Carole Crist desperately wants to be a reality TV star.
Scratch that.
Carole Crist desperately wants to be a star.
Wait … scratch that, too.
Carole Crist is desperate.
As first reported by the Tampa Bay Times, Crist, the former First Lady of Florida is making herself “available to do media interviews in New York about the devestation of Hurricane Irma.”
(This is an actual sentence from the release her flak, Jeff Cohen, sent to reporters. “The econmic cost od recovery is in the billions.” That’s right, two misspellings in one sentence in a press release.)
Cohen told Alex Leary of the Times that Carole Crist had gone through hurricanes with her former husband, Governor Charlie Crist, and has experience with the Red Cross and wanted to share any thoughts.
After the devastation inflicted by Irma, the last person anyone in Florida wants to hear from is Carole Crist.
She seems to forget that no one really liked her when she was First Lady. We simply tolerated her out of respect for the governor. Now that she’s separated from Charlie, we like her even less. Only now we can express our disgust.
What exactly are the thoughts Carole could share about the devastation of Irma? How to best guzzle red wine during a power outage? Which adult Halloween costume will be the must-have after the waters recede?
Because drinking red wine and designing naughty nurse costumes is about the extent of her knowledge.
Even if Carole Crist wasn’t a publicity-seeking wannabe, the irony of her wanting to speak about the impact of Hurricane Irma is beyond rich.
Consider this: while millions of Floridians were either evacuating their homes or suffering through the storm without power, the Real Housewife of Fisher Island was mugging with Gene Simmons and watching the U.S. Open in New York.
Spare us your insights, Carole.
Larry Gillis (Cape Coral)
September 13, 2017 at 10:06 am
Nasty commentary, for sure. Remind me not to irritate you unless I really need to.
Larry Gillis (Cape Coral)
September 13, 2017 at 10:09 am
(And, I am very forgiving of beautiful women. Unless they step on my Blue Suede Shoes, that is)
Ray Roberts
September 13, 2017 at 1:38 pm
Well said
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