For the second straight evening, Gov. Ron DeSantis gave President Joe Biden a vote of confidence while being interviewed on Fox News, showing that hurricanes can, however briefly, halt politics as usual.
Tucker Carlson questioned DeSantis about whether the Biden administration would come through for Florida in the wake of Hurricane Ian. The Governor affirmed he is “cautiously optimistic” that would happen.
“So, I actually spoke with the President, and he said he wants to be helpful,” DeSantis said. “We did submit a request for reimbursement for the next 60 days at 100%. That’s significant support, but it’s a significant storm.”
“We haven’t heard back from him,” DeSantis continued. “But I’m actually cautiously optimistic that we do. As you say, Tucker, we live in a very politicized time.”
“But you know, when people are fighting for their lives, when their whole livelihood is at stake, when they’ve lost everything, if you can’t put politics aside for that, then you’re just not going to be able to,” DeSantis reasoned. “So, I’ll work with anybody who wants to help the people of Southwest Florida and throughout our state.”
DeSantis’ kind words about the man he has often called “Brandon” continue a recent rhetorical détente established not just in official side news conferences, but in another Fox News hit when the storm began its final approach to the state.
“It’s my sense that the administration wants to help,” DeSantis told Sean Hannity Tuesday.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre asserted ahead of the appearance that DeSantis and Biden had talked and pledged “close communication.” That came after DeSantis opened the lines of communication at a news conference Tuesday.
“I’m happy to brief the President if he’s interested in hearing what we’re doing in Florida,” DeSantis said.
“My view on all this is like, you’ve got people’s lives at stake, you’ve got their property at stake, and we don’t have time for pettiness,” he continued. “We’ve got to work together to make sure we’re doing the best job for them, so my phone line is open.”
The White House is committed to demonstrating a dialogue. Its Hurricane Ian “fact sheet” released Wednesday makes repeated references to conversations with DeSantis.
September 28, 2022 at 9:13 pm
If you aren’t taking a boat out and fishing tomorrow off the coast of Daytona… you’re fking up. World records can be obtained in these conditions. Imagine the clout…on social media.
Don’t Look Up
September 28, 2022 at 9:41 pm
The president should be transactional with the Florida governor. Make Florida more responsible.
Any extraordinary Federal assistance beyond FEMA should be conditional on Florida’s institution of a personal income tax…… OR any extraordinary assistance should be set up as a loan with a repayment schedule.
Florida , like most red states, is always looking for MORE “federal free stuff!”
September 28, 2022 at 9:41 pm
Perhaps we should use the money that we were going to spend sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard on the people of Florida.
meredith shaw
September 28, 2022 at 10:00 pm
Oh my God. How infantile and uneducated is Ron DeSantis??? The President, whoever he is, always provides what states and FEMA require in these instances. Can he not stop his stupid, divisive political theater, even in the mudst of his states tragedy. Please Florida, elect a damn grown up next time. While DeSantis has been busy with political theater, Flirida insurance markets have been crumbling. And Carlson is beneath anything human.
September 29, 2022 at 4:06 pm
Desantis has handled this hurricane as a true leader. Your statements are false as he has publicly stated on multiple occasions that he and Biden are working together and showed gratitude for the Presidents quick response. You are the one creating division during a time when we should be coming together for the people devastated by the storm.
October 1, 2022 at 8:30 pm
Let’s just hope DeSantis donates every red cent from his kidnap-immigrants-to-deport-to-blue-states fund to helping his constituents and gets over that awful political foolishness
September 28, 2022 at 10:44 pm
Florida is in good hands with Governor Ron DeSantis. Those criticizing are politicizing the storm because the governor has shown the nation what leadership is all about. Perhaps those criticizing should reflect that we are blessed that we are not at the mercy of Andrew Gillum who couldn’t even handle a tropical storm when it hit Tallahassee.
Thank you Governor DeSantis for your leadership. Best Governor in America!
Charlie Crist
September 28, 2022 at 11:15 pm
👆In here sounding like a North Korean parade attendee…POW on television. You should have seen this cartoon character when Orange Hitler was president…
September 29, 2022 at 12:05 am
In Congress Ron DeSantis voted AGAINST helping Hurricane Sandy victims
Now he’s begging Biden for aid
Rand Paul voted AGAINST helping Hurricane Sandy victims
Yet he begged Biden for aid for Kentucky
Republicans hate “socialism” until their own asses are on the line
October 1, 2022 at 8:34 pm
That is a fact , and when called out on their hypocrisy, they answer that they’re fighting for their constituents, which sounds like they’re working hard at their jobs but they’re not, they’re just working toward getting reelected.
And if they were sincere, they would acknowledge that victims of other natural disasters from other states are their fellow United States citizens
Vito Lisi
October 1, 2022 at 8:04 am
Holy shit! Do you actually just rinse out your memory after every shitty thing he does and then say these proud statements as if they’re true?
Ron Desantis is a hate monger – he just spent 12 million dollars of Florida Taxpayer money to illegally ship nearly 50 people to Martha’s vineyard. He promised to use Covid relief money to evict immigrants from Florida. Not use the mine6 to help during Covid , but to kick people out of Florida.
Didn’t he make life hard in Orlando for Floridians because he’s mad at Mickey Mouse and gay people and teachers etc?
Yeah, sounds like a great governor.
David in Shoreline
September 28, 2022 at 11:47 pm
I’m glad President Biden finally came to his senses and spoke with Governor DeSantis. Biden was playing politics while Governor DeSantis was leading, and it wasn’t playing well politically for Biden.
October 1, 2022 at 6:03 am
Where do you get your information: “Biden was playing politics while DeSantis was leading”? That is simply a lie. Do you just make stuff up in that grievance filled, adolescent head of your?
Vito Lisi
October 1, 2022 at 8:17 am
Seriously. This is the most backward statement , but actually par for the republican base set of theories: listen to Fox and repeat what they say.
He allowed Covid 19 to spread and kill Floridians. He never once showed any leadership, but a lot of school yard bullying while the people he loves so much died rather than allow people vaccines etc.
Nooooo, that money he was given by the Federal Gov is to be used on evicting people he doesn’t like.
No politics with Ronny, no. He is a stalwart leader who knows when it’s time to play fair and not be a hate monger.
Clearly Biden should note how well Ron leads.
Vicki Mercedes Rodriguez
October 1, 2022 at 8:36 pm
That’s simply not true.
Biden has been a proponent of helping natural disaster victims for half a century!
Longtime Floridian
October 1, 2022 at 3:07 pm
Ronnie is probably more concerned because he has done nothing but be disrespectful in every possible way to President Biden. Ronnie is so used the TFG being vindictive towards people who disagree with him, he fails to realize not everyone is like that. The current President isn’t a petty petulant child, but a true leader.
Let’s see how long Ronnie’s gratitude lasts…..
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