This week, the race to replace Patrick Murphy saw a little back-and-forth between the two Democratic candidates, Jonathan Chane and Randy Perkins.
Chane opened the round with an endorsement from Wendy Davis. And while you are forgiven if that name doesn’t ring a bell (she’s a former state Senator from Texas who earned her 15 minutes of fame filibustering an abortion bill) the message was supposed to bolster Chane’s party credentials and lay claim to being the more pro-choice of the two.
Not bad. Kind of kitschy, but not the worst endorsement ever.
Then, Perkins parried with a reminder that he and not Chane is being backed by the Democratic party mothership (the DCCC) and countered with an endorsement from an actual Florida resident who is still an elected and BTW is actually sitting in the very body both men are seeking.
Perkins offered up the endorsement of the dean of the Florida congressional delegation, Alcee Hastings.
In the 18th Congressional District where a solid plurality of primary voters will be African-American and in a district where local politics really matters, we have to hand this round to Perkins.