On Monday, Rep. Tracie Davis filed a trio of appropriations bills in the Florida House, all of which relate to the Jacksonville Democrat’s district.
Davis, who took over the House District 13 seat from Reggie Fullwood, filed the following.
HB 2439 requests $500,000 for the J.P. Small Park Museum.
J.P. Small Park, when it was known as Durkee Field, hosted some of the most renowned baseball players in American history during its days as a home stadium in the Negro League, when the Jacksonville Red Caps called the Durkeeville landmark home.
The stadium was restored in the 1980s, and a small museum was built more recently.
HB 2441 requests $450,000 for the Jacksonville Trout/Moncrief Stormwater Management Facilities.
Stormwater management funding, while not a thrilling topic, is one that the city of Jacksonville needs help from the state to fully fund, given the twin burdens of deferred maintenance and the city’s unfunded pension liability, currently approaching the $3 billion mark.
HB 2443 requests $800,000 for the Police Athletic-Activities Leagues Youth Directors & Life After High School Programs.
These programs help potentially at-risk youth stay on the right side of the law with mentorship.
To use a baseball metaphor, Davis isn’t swinging for the fences with these asks. Rather, the freshman legislator is swinging for achievable base hits.