The Nikki Haley campaign isn’t missing an opportunity to celebrate the continued polling problems for Ron DeSantis in New Hampshire.
“It’s a dark, dark time for Ron DeSantis—and we’re not talking about the recent time change. Between lighting $100 million on fire and dropping precipitously in the polls, it’s looking awfully grim for the DeSantis campaign. Expect him to get even more desperate and deranged in his attacks on Nikki Haley,” predicted the former South Carolina Governor’s campaign.
“The week started with news of Haley’s initial $10 million ad buy and the release of 70+ prominent endorsements in Iowa. Then came poll after poll after poll after poll after poll showing Haley surging in New Hampshire and destroying Joe Biden in the general election.”
The subject header of the Haley email refers to DeSantis “falling to fifth place” in New Hampshire, a reference to the new Washington Post-Monmouth survey of New Hampshire GOP Primary voters that shows the Florida Governor behind Vivek Ramaswamy (8%), Chris Christie (11%), Haley (18%), and Donald Trump (46%).
The Governor’s Granite State slide has been a recurring theme in recent polls. A fresh survey from the University of New Hampshire shows him in fourth place, just one point ahead of Ramaswamy.
The Washington Post poll ties for DeSantis’ worst voter share with yet another new survey, the Emerson College Polling/WHDH poll of New Hampshire voters, which also finds the Florida Governor having slumped to 7%.
As these emails tend to do, they include quotes from commentators, including one with deep Florida roots earlier in her career before she went national.
“I think it is becoming pretty clear that the number two to Trump is arguably Nikki Haley now. For a long time, it was DeSantis. He arrived as the number two. But Nikki Haley, in a lot of ways, is starting to overtake him, if not in all the polls, definitely I would say in the hearts and minds of a lot of Republicans who want an alternative to former President Trump,” observed Tia Mitchell on NewsNation.
The Haley ascendance and DeSantis decline is reflected in betting markets also.
Per the Election Betting Odds website, Haley has 12.2% odds of getting the nomination, more than double DeSantis’ 4.6% chances.
General Election odds are even more lopsided in Haley’s favor. While bettors see her as having a 7.1% chance to win it all, DeSantis is at 2.4%, barely a third of where Haley is.
My Take
November 18, 2023 at 9:47 am
What fun! DeSScamus kicked to the curb . . . by a “girl.” Àctually apparently a pretty sharp lady.
Can she possibly beat Trump?
Trump would have to fail.
Nikki Loomer
November 18, 2023 at 10:30 am
Queen Of Maggats, worse than Loomer.
My Take
November 18, 2023 at 1:51 pm
Oh, we don’t want her as president.
But knocking off Ronnie would be great.
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
November 18, 2023 at 10:44 am
Good Morn ‘ting America,
Don’t be so quick to judge:
Even God does not propose to impose his “Heaven/Hell” judgements until the end of your days are at hand.
Our Great Nation is full of “Trusting” people…. which often is a good thing …. often though it’s a bad …. very bad thing.
My trusting fans, fellow Patriots, and the rest of you who generally fall into one of the two 💩 4 🧠’s Leftist/Rino status – STAND BY FOR NEWS !!!!!
The left is still in control of the polls and manipulates them not just daily but hourly.
So to sum it up: don’t be a chump listen to, and savor every delicious word, and wisdom-drops from Earl that you can. Relax your sphincter’s secure in the fact that “The Ronald” Ron DeSantis will lead you to a glorious EIGHT YEARS of peace, prosperity, truth, justice, and The American Way.
This “Sage Wisdom” nuggets have been brought to you by “THE EARL OF POLITICS”,
rick whitaker
November 18, 2023 at 8:21 pm
Ocean Joe
November 18, 2023 at 10:57 am
If Nikki Haley keeps this up there will be no need for comments.
Earl, when he drops out remember everyone is here for you, as you go through the stages of grief: denial, anger, and acceptance.
Ron is up against a bizarre oddity in American politics, plus those cow bells kind of sealed his fate.
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
November 18, 2023 at 12:26 pm
Thanks my Besty, OJ,
It’s good to know I’ve got my peeps to get me through the trauma “If It All Blows Up And Goes To Hell” (Borrowed that from my Besty J. Buffet).
Thank you OJ
Earl Pitts American
My Take
November 18, 2023 at 1:56 pm
How do any of them thiñk they can beat Trump and then go on yo win ?
Trump would work to destroy the GOP if defeated in the primary.
Now if eliminated otherwise, òutside the GOP, he MIGHT endorse someone.
November 18, 2023 at 2:38 pm
Nikki Haley can beat Trump. He’s not as ahead as people think…especially when you consider him on a stage with someone whose actually a sharp politician, beautiful, extremely qualified and who is not crazy and who is not a liar and thief.
My Take
November 18, 2023 at 6:37 pm
But then what does Trump do?
Runs third party.
Or, tells MAGA not to vote.
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