Gov. Ron DeSantis again is ripping changes to Title IX imposed by President Joe Biden’s administration.
At issue for Florida’s Governor is new, allegedly unconstitutional language that protects people on the grounds of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,” the latter of which the state of Florida argues is immutably established at birth.
“The bottom line is this: injecting men into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms is not good for women. Injecting boys into girls’ sports is not good for girls. And so this is bad policy, but it’s also not constitutional,” DeSantis said Tuesday in Tampa, as he backed the Attorney General’s suit challenging the federal language for which he has already vowed the state will not “comply.”
Ashley Moody joined counterparts from Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina in making the case that “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” have nothing to do with how sex is defined traditionally and that language declaring sex at birth as “null and void” is problematic.
“Biden’s new Title IX rules shred protections for women — that so many fought for over decades. The idea that young girls can now legally be forced to undress in the same room with males in what is supposed to be a safe space like a locker room, that a young woman could be randomly assigned a roommate that is a biological male with little to no say over the matter, or that biological men would be eligible for women’s scholarships is ludicrous,” Moody said.
“To ensure safety and fairness, Florida will aggressively fight Biden, who refuses to think through the real-world consequences before overhauling regulations,” Moody added, referring to what would happen in female locker rooms and restrooms if transgender athletes were recognized as the gender for which they identify.
DeSantis has been aggressive in protecting cisgender girls and women against what he sees as threats from the transgender community.
On the first day of Pride Month in 2021, DeSantis signed SB 1028, a measure that bans transgender athletes from participating in women’s sports.
Last year, the Governor signed legislation restricting the use of pronouns in schools that don’t correspond with a person’s sex assigned at birth.
Dont Say FLA
April 30, 2024 at 1:31 pm
Could the real problem be that public toilets are where greedy developers cut corners, leaving everybody doing their private business in each others laps/
Nahhhh that can’t possibly be the problem. It’s WOKENESS that’s the problem.
LOL @ Anti-Woke Moes like Ron, blaming Woke for what their greedy developer buddies do to everybody that has to take a dump anywhere other than at home
April 30, 2024 at 2:00 pm
DeSantis can’t soften the harm to transgender Americans he has inflicted! In the wake of their abortion rights reversal……Republican governors met in 2022 and searched for a new powerless, insignificant, disposable minority to use as a political wedge issue. Republicans pretend to care about parental responsibility, freedom or choice……and Republicans like to pretend they know more than psychologists, psychiatrists and medical experts.
Follow the money
April 30, 2024 at 2:42 pm
This was like Christmas for D. I think what they really want is a back door to further defund Florida schools. If they use this as a way to lose federal funding for Florida schools then they can gain total control. Worst case scenario for them it’s red meat and fundraising. Best case for them, a full state takeover and secession from federal oversight. The shift to charter schools and the hollowing out of public education means they can put taxpayers on the hook for funding privately owned charter corporations (their buddies and all fingers in the pie) where it’s publicly funded but privately owned and with private profits. That is the ultimate goal. If you don’t believe me research it yourself, they are super proud of it. So if the universities lose federal funds then the state will have more of a stranglehold on the management of those assets and continue to install their cronies and ransack the institutions for further private profit and political control. New college was just a test run. This isn’t even about “the kids” or even using as a wedge issue. It is always about ransacking public institutions for private profit and control.
Rude Eye
April 30, 2024 at 6:58 pm
Ron and Don just had a show me yours and I’ll let you kiss mine moment this past Friday in Miami I wonder who lathered up for that one.
May 1, 2024 at 3:28 pm
Are you excited for your daughter, wife, or any female relatives of yours to lather and rinse in front of an ogling male pretending to be a female?
Joe Friday
May 2, 2024 at 4:58 pm
And that has happened when? You know of a heterosexual male who lusts after women so much that he dresses up as a woman so that he can smell their pee, farts and turds? Oh, and to watch them wash their hands?
Just the facts, ma’am. You provide the evidence, I’ll book’m.
