Orlando lawyer John Morgan, arguably the state’s most prominent lawyer, is teasing a potential run for Governor.
The founder of the country’s largest personal injury law firm teased a potential run in a post on X. He did so while sharing a Florida Politics story about Gov. Ron DeSantis’ apparent change of heart on Florida’s constitutional amendment requiring a $15 minimum wage.
“This is hilarious. And why we despise most politicians,” Morgan wrote. “Gov. Ron DeSantis fought me tooth and nail along with his usual suspects. Maybe I should run for Governor … as an Independent. The People’s Party.”
He ended the post with the hashtag #ForThePeople, a motto made famous through television, radio and billboard ads for his law firm, Morgan & Morgan.
The Republican Governor made his comments on the minimum wage, saying the voter-approved rate increase was evidence states should control minimum wage, while campaigning for President in Iowa.
Of note, DeSantis can’t run for Governor again, regardless how his presidential campaign pans out. He won re-election in 2022 and term limits prohibit him seeking a third term in 2026.
This isn’t the first time Morgan has teased a potential run for Governor. He toyed with a run in 2018, the last time the Governor’s Office didn’t have an incumbent running. He explored a Democratic run. But in November 2017 he announced he could not “muster the enthusiasm to run for the nomination” and that he was leaving the party.
Speculation continued that he may run without party affiliation, but he ruled that out in early 2018, suggesting at the time such a campaign would not be viable.
“People ask if I would ever run as an Independent. No way,” he posted at the time. “Independents never win and only act as a spoiler. May the best man OR woman win.”
Has he had a change of heart? His more recent post could well be a flip comment. He did not return a message from Florida Politics seeking comment.
But he has remained active in politics, particularly with ballot initiatives. As he noted, Morgan was a significant force behind the “Fight for $15” amendment that passed in 2020. He also was behind past amendments to legalize medical marijuana and has voiced support for a recreational cannabis amendment as well.
Earl Pitts "Sage Ron & John Supporter" American
January 4, 2024 at 6:21 pm
Good evening America,
My “Sage Besty Lefty Friend” the Honorable John Morgan has been a “Devotee of Earl’s Sage Wisdom” over the years and is totally aware of our upcoming DeSantis Landslide.
I will throw my support behind John 100% without question for “The Peoples Mansion of Florida AKA The Govornors Mansion”.
Lets do this together John. For all you and your Wife have worked so hard for over the years this will be a great career finish!
Ron in The White House and John in Florida’s Peoples House.
I, Earl Pitts American, am 100% “On-Board”.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
Earl Pitts "Sage Ron & John Supporter" American
January 4, 2024 at 6:25 pm
Just one request, My Besty John, can we bring back the Govornor Graham “Florida Tie”?
Totally your choice John.
Earl Pitts American
Earl Pitts "Sage Ron & John Supporter" American
January 4, 2024 at 6:47 pm
Tomorrow I’ll contact the “Ron Jon Surf Shop” regarding an “Un-Defeatable Advertising Campaign” to bring this collabaration home for a “Grand Finish” landing.
John, can we use Emma in our Nation-Wide Adds too?
Honestly this is what America and The Planet needs to avoid WWIII for the next 500 years.
Earl Pitts "Sage Ron & John Supporter" American
January 4, 2024 at 6:51 pm
Yeah America,
There’s not much that excites me at my age but this has me pretty excited!
January 4, 2024 at 7:02 pm
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Dont Say FLA
January 5, 2024 at 2:51 pm
Morgan Morgan’s couple of ideas as presented here sound good, but can he really claim to be an independent when he announces on the wingnut cesspool known as Ex-Twitter?
Harold Finch
January 5, 2024 at 8:53 pm
Run John Run! For the People!
Earl Pitts "WEED EXPERT" American
January 6, 2024 at 6:28 pm
Thank you for your support for John, Harold, just keep in mind who was first to throw his “Esteamed Support” behind John …. lets see now ….. was that Harold?
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