Florida’s Governor is trying to cool down the temperature when it comes to a preemption law (HB 433) blocking local governments from protecting private sector employees from the state’s brutal heat.
The issue, according to Gov. Ron DeSantis: Local control would create a regulatory “patchwork” that would have befuddled the capital class.
“It preempted local governments,” DeSantis said, adding that the state has a “regular framework” including “what we didn’t want.”
“You don’t want a patchwork of, like, Miami-Dade has all this and then you go to Collier and then it’s totally different because people are doing business in multiple jurisdictions in this state,” DeSantis explained at Mo’s Bagel and Deli in Aventura.
While the state bans cities from enforcing water breaks and so-called “cooling measures,” DeSantis notes that there are “employee guidelines from the state level that can be tweaked one way or another,” while “businesses are able to do what they want to do.”
“It preempts a local government from imposing restrictions in ways that are not likely going to be feasible when you have people doing in multiple jurisdictions,” DeSantis said, defending the business class and again affirming that “it should be one rule for the state.”
Though localities can’t do anything to protect workers, DeSantis reassured the South Florida crowd that “there’s nothing preventing a business from taking any additional action that they want to take,” adding that “most of them do take” precautions to protect workers from heat and the complications it creates.
Dont Say FLA
July 25, 2024 at 11:56 am
There’s one surefire way for outdoor workers to be protected from Florida’s heat: Claim heatstroke and get on the Rhonda Government Dole
Marvin M.
July 26, 2024 at 7:05 pm
There is no Florida Dole for Unemployment. I mean, not in any real sense.
In fact, apparently in Florida
unemployment doesn’t exist. It’s called “Re-employment”.
And 12 weeks of benefits is all you get, and around about $300/week is the most anyone can get, which doesn’t even pay most people’s rent for a month.
This is the whole point. The workers have no recourse if the employer will not let them have water/shade breaks.
They used to have some protections from city rules, but Ron DeSantis said no, you can’t do that.
DeSantis says “No, you city or county*, how dare you make rules to protect workers! I will make sure you cannot do that”
That’s not freedom, that’s totalitarianism.
Go Team USA.
*or school board/district, or cruise line
Ocean Joe
July 25, 2024 at 12:15 pm
The preemption of local authority is simply one more power grab by the “free state” of Florida. You are now free to refuse water and cooling breaks to employees, you are now free to bring a Queen Mary sized cruise ship into Key West, and you are now free to knock down the Art Deco district of Miami Beach, because it’s all about the wealthy getting what they want.
As Mr Palmer says, this guy is the worst governor in Florida history.
July 25, 2024 at 12:45 pm
Republicans have never been known for common sense!
Democrats have always protected Unions and workers rights.
Republicans are America’s worst enemy!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
July 25, 2024 at 12:47 pm
We have business owners who are capable of doing business in multiple counties and yet not smart enough to read and follow guidelines and restrictions in each of those counties?
Gee, Ron, why not just call these business owners a bunch of dumbasses who need to be coddled by the State?
What utter bullshit.
tom palmer
July 25, 2024 at 5:58 pm
If some business owners are free to do what they want to do, they will often do nothing. The free state of Florida strikes againl
Steven Plaeger
July 25, 2024 at 7:11 pm
So Ron, what are the state guidelines for heat protection? Do you have any at all??????
