The transcontinental feud continues between California’s Democratic Governor and his Republican counterpart in Florida.
“He’s belly-flopped. He’s belly-flopped,” Gov. Gavin Newsom told POLITICO regarding the Ron DeSantis presidential campaign.
“The best thing that could happen to DeSantis,” Newsom continued, “is tomorrow, he packs it in and keeps his money and fights another day.”
The latest barbs toward the Florida Governor come as the two are still formally considering a debate later this year, though Newsom and DeSantis can’t agree on logistics.
Whether the debate happens or not, Newsom continues to go on the attack against the Florida Republican, whom he called “functionally authoritarian” during an interview Sunday on “Meet the Press.”
Meanwhile, DeSantis is not gaining ground among Golden State Republicans, despite the well-publicized back-and-forth with the Democratic Governor.
In a survey released by Berkeley’s Institute of Government Studies, DeSantis trails Donald Trump, 55% to 16%. California’s delegate apportionment rules grant all of the state’s 169 delegates to a candidate above 50%. That means if Trump holds this level of support next year, the former President will take all the delegates unless changes are made at the GOP Convention, which is at the end of the month.
DeSantis’s gripes about the Golden State have been a recurring theme of his campaign up until now, including cautionary tales about San Francisco.
“Don’t tell me it doesn’t affect people’s lives. I was just in San Francisco. I saw — in 20 minutes on the ground — people defecating on the sidewalk. I saw people using fentanyl. I saw people smoking crack right there in the open, right there on the street. It was a civilization in decay,” the Governor said at a Faith & Freedom Coalition event in June.
Earlier this year, DeSantis offered a provocation to the Golden State when he sent a flight full of undocumented immigrants from Texas to California, which he bragged about during an event in neighboring Arizona.
“These sanctuary jurisdictions are part of the reason we have this problem because they have endorsed and agitated for these types of open border policies,” DeSantis said in June.
The Governor has also attacked California law mandating humane treatment for pregnant pigs (something Florida has in its Constitution). While at a Never Back Down bus tour stop in Atlantic, Iowa, he said his presidential administration would not “let California regulate how farmers in Iowa conduct their business on things like, you know, these pork producers have to follow California law to do this stuff.”
Meanwhile, though DeSantis is actively campaigning, Newsom is seen as a better bet to be the next President.
According to the aggregators at Election Betting Odds, Newsom has a 6.5% chance of winning, nearly 2 percentage points more than the active candidate from the Sunshine State.
P. Pig
September 13, 2023 at 11:14 am
What’s he got against the humane treatment of animals? What kind of human being is this man?
Th-th-th-that’s enough of him, folks!
Silly Wabbit
September 13, 2023 at 11:17 am
He ass.
September 13, 2023 at 11:15 am
come pass by orlando paramount and you see all the same as San Francisco.
Impeach Biden
September 13, 2023 at 5:15 pm
Shiny teeth Newsom has nothing on DeSantis. Kalifornia for the first time in its history has lost a congressional seat due to people leaving the state. The same holds true with many of the companies there. They are leaving as well. Meanwhile crime is rampant in that once beautiful state and you can’t walk the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc without tripping over homeless people. Yes great job there Shiny Teeth.
Rick Whitaker
September 14, 2023 at 8:21 pm
hey you live in desantisan, how could possibly criticize other states? desantistan is the a-hole of the conutry. i lived there in the late 60’s and it was horrible then. now it’s way worse than it was then. there 49 states better than desantistan to live in. i guess you have different values than i have. sorry i had to bust your bubble
Impeach Biden
September 15, 2023 at 7:32 am
Ask yourself this, Why do so many people come to Florida? Most of them are fleeing “Blue” states with their high crime, high taxes, defund police movement, sanctuary cities, and on and on. Move to Chicago, Atlanta, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Portland, Los Angeles, Newark, NYC, and tell all of the People here in Florida that fled those dumps it is better there.
Rick Whitaker
September 15, 2023 at 6:05 pm
lies, all lies. why do you repeat all those lies, i guess you are a maga cult member and don’t know lies from truth. let me repeat, desantistan is the a-hole of the country. in my state there are no housing because of record growth. the value of my house has went up several hundred per cent in just a few years. and best of all we don’t have a fascist for a governor. i bet you are just too broke to move to a better state. you maga people will believe any lie your leaders tell you.
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