Bonnie A Sternberg
May 7, 2024 at 10:00 pm
Problem solved for the projection of fear of ” an ogling male pretending to be a female”, and let’s add a projection of fear that it could be an ogling female pretending to be male, would be curtains and private stalls for all public bathrooms and locker rooms.
Simple and economical solution that allows us “all” privacy.
April 30, 2024 at 7:15 pm
Restrooms, what’s the problem? A male that wants to be a female walks into into a women’s restroom, since there are no urinals hanging on the wall they are forced to use a stall and nobody sees anything offensive. A female that wants to be a male walks into a men’s restroom, since they most likely can’t use a urinal they are forced to use a stall and nobody sees anything offensive. And by the way in other parts of the civilized world they have unisex restrooms and they don’t get lathered about it. Locker rooms with showers, now that might be problem but public restrooms come on.
May 1, 2024 at 3:30 pm
I’d imagine your female descendants will hate you for your dismissal of their sex based civil rights? I’ll be right there with them to piss on your grave.
Cal Howdy
May 2, 2024 at 6:18 am
Florida has laws about public exhibitionism — you can’t do that. If you want to take a piss, you’ll have to do that in a restroom for your assigned gender. So pull up your big girl panties. Maybe you could wear some Depends and just announce to the assembled mourners that you are pissing yourself in protest. Sorry, Charlie.
rick whitaker
May 2, 2024 at 7:33 pm
ALEXA, imagine your descendants without religion to shame them about so-called sins and not having a gop cop or a religious cop to dominate your personal life in the phony name of a phony religion. nice dream huh?
Michael K
April 30, 2024 at 9:18 pm
Someone needs to ask Rhond if they have ever actually sat down and had a conversation with LGBTQ parents, children, and people. Think about Governor Graham who walked in ordinary people’s shoes. Has Rhonda ever once tried to understand what it’s like to be one of the people he demeans?
Dont Say FLA
May 1, 2024 at 1:58 pm
Rhonda only wears high heeled go go boots. So, no, Rhonda will not be walking a mile in anybody’s shoes. Like, never. Not ever.
May 1, 2024 at 3:33 pm
I’m curious if you’ve asked 50% of the American population (females) about how they would feel about letting men change with them and steal scholarships and sports awards from them? Does that ever cross your mind, Mikey? Or are you laser focused on what a vocal minority of left wing extremists that you worship think?
Uncle Sam
May 2, 2024 at 5:06 pm
You are “curious” about how American women feel about the issue? They vote, don’t they? That’s how they can express “how they would feel” about the issue.
Speaking of which, they have and will continue to vote, too, on abortion rights. But conservatives are not “curious” to hear how they feel about that.
No More Rhonda
April 30, 2024 at 9:41 pm
What’s next? Rhonda going to start hiring school counselors, I mean clergymen, to be bathroom gential police? “Excuse me ma’am I need to inspect your vagina before you enter here”. Give me a break! Any attack on trans women is an attack on women! Get it through your heads!
Dont Say FLA
May 1, 2024 at 2:03 pm
Florida had a perfectly good Ron-B-Gone law on the books, but the dipstick Republican legislators exempted Rhonda from it without so much as offering any reason whatsoever for why they did that. I am not sure their heads are capable of processing information. All they got is scheming. They laid a Rhonda trap and Rhonda stepped right in it and now the little fella’s apparently just caught by his campaign expenditures of official State of Florida public treasury funds for their private campaign. They kept Rhonda just to watch him jump when they say jump.
May 1, 2024 at 3:39 pm
“bathroom gential police”
Never heard of bathroom gential police before! Did you mean to say “genial police”? Are they inspecting everyone’s manners before they use the restroom? Maybe they can kindly ask you to retake English.
“Trans women”, aren’t real women or else you would be referring to them as women. You can’t even post a comment without exposing the lunacy of the ideology you worship.
Silly Wabbit
May 2, 2024 at 5:07 pm
You kwazy.
May 2, 2024 at 5:10 pm
Alexa, flush the toilet and play “Misty” for me.
tom palmer
May 3, 2024 at 8:01 pm
Gov. DeSantis is always in a lather about something and Florida Politic’s stenographers are always willing to accomodate.
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