9:31 pm
It’s a shame that your ugly mother couldn’t scrape up the $50 for the back-alley abortion she so desperately wanted while knocked up with you after your white-trash father walked out on her so long ago, weak little cultist tommy.
Mr. Haney
September 15, 2022 at 5:45 pm
You’re a text ook example of why abortion should be widely available.
September 14, 2022 at 1:05 pm
Graham and Rubio? Neither has a womb or a right to dictate what females do with theirs..nor does anyone else and certainly not the government. Didn’t the GOP used to be the party of keeping their hands and noses out of people’s business? Small government, let freedom reign? I guess freedom for men to rape or impregnate, women children, relatives- that is ok. So a man doesn’t pay child support for unwanted babies, can we castrate him? Let’s make sure he is not producing more unwanted kids I have to support. That is ok for the government to do, right? Seems like a fair trade off to me.
September 14, 2022 at 3:01 pm
Unlike the majority of voters, Rubio supports a constitutional amendment banning abortion “except to prevent the death of the mother,” a federal prohibition on medication abortion, and the intervention of family members in a woman’s decision-making on abortion.
He would actually require a woman to get a man’s notarized permission if she needs an abortion. Like he owns her!
Rubio thinks he has a God-given right to insert himself into a woman’s uterus against her will. Tell Rubio, “NO” means “NO”!
Mr. Haney
September 15, 2022 at 5:44 pm
Rubio is completely useless in addition to being a total coward.
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