July 25, 2024 at 8:20 pm
Ron disants is all for him 💩👹 self 😘 just like trump I can not believe how much 🤑🤑🤑🤑💰🤑 my insurance went up under these republican s 💋 how much are they getting out 🫴 of this just like Rick Scott with his 🐥 wife working the prison system there 💜❤️💜 place they 🤙 call hell and there is 🎴 not 🚫 a 💪.nuff room for the lot of them that is why I in Georgia I can not afford to live in Florida
Pauline G
July 25, 2024 at 8:27 pm
We all know what going on. It is anti immigration. Even then your anti immigration, protectionist stance are very performative, because we all know capitalists support immigration as not only do they keep wages low, they drive costs of living up. All your anti immigration rhetoric does is make citizens act in antisocial way towards anyone they perceive to be immigrants and treat them as subhuman: any non-white person, any Spanish-speaking person, Etc. You have started to implement project 2025 book bans chipping away at our first amendment right testing us to see how far right we can be pushed; taking away women’s reproductive rights. People can not be turned gay, it’s biological thing, even then being gay does not make a person a pedophile; but I think you should look closer at the people in your party, as well as those in religious positions. Disney characters do not make anyone gay, if anything it tends to make one more empathetic to humans and animals. Which you clearly are not, or you wouldn’t have ruined this state’s wonderful wildlife; The Scrub Jays, the gopher tortoises, the panthers, the list goes on; by bringing in his voter base here promising them all kinds of perks; there is no more room for people or animals in this state. You have completely trashed it. I throw him in with Lauren bloberts, Marjorie Taylor Greens & Donald Trumps of the world ..I can say with pride I voted for the Gay Black Crackhead in 2018. And he would’ve led us to less insanity than what’s going on now. Signed a born and bred Floridian (when Florida was still considered the south). Thank you for making me switch parties.
July 25, 2024 at 8:52 pm
Re: “there’s nothing preventing a business from taking any additional action that they want to take,” adding that “most of them do take” precautions to protect workers from heat and the complications it creates….
Ronnie, please cite your sources for this data. So you claim most business do take precautions to protect workers…well, the currently do, but history is clear. When government is not involved in protecting workers, we all suffer. Let’s make America great again, Ron. 80-hour work weeks, no sick time, no paid holidays, no child protection, … I can go on and on.
Marvin M.
July 25, 2024 at 9:32 pm
OK, let me see if I’ve got this right.
An individual business CAN mandate water and shade breaks for workers.
But the municipality wherein the business opperates cannot force a business to give its workers water and shade breaks.
Why does Ron DeSantis keep doing everything he can to dilute the power of local government?
If a city or county wants to have an ordinance that requires business to give outdoor workers water and cooling breaks, why the bleeping heck can’t the state let them do that?
Brian Hill
July 26, 2024 at 12:19 am
Why? Because government doesn’t need to tell businesses to give their employees water breaks. Have you ever heard of an employer not allowing employees to drink water or take breaks? No? Wonder why? Because the employees would quit and then file complaints and business would be done. Stop trying to regulate everything. You liberals think government should have its hands in everything. Why Florida is great is because we have a governor to keep you weirdos at bay.
July 26, 2024 at 8:12 am
Brian, I am steadily amazed at how severely mental ill some people are. You sir are my new amazement for today. So your idea of “free” is for companies to have the freedom to control the “freedoms”, “liberty” and “health” of human beings?
I feel like it’s starting to become everyday now that I’m shown the extremely ill or extreme low IQ of folks. The fact that someone can make protecting human beings political is psychotic.
Linwood Wright
July 26, 2024 at 12:28 pm
Most Conservatives literally have Apple Sauce for brains.
Once you recognize that it becomes easier to understand why these gullible people are so easily tricked into voting agains’t their own best interests. I mean, you people like Brian M who obviously has fallen for this garbage completely. Simping for the “Freedumb” of big business over the working class.
Silly Wabbit
July 26, 2024 at 10:15 am
Bwian kwazy.
Linwood Wright
July 26, 2024 at 12:19 pm
My brother in Christ, you seem to have absolutely no grasp on the history of labor in this country. Companies will absolutely exploit their labor if they can. We’ve been fighting this fight for over a century now and now is not the time to give an inch.
But I can only assume you must be some billionaire construction company magnate or something since you’re simping for Big Business rather than supporting the working class.
Marvin M.
July 26, 2024 at 6:37 pm
Your words in quotes –
“Have you ever heard of an employer not allowing employees to drink water or take breaks?”
