Lions … tigers … bears … and GOP Congressional candidates. All will be at the Jacksonville Zoo Tuesday for a forum involving 4th Congressional District Republicans.
One caveat, however: none of the Republicans will be in cages.
The forum will be held in the Samburu Room, under the auspices of the Northside Business Leaders, starting at 11:45 a.m.
Lunch is $15, which breaks down to roughly $2.14 for the right to hear each of the seven candidates vying to replace Ander Crenshaw.
Hans Tanzler, Bill McClure, Ed Malin, Lake Ray, Steve Kaufman, John Rutherford, and Deborah Katz Pueschel are all slated to attend.
Seating is at a premium. To RSVP, contact Glenn Fowler at 904-343-1850 or Nancy Burnett at 904-757-7338.