One day after announcing his re-election bid, President Joe Biden is releasing his first full ad for the 2024 cycle.
Titled “Flag,” it’s the first of two ads the Biden campaign says it will put out in the next two weeks through a seven-figure ad buy.
The 90-second ad — which runs for the next week on national cable channels in six battleground states, not including Florida — presents Biden as America’s defender of democracy.
It indirectly alludes to Gov. Ron DeSantis and more explicitly references former President Donald Trump as authoritarian threats, though neither are mentioned by name.
“Flag” opens with a shot of its namesake, the American stars and stripes, and doesn’t go longer than 10 seconds without again showing it.
“As the sun rises, we raise the flag — a symbol of all that we hold most dear as Americans. Courage, opportunity, democracy, freedom: they’re the values and beliefs that built this country and still beat in our hearts,” a narrator says.
The ad’s tone then grows darker as a four-second series of clips show rioters storming the U.S. Capitol. While there is no shortage of “Trump: Make America Great Again” flags shown on screen, only one American flag appears during the segment, and it’s an altered version.
“But they’re under attack by an extreme movement that seeks to overturn elections, ban books and eliminate a woman’s right to choose.”
The ad then intersperses bright shots of Biden at work in the Oval Office and delivering speeches, abortion rights protesters and voters with somber, dimmer images of children being led from a school after an attack and parents at a post-shooting memorial.
“Joe Biden has made defending our basic freedoms the cause of his presidency: the freedom for women to make their own health care decisions, the freedom for our children to be safe from gun violence, the freedom to vote and have your vote counted, for seniors to live with dignity and to give every American the freedom that comes with a fair shot at building a good life,” the narrator says.
“In small towns and big cities, we raise our heads, our eyes, our hearts, for America — for the idea of this great country. Joe Biden is running for re-election to make certain that the sun will not set on this flag. The promise of American democracy will not break.”
Biden then speaks for the first time in the ad.
“Democracy must not be a partisan issue,” he says. “It’s an American issue. As your President, I will defend our democracy with every fiber of my being and I’m asking every American to join me.”
Then the narrator returns: “For freedom, for democracy, for America — Joe Biden.”
“Flag” follows a three-minute launch video Biden released Tuesday. The target states and markets are Phoenix and Tucson in Arizona; Atlanta; Detroit, Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo, Lansing and Flint-Saginaw in Michigan; Las Vegas and Reno in Nevada; Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Wilkes-Barre-Scranton in Pennsylvania; and Milwaukee, Green Bay and Madison in Wisconsin.
“The media-buying strategy reflects a campaign that’s optimizing for reach — buying across a broader set of markets to go deeper into states and reach more voters,” a Biden campaign press note said. “The campaign will release its second ad next week.”
Mercury Shampoo Ed 👍
April 26, 2023 at 11:05 am
Don’t believe the far right propaganda and GOP lies. Biden has done well. Vote for Joe. We must continue to fight for freedom… must continue to fight the hogs and their anti-government terrorist militias, the MAGA liars, and the extreme religious whackos, and busted out Florida blue hairs. Money doesn’t trickle down.
Dont Say FLA
April 26, 2023 at 11:07 am
One party wants to keep books out of our schools. The other party wants to keep bullets out of our school children. The choice is so very clear. Drag queens and books are just diversions from the GOP’s refusal to act in ANY way toward keeping any bullets out of any of our children’s internal organs.
David Pakman
April 26, 2023 at 11:20 am
Time to raise tax rates on those who make more than 300K a year to 90%. This is the only way that money will trickle down. The hogs have been hoarding and fking people for decades. Got the sub-apes fighting for crumbs. Stagnant wages and shameless hoarding of every penny in existence must end. A vote for Trump is a vote for billionaires. Money doesn’t trickle down that way. The rich are greedy and they want every dollar in circulation.
Joe Biden
April 26, 2023 at 12:51 pm
Let’s finish the job. Donald Trump and his fascist mutants and anti-government sub-apes must be held accountable for their attack on America. Let’s give them for more years of hell, and let’s put the rich GOP shills for the billionaires in their place. Money doesn’t trickle down. Let’s make it rain.
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