The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Tuesday will launch its first-ever campaign targeting Haitian American voters.
A five-figure ad buy will include print, digital and social media ads in Florida, the state with the highest concentration of Haitians in the nation. It also comes on the heels of high-profile attacks on the Haitian diaspora by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and vice presidential nominee JD Vance.
“This historic investment from the Democrats is just another pivotal step in our mission to engage with the large, diverse voting blocs that will help decide this election, and we are doing so by meeting Haitian voters where they are to provide vital information about voting in this election,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison.
The DNC purchased print ads in L’Union Suite and Le Floridian, two Haitian-owned publications in South Florida. The ads make an appeal in Haitian Creole and in English encouraging voters to make a plan to vote. It directs voters to the DNC’s IWillVote.com website. Similar ads will run on digital platforms.
“There has never been a more important time to ensure Haitian voters are equipped with the power to make their voices heard at the voting booth and choose leaders at the local and national level who will prioritize their safety and dignity while advancing their fundamental freedoms, rights, and economic opportunity,” Harrison said.
“With stakes this high, the Democratic Party is taking no vote or community for granted, engaging every facet of our diverse coalition of voters until no stone is left unturned in order to elect Democrats up and down the ballot this November.”
Haitian Americans tend to vote more conservatively than Black voters as a group. University of Florida political scientists estimated that 20% of Haitian American voters supported Trump in 2016, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
But since Trump alleged that Haitian migrants in Springfield are eating Americans’ cats and dogs, an allegation he made at a presidential debate and doubled down on as recently as this weekend, more leaders have criticized the attack.
“Our leaders are supposed to make our communities stronger and safer — and Donald Trump and JD Vance have shown that they will do the opposite,” said DNC Deputy Political Director of Coalitions Herlande Rosemond.
“The Trump-Vance smear campaign has underlined how much is at stake this November not only for Haitian Americans, but for every American who was disgusted by their racist lies. Democrats stand with Haitian communities, and we are making sure they have all the information they need to exercise their rights and cast their votes in this election. As we say, Sak Pase? Nap Vote!”

October 22, 2024 at 6:09 am
Good Morn ‘Ting America,
The left has 100% known for over a year that this is not their election to win. What they’ve been doing is parceing out money, like in this situation, to business’s willing to keep 1/2 and donate the other 1/2 back to certian individuals and to the DNC.
This has been a clear and present dangerous violation of Our Great Nation’s Election Laws for which the Earl Pitts American Political Science Division is ready to prosicute To The Fullest Extent of The Law under The Sage Trump Admimistration (yes we are talking prison time).
I know a lot of Sage Citizens have suspected this “Travasty of Justice” has been going on … so Relax Your Political Sphimcters as we have the proof and the Ways & Means to Prosicute these “Nare Do Well Criminals”.
Thank you America,
October 22, 2024 at 11:54 am
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yew oweme
October 22, 2024 at 5:35 pm
EARL, give it up. you are a nut and a perv, so your cover has been blown. save face, give it up. you won’t , you are what hillary knows as a deplorable. live with it. you dealt it, now you smell it.
Turnip J Truck
October 22, 2024 at 7:56 am
They’re eating the DOGS
Billy Rotberg
October 22, 2024 at 11:09 am
Now suddenly they care about Haitians. Truth is, they just want to exploit them like the Clinton foundation.
Cat 5 Patty Headed To Miami
October 22, 2024 at 11:26 am
Cat 5 hurricane Patty is headed to Miami on election day with winds of 130 miles per hour,100 percent guaranteed,so Democrats vote early or by absentee,let Republican vote in the hurricane,hell has no fury as woman name storm and Kamala will have on election day in Florida
A day without Libturds
October 22, 2024 at 11:50 am
Libturds have shit for brains.
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