Donald Trump has his new Jacksonville campaign headquarters at the corner of Park and King, in what residents of the Riverside neighborhood are calling an “unattractive nuisance.” Hillary Clinton is opening one on Atlantic Boulevard this month. Even as these current front runners show organizational strength, other candidates are making quieter yet just as significant inroads.
Consider Ted Cruz. In a conversation Monday, we heard from a local involved with the Cruz operation that higher-ups in the Cruz campaign will be on Florida’s First Coast Tuesday night and Wednesday, talking with money people and making the sale.
As has been widely reported, some of Jeb Bush‘s supporters have worried about his campaign’s slow start. While a move from Bush to Cruz for those donors would surprise many, what is evident is that the Cruz organization thinks that even if victory in the winner-take-all primary March 15 is no sure thing, there is a chance to make fundraising contacts in Northeast Florida.
One can presume that the result of the New Hampshire primary, held Tuesday, may be of interest to those writing their checks for Cruz instead of candidates whose home bases are nearby.
The Cruz for Florida leadership team, chaired by Rep. Neil Combee, includes one name familiar to Jacksonville political watchers: Rick Hartley, former chairman of the Duval County Republican Party, is one of 81 members of Cruz’ Florida Leadership Team.