Ron DeSantis is continuing to rip protesters who have charged him with being funded by oil companies, questioning their timing during remarks Saturday in Iowa.
“We were doing stuff the other day and we have these young people, I think they’re from like Seattle or some, I don’t think they’re from Iowa, but they’re protesting and screaming and trying to rush the stage,” DeSantis said.
“I was on Fox News during a town hall on Tuesday and they rushed, tried to rush me, they tried to rush me the next day and it’s all about, you know, kind of the global warming and attacking me saying, you know, you know, oil is bad, all this stuff. And I’m just thinking to myself, I’m like, you know, you know, you shouldn’t be behaving like that, first of all, but second of all, you know, if you are going to come out and try to protest global warming, you may not want to try to do that in the middle of a blizzard.”
The Governor made the comments in Council Bluffs at an event put on by the Never Back Down super PAC. They aren’t his first comments about global warming or climate change, of course.
DeSantis previously told Iowans that the military’s focus on “global warming” is a reason recruiting has fallen off, and he vows to “eliminate” such “distractions” if elected President.
“And it pains me when we see revered institutions like our very own military become more concerned with matters that are not central to the mission, whether it’s global warming or gender ideology or pronouns, morale is declining, and recruiting is suffering. We need to eliminate these distractions, and we need to get focused on the core mission at hand,” DeSantis said in May.
Meanwhile, he’s taken a number of positions on climate change and global warming.
In December, he told an Iowa reporter that human activities are a factor in the changing climate. Yet back in 2019, the newly-inaugurated DeSantis dodged a question about whether he agreed with many scientists “that humans cause climate change” by simply calling out for the “next question” at a gaggle.
During a debate back in August, co-host Martha MacCallum of Fox News called for a show of hands from candidates who think Earth’s rising tides and record heat waves are human-made.
DeSantis rejected MacCallum’s request before any candidate hoisted their arm, explaining that he and his candidates are “not schoolchildren” and should “have the debate” on the subject.
“I don’t think that’s the way to do it,” he said of Martha’s phrasing, before pivoting to an attack on President Joe Biden’s response to the deadly fires in Maui and touting his own action following Hurricane Ian’s devastation of Southwest Florida last year.
DeSantis stuck to his guns in the wake of President Joe Biden claiming that Hurricane Idalia’s impacts were exacerbated by climate change this year as well.
“I studied history and they act like this is somehow unprecedented,” DeSantis said during a Fox News interview. “It’s not.”
“This area, the Big Bend, got hit by a storm, almost the exact same track in 1896 that had 125-mile-per-hour winds. So the idea that we’ve not had powerful storms until recently, that’s just not factually true. And so when they, that’s the first thing they want to say, you have to ask, why are they trying to politicize the weather?”
DeSantis groused about “politicizing the weather” during a state press conference shortly before the TV hit. He condemned “people trying to take what’s happened with different types of storms and use that as a pretext to advance their agenda on the backs of people that are suffering and that’s wrong and we’re not going to do that in the state of Florida.”
Thus far, he’s dealt with protesters twice, including once after the Fox News event.
In Ames on Thursday, DeSantis was accused of taking money from the fossil fuel industry.
“This is wrong with the college system right there. That’s exhibit A,” DeSantis said. “He was stumbling around to get his flag out. He telegraphed that a mile away.”
On Fox Tuesday, he dealt with what appeared to be a few people chanting “no oil money” during a town hall characterized otherwise by friendly questions and few moments where the Republican presidential hopeful was challenged off script.
“You live and you learn with these people,” DeSantis quipped as they were ushered away. “Well, you guys. That was a mistake. You didn’t get that one right.”
January 13, 2024 at 1:28 pm
First DeSantis is an epidemiologist……now he’s a meteorologist and environmentalist!
He might have had a chance if he simply shut his mouth and didn’t preach stupidity!
Rebekah Jones
January 13, 2024 at 2:23 pm
Whatever happened to the “fake scientist” that was a media favorite during the covid era? You know the one that has an arrest record and a taste for FSU males. Where is that “fake scientist” now. Boy CNN and MSNBC dropped her like a lead weight when they learned she was certifiable crazy.
My Take
January 13, 2024 at 5:11 pm
We’ve got kook Laquacko now.
January 13, 2024 at 6:35 pm
Are you referring to the dashboard specialist that was documenting deaths caused by the inept Gov Desantis’ inability to decipher health department data and science?
Well the vindictive governor violated HIPPA and disclosed Ms Jones health care. Then he fired her because she wouldn’t modify the numbers for the good governor’s false narrative. Then when she continued to speak to the media, torture boy Ron D, who never backs down, had her swatted, with her children in house.
So that’s the facts Jack..or if you’re going by your fantasy name because you’re a CD, Rebekah.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
January 13, 2024 at 6:25 pm
Good evening America,
This “Climate Related Article” is a “Sage Segway” for a keen man such as myself, Earl Pitts American, to educate not just “Raging Dook 4 Brains Leftys” but normal people as well.
