Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry will face a challenger on the 2019 ballot — and it all stems from a beef over a boat show.
Former Atlantic Beach Commissioner Jimmy Hill, a Republican like Curry, took issue with a scheduling snafu over a 2017 boat show that led to him being edged out of promoting boat shows altogether.
Now Hill hopes to have the last laugh … and edge Curry out of the Jacksonville Mayor’s Office
Hill believes his group was pushed out of the boat show because it used Metro Park, and was “the last remaining obstacle to getting rid of Metro Park.”
“The Lenny Curry administration is wholly responsible,” Hill said, for the boat show issues.
And now the ultimate revenge: a challenge on the ballot.
Hill, who worked for Curry’s election, asserts that he “misjudged [Curry’s] character and willingness to do the right thing for people.”
Moreover, the challenger says he’s not alone in his chagrin with the incumbent.
“There’s a groundswell of people disappointed in the Mayor,” Hill said. “Key players in his administration are steering him in the wrong direction.”
“I’m the exact right person at the exact right time to make the necessary corrections. People the last four months are saying we need something done. It’s come to my door,” Hill said.
Curry has banked $1.5 million for his campaign; Hill isn’t worried.
“This election will have nothing to do with money. It’s about the message and the facts,” Hill said. “Curry has shown exactly who he is by the JEA acquisition [SIC],” Hill said.
Moreover, other major issues give Hill pause, such as the District development deal and the “band-aid” that was the city’s 2016 pension reform package.
“Money isn’t going to hide those problems,” Hill predicted.
Hill sees his campaign as “really problematic” for Curry, and promises surprises along the way, including groups and individuals the campaign is working with.
Prior to Hill filing, Curry had one ballot opponent already: Democrat Doreszell Cohen, who has $150 cash on hand.
Jerry Wetzel
April 16, 2018 at 9:26 pm
You have my vote sir, anyone but Curry at this point
Matthew L. Killen
April 16, 2018 at 11:35 pm
Democrat Doreszell Cohen has the volunteer base and support of the Duval Democratic Party; she’s also collected petitions since she announced.
* She’s also a warrior.
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