Yes. That’s why the municipalities put that into their city and/or county regulations. Y’know, the ones DeSantis is saying they do not have the freedom to do.
“… the employees would quit and then file complaints and business would be done.”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no that never works what planet do you live on?
All I can say, Brian, is I hope you are never treated as shabbily as you seem to think it’s alright for workers to be treated.
cassandra was right
July 27, 2024 at 6:09 pm
You say:
You liberals think government should have its hands in everything
Yet here you are advocating for interference from Tallahassee which already has its hands in literally everything: books you can read, websites you are permitted to use, entertainment you’re allowed to attend, food you can eat, your health care, what you smoke, your body, your contraceptives, pronouns you use, … endless.
Now you’re ok with Big State Government taking away citizens’ and voters’ control over their own local neighborhoods! Areas sometimes as small as a couple hundred people. The regulations you whine about come from citizens’ demands to their own local representatives. People who answer to them. Rural, urban, small town, suburban, all have different needs. One commonality: No Big Government welcome in local affairs. That’s what this is all about.
July 26, 2024 at 12:11 am
Di-spicable is trying to spin what he’s done, he is realizing it’s just yet another horrible thing he’s signed into law. It’s inhumane to not provide any protection in a state that gets hotter every year! This is the same little man who only cared to fund breast cancer research once his wife was diagnosed. He has ruined Florida, done nothing about the insurance crisis we all struggle with, made guns more accessible in a State with horrific mass shootings. His term can’t end soon enough!
Joey Waldron
July 26, 2024 at 12:52 am
I used to like the Santos now I think he’s the dumbest person on the face of the Earth I’ve welded for over 30 years and when he signed that measure in there he really decided the Fate of the welding industry I will pay him my entire check to come work with me for one day one day stick welding in the Sun one day I guarantee you he would have never signed that bill he’s a dumbass when your body temperature when they flash you with the temperature gun and you’re up to 160° and your employer wants to do nothing to help you out and expect you to work in that s*** you might as well hang that industry up pal cuz these woke ass kids nowadays aren’t going to put up with that s*** so thank you governor desantos for f****** the welding industry
Bill Righter
July 26, 2024 at 2:08 am
Read up your history, there Brian and educate yourself. Maybe Google ‘ “Worker rights in the early 1800s” to understand how wrong you are. Company’s only care about the bottom line, worker safety is not a priority. There’s always those bosses that take advantage of desperate people every time, no decency, no moral compass to do right by their employees
July 26, 2024 at 3:35 am
Try working the construction trade it’s hot miserable work if you can’t keep up we can replace you this has always been the attitude in America greedest nation on earth
July 26, 2024 at 7:57 am
I’d like to ask the governor why he thinks Richard Nixon signed OSHA into law.
Deaths and injuries in the US plunged after this law took effect.
If DeSantes thinks corporations will “do the right thing”, as opposed to fixating on the bottom line, I’ve got a bridge to sell him.
July 26, 2024 at 4:39 pm
Do agree, JoJo! If he doesn’t want local municipalities to cover the need for shade and water in the increasingly hot state of Florida, then why don’t they do a statewide one. Surely , this is not that complicated-/ to avoid deaths, brain and kidney damage to our workers when temperatures are over a certain degree— do something; legislate and show you care about people!!! Most of these outdoor workers probably, do not have health insurance either! Protect their health!
I can barely stand to walk to the mailbox in this heat— try working in it!!
July 27, 2024 at 8:44 am
There would be public outcry if pets were left in hot temps and without water—rightfully so! But if the state is “pro life”, then do the little needed to preserve the life and health of those working hard in this terrible heat that lasts for so many months
July 28, 2024 at 6:11 pm
Dehydrated and pesticides how nice on the organs
July 29, 2024 at 10:57 am
A tropical storm will cool down Tallahassee,next as the tropical low,goes between Tallahassee and Tampa Bay next weekend
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