New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo mused Saturday that “beaches in Florida” caused New York youth not to wear masks while protesting police brutality.
“It’s difficult with young people,” Cuomo said. “I think the way they first heard about this virus was that they were immune. There’s a video clip during the Florida Spring Break when you had all those young people on the beach in Florida and there’s a clip of a young gentleman saying … it’s not going to stop me from partying.”
The comments came during the Governor’s Saturday briefing, and Cuomo did not mention New York’s much higher rate of contagion than Florida, which observers attribute to subway cars and other close-quarters incubators of community spread.
This continues what has been jousting between New York and Florida politicians for months, as conservatives nationwide have contended that, contrary to the predictions of Northeastern media, Gov. Ron DeSantis (who ordered travelers from the Empire State to quarantine upon arrival) got the COVID-19 response more right than Cuomo did.
For his part, the Governor has avoided direct sparring with Cuomo, though he has repeatedly said risks were tied to New York City travel into Palm Beach and Broward and Miami-Dade.
In the friendliest of all possible hagiographies in National Review, an unattributed quote from a “Florida health official” has done the dirty work.
“I don’t want to cast aspersions on others, but it is incredible to me, it’s shocking that Governor Cuomo [and others] are able to kind of just avoid real questions about their policies early on to actually send individuals into the nursing home, which is completely counter to the real data.”
DeSantis has noted that he decided early on to sequester nursing homes from visitation, a controversial policy at the time, but one in retrospect less controversial than Cuomo’s decision to send COVID-19 patients back to nursing homes.
Cuomo has been more likely to tangle with DeSantis’ predecessor, Rick Scott. The two have been using each other as foils in recent weeks.
Cuomo said Scott was “playing the American people” by saying New York took more than it gave to the federal government. Scott says Cuomo has been begging for a “bailout.”
Amy Roberts
May 30, 2020 at 1:05 pm
I love learning new words and this one, hagiography, is great on many levels, pronunciation alone, makes me smile. Thanks, made my day.
Ward Posey
May 30, 2020 at 2:05 pm
Gov. Cuomo is a real leader. Ricky is a felon and Ronnie is a cowardly phony. Both Scott and DeSantis should be deported to Antarctica
May 31, 2020 at 2:58 am
Ward… you are retarded apparently! Cuomo killed hundreds of seniors… and you praise him? RETARD!
June 2, 2020 at 5:45 pm
Leading seniors to their death was awesome! BAHAHAHAHAHA!
Margaret Blustine
May 30, 2020 at 6:29 pm
De santis neglects to mention mention truth that trump disbaned deliberately cdc in 2016.cdc was thru many presidents be trump in readiness for possible pandemic.trump cut funding. When virus hit in January he did nothing with fema or cdc.they called back March by trump start from scratch.trumps fault not cdc.de santis seems to forget he could easily have closed beaches spring breakers,he did not.he allowed ongoing ny flights thousands daily all along still does. De santis did too loose lockdown too late.he called draconian wasnt at all if you read it. he failed protect fla. Still manipulates with false daily new case numbers using his rigged positivity forMula takes percent of TESTS daily cases not says ever much higher actual cases daily.what’s happening in fla is false data daily from de santis.fla is surging out of control fast now.55000 cases up to 10000 hospitalizations.april 15 was 2600 hospitalizations. He lies manipulates.closes sites all to manipulate report false cases daily.works hard to deflect from never safe to open as too loose lockdown fla with 1200 day by he did phase 1 using his rigged executive order to take percentage of tests not actual tests.does this corruption intent to defraud daily on fla residents.instead of paying them supporting businesses til really declining 14 consecutive days per cdc not declined 1 day only per his rigged executive order rule to open unsafe while cases still rising high.his buddy trump could have stopped virus early March using fedl resources.he said no.let virus go see what happens in his speech.so he and de santis did and are.we see what happened.100000 dead people we know abt probably 250000. 55000 and surging cases 10000 hospitalizations in fla happened getting worse daily.because they won’t pay people like other govermts did.to be safe with income.if de santis wasn’t a scheming wimp he would have enforced ny people’s 14 day quarantine in fla. He did nothing.he would have done strict lockdown stop varies in march.then now we won’t have out of control virus rapid fire increasing.de santis isn’t caring at all.like Cuomo worked so hard has virus lowered hugely contained.not de santis corrupting data more daily.dishonest.now won’t let state medical examiners reports with higher by hundreds true new daily cases be known to florida.if de santis enforced with 5000 fine or jail like Texas we wouldn’t have virus.he is wimp lazy.says people won’t wear masks or distance.well de santis note in many states they DO because they have a leader in their governor.not a whining wimp like fla who deflects abt nursing homes.rigged his executive order to open fla with deadly results he’s hiding with fake percent instead of huge record high increasing new cases and hospitalizations.puts death numbers weeks back.he lies constantly as fla still on up up track to infinity.never declined.he doesn’t want pay people.neither does trump.Pelosi does.
June 2, 2020 at 5:46 pm
DeSantis is the best gov since Scott! Thank you De!
On my meds
June 4, 2020 at 10:43 am
I’m glad you don’t vote like me.
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