America, something of “Grave Importance” happened just today that you do not yet know about.
America, “Husaine and Michelle” just “Threw In The Towel Today”.
Well, America, here’s The P00P:
8arak & Michelle just ordered “THE POLITICAL KISS OF DEATH” off the position of “Climate Czar” and ordered “John Kerry” to try and assist “Dook 4 Brains Joe” with his POTUS campaign.
Face it, America, everyrthing John Kerry has EVER, EVER-EVER-EVER touched has died, dried up, and went to H€LL.
Hussain & Michelle tolerated the Dook 4 Brains 8iden years ….. but America they never called it “The 8iden Administration” Hussain & Michelle always called it the “NOT TRUMP ADMINISTRATION”.
So in closing l, America,:
8ARAK & Michelle just ordered John Kerry to give the 8iden Campaign the “KISS OF DEATH”.
Truer words were never written or spoken in the “ENTIRE HISTORY OF HISTORY” ….. AND YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST FROM EARL.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
Eugene Krabs
January 13, 2024 at 6:45 pm
Thanks earl,
Everyone down here in the Villages and the rest of the planet are greatfull every time you stick your itchy 8utt stink dookey finger of truth in rebekka Jones and all leftists worldwides eyeballs.
Feel the dooky Earl finger of 8utt smell truth Leftys Eugene
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
January 13, 2024 at 7:07 pm
Thanks Eugene,
I’m at the glade plugin’s lab right now getting my itchy 8utt smell finger of truth aroma analyzied by AI (thats artifical intelegence boomers) and we will be marketing an “Earl’s itchy 8utt smell finger of truth “Plug In” on the market ASAP ….. so stand by to purchase this sage political product.
We are giving all of our “Earl’s Itchy Butt Smell Finger of Sage Truth “In Your Eye” Glade Plug-In Revenue to Tunnels To Towers.
Eugene Krabs
January 13, 2024 at 7:29 pm
Alot of ladies are gonna want to smell that smell like that old lynard skinnard song earl. And think of the ebay resell value on a glade plug in limited edition Earl itchy Butt finger plug in.
Im thinking 10 – 17 Million to T2T code word “Earl” funding for our Vets and LEO heros families Eugene K
Trump’s Howler 🙈
January 14, 2024 at 6:54 am
Christian men and comments about the anus; inseparable.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
January 14, 2024 at 10:03 am
Welcome aboard and thank you Howler,
Thanks for your fake leftist “contrarian comentary” to my, Earl Pitts American’s, “Sage Wisdom”. Our readership loves this type of back and forth and our “Sage Host, F. P.’s” revenue skyrockets as most of our readers come here just to see what Earl is up to each and every day.
Thanks again, Howler, you are a vital and honarable member of “The Earl Pitts American Team”,
Earl Pitts American
January 14, 2024 at 1:10 pm
I still remember Southern Baptist evangelists going on about “the baths of Rome.”
rick whitaker
January 14, 2024 at 1:34 pm
trump’s howler, crhristian men use ancient fairy tales to live and dominate by, so why not focus on sphincters as earl does?
Cynthia Meuleners
January 15, 2024 at 3:46 pm
I agree 💯 he just keeps circling around all the questions he can’t deal with. He’s a very weak person.
Josh Green
January 13, 2024 at 1:43 pm
You’d think a Harvard grad would be intelligent enough to understand the difference between “weather” & “climate”.
My Take
January 13, 2024 at 5:13 pm
And getting cold at midlatitudes in winter is no surprise.
Trump’s Howler 🙈
January 14, 2024 at 6:54 am
I wouldn’t think that at all. Harvard, indeed.
January 13, 2024 at 3:05 pm
Exactly! Of course he understands, but he only plays to the base. I remember taking a class in the early 1980’s, geology,, weather & climate. It’s the basic water cycle, and the premise was, once the polar icecaps start to melt so rapidly they can’t refreeze, well, it’s all downhill from there.
Polar warming = Evaporation, condensation, precipitation = stormy weather
January 13, 2024 at 5:46 pm
The brass at the Pentagon has sometimes taken the lead in propounding climate change, or global warming, because as the sea levels arise our naval bases on the coasts are jeopardized. Examples are Mayport NS in Northeast Florida or the base complex in Norfolk, etc., which are also targets for hurricanes.
January 13, 2024 at 7:06 pm
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Eugene Krabs
January 13, 2024 at 7:42 pm
Hi America this is mr kKrabs encourading all patriots to study Earls words and consider sypporting t2t with these exclusive meaningfull products. You can put the plug in s in your wifes bath room. She will get hot. You will get the poon.
Eugene Poon expert Regular Guy.
Keith Richards
January 13, 2024 at 8:15 pm
I’ve always put poon before politics.
So if it ever comes to poon or politics I take the poon every time.
ShoutOut to Earl, Eugene, And America
Go with poon prior to politics …… What Earl and my Eugene said.
My politics is always whats working my poon pooker not who’s in the White House.
Keith’s Poon Politics
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