National donors are pumping another $1 million into Democrat Charlie Crist’s campaign for Florida Governor. That includes significant infusions of dollars from the Democratic Governors Association and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker.
The announcement comes as Crist aims to ramp up national attention on Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis as Florida recovers from Hurricane Ian. Crist’s campaign encouraged anyone with nightmare stories to contact his campaign using a dedicated online tool.
Crist has criticized DeSantis’ handling of the homeowners’ insurance market. The campaign clearly aims to capitalize on the situation many Floridians face after Ian.
“Ron DeSantis is the worst property insurance governor in Florida history — and millions of Floridians are going to pay the price in Hurricane Ian’s wake,” Crist said. “If you have paid thousands in premiums for years and years, only to have your coverage disappear when you need it most, we want to hear your story.”
Florida notably saw the latest insurer back out of Florida coverage just a month before Hurricane Ian landed.
Crist’s campaign said the average homeowners’ premium has gone from $2,000 to $4,200 during DeSantis’ first term, a $15 billion collective burden on Florida property owners. Many must deal with the claims process after Ian impacted millions on a two-day tear across Florida.
In contrast, Crist reminded that he called a Special Session during his term as Governor, as a Republican from 2006 to 2010, to stabilize the market. Rates went down 10% during his term, and he has released a plan he believes will help consumers if elected.
Meanwhile, Crist’s campaign is enjoying fresh support from across the country in his effort to beat DeSantis.
“National donors are waking up to what’s at stake in Florida,” said Crist spokesperson Samantha Ramirez.
“In the last few weeks alone, Americans have watched as Ron DeSantis spends taxpayer dollars to fly migrants across the country while Floridians are crumbling under the weight of a collapsing property insurance market following Hurricane Ian. Ron DeSantis has shown our nation his true colors. That’s why Americans from all walks of life are chipping into this fight, and why Charlie Crist is going to beat him come November.”
Pritzker spoke in July at the Florida Democratic Party’s Leadership Blue Gala. His own national profile climbed after his response to mass shootings during Independence Day in his state.
The Illinois Democrat has experience unseating Republican Governors, as he defeated incumbent Gov. Bruce Rauner in 2018 by nearly 16 percentage points. That came the same year DeSantis won his first term in the Governor’s Mansion. Pritzker, a billionaire himself, also owns a residence in Florida.
Don’t Look Up
October 3, 2022 at 9:02 am
Why is it that Republicans always leave office dumping their economic and political messes for Democratic administrations to clean up?
Why is it that the second Democrats are sworn into office Republicans, the ones who made the mess in the first place, scream the loudest that Democrats can’t clean up their mess fast enough?
Twenty years of failed Republican stewardship in Florida has taken its toll.
October 3, 2022 at 9:56 am
Dems always cleaning up a Repubs mess? Yeah ok. How much pork barrel spending do Dems always pack in unrelated bills again?
Take a look at the high speed rail in Commiefornia and how much its costing.
Charlie Crist
October 3, 2022 at 10:38 am
People getting into office and doing things for other people is bad. People getting into office and starting wars, non-governance causing crashes, and shoveling money to the rich as fast as humanly possible is good. This is the so called thought process and morality of so called conservatives today. This is why they must be wiped out. These are some of the worst people in human history and they can’t rejoin the soil fast enough. Hell awaits the majority of these people.
October 14, 2022 at 10:09 am
However, you work ed for Morgan and Morgan who is know for going after insurance companies. Attorneys and shady contractors are the reason for Florida’s insurance issues. For once, listen to someone who knows the industry and what is really effecting it! Hell also has a place for shady politicians and attorneys! You will be in good company!
Paul Passarelli
October 3, 2022 at 9:27 am
How exactly did Governor DeSantis cause insurers to raise their rates?
That’s the Lefty Lawyers that accomplished that by forcing insurers to pay fake claims. Fake Claims that the people see as an *ENTITLEMENT*.
Which political party uses the word ‘entitlement’ whenever they are pandering to their constituents? HINT: It’s not the GOP.
Charlie Crist
October 3, 2022 at 10:32 am
Trump felt entitled to stay in office after he’d been voted out. Good point..
October 3, 2022 at 9:45 am
Things are not looking good for Desatan. Seems the investigators have pieced together his scheme to transport the 48+ legal migrants. DeSatan hired a counterintelligence retired women from Tampa to recruit these ppl to send them to a deserted island. She has been identified by many that were transported and the TX sheriff who also has her helper.
Desatan is getting a lot of sh.— for Lee county. The royal f—up started when neither he or the county “execs” did not follow their own hurricane plan. So far, more than half the dead they have found, are from Lee County. It is slow going because most of the county is still under water.
deSantis excuse, “we followed protocol” even though the protocol says they should have evacuated on Monday at the latest, they waited until after 5pm on Tuesday and the Hurricane hit on Wednesday when most lost power on Tuesday night.
Another one off, from Christina Pushaw, the desantis’ Russian braintrust bulldog. She had an argument with a reporter from Tallahassee on Twitter. Blaming him that he should have “warned them about the cone of the hurricane” that all news and weather stations had been reporting since Friday. Since Desantis decided to go to a football game he must have missed the signals when the hurricane hit the tip of Cuba, Pushaw and Desantis must have thought it disappeared. He waited until Monday to call for certain evacuations, again embarrassed by President Biden that told him he had to do it on Sunday. Biden told him the government would be there. Like trump, maybe the GQPs now can “think” hurricanes away. At least DeSantis did not use a Sharpie. I heard they had a run on Sharpies and whiteboards in FL because all GQPs were buying them.
As to when Desantis finally told ppl to evacuate: remember the Surfside Condo collapse last year. The Mayor of Miami, Cava called for emergency so she could get FEMA and national guards in to help. Biden made a statement in the morning that the governor would have to make the call not her. She called Desantis from roughly 2pm until 6:00pm when she Ade a public announcement that she could not reach Desantis by phone or text and they needed the help. Biden also made the announcement public again. Finally, Desantis called a emergency at 6:30pm only 14 hours after he found out. He was even at the location in the morning.
October 3, 2022 at 12:19 pm
Sorry to break the news but new polls came out today. You can check 538.polls and Realclearpolitics/polls. I’ll give you a hint DeSantis plus 8. Rubio plus 7.
October 3, 2022 at 12:25 pm
That’s strange. The Democrat head of FEMA gave an interview on CNN and agreed that Lee County did nothing wrong in ordering evaluations. I’m sure you can watch it on You Tube if you want to hear the truth.
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