Gov. Ron DeSantis found time during a teacher bonus event in St. Petersburg to weigh in on other matters, including federal encroachments on state prerogatives.
DeSantis was at an elementary school when he answered a reporter’s question about the potential Joe Biden‘s administration could find a way to pay school superintendents and board members cut off from the state for circumventing its mask mandate ban.
The DeSantis administration has threatened to withhold the salaries of school administrators who implement those policies against his orders. Biden and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki have said they’re looking into it, but DeSantis is calling the federal bluff.
“I’m not sure that they have the wherewithal. They’re also talking about imposing a potential nationwide mask mandate on kindergarteners, first-graders, who knows, regardless of what the parents believe is in the best interest of their kids,” DeSantis said. “Obviously, if you’re talking about the federal government coming in and overruling parents and our communities, that would be something we would fight back vociferously against.”
DeSantis again touted his policy for putting parents in control.
“So our view is of course that we believe that this is the decision for the parent to make, just given the uncertainty about what it means, particularly for a lot of the young kids to be in that. And I think that’s where the vast majority of the districts — I know we have I think two who are not providing the parents with the rights, but obviously we believe that the parent rather than the government ultimately should be able to make that decision.”
Broward and Alachua counties have broken with DeSantis’ ban on mask mandates. Unlike some counties, such as Leon and Duval, they do not permit parental opt-outs currently.
DeSantis’ executive order, issued in July, allowed the Department of Education to withhold state funds from mask-insistent school boards. That condition has clearly created, perhaps on purpose, another national coronavirus controversy for the Sunshine State. The threat has drawn political criticism. Democratic gubernatorial hopeful and Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried likened DeSantis to a “bully on the playground.”
For full coverage of the St. Petersburg event, check reporter Kelly Hayes‘ comprehensive writeup.
August 11, 2021 at 11:38 am
Are Floridian embarrassed by DeSantis yet? What an idiot!
August 11, 2021 at 9:38 pm
No not at all.
Floridians are embarrassed by women like you. You are just a hater. Manchurian bot.
DeSantis stands on wings compared to your crowd.
August 14, 2021 at 1:11 pm
He is not an idiot. Do your homework on Sweden community immunity and stop with the talking points coming from the media. There is a 99..% survival rate. The flu and cold did not disappear.
Also there are patents before and after Sars Cov2 bioengineering. Sars is not natural/not this one anyhow.
Sonja Fitch
August 11, 2021 at 11:41 am
Good god almighty. Stfu Duffus Desantis! You are the leader Governor Duffus Desantis! You are blaming any thing so you can just show off what a nut you are for bs political goals! Lock him up for advocating to place our children in harms way!! Get out Desantis!
Matthew Lusk
August 11, 2021 at 11:52 am
Biden knows about executive overreach. Pinching an eight year old girl’s nipple. Disgusting democrat pervert.
Frankie M.
August 11, 2021 at 2:17 pm
Sounds like someone’s jealous they didn’t get a purple nurple….lmao
Ron Ogden
August 11, 2021 at 11:56 am
Today’s little sneer from AG: “Gov. Ron DeSantis found time during a teacher bonus event in St. Petersburg to weigh in on other matters, including federal encroachments on state prerogatives. DeSantis was at an elementary school when he answered a reporter’s question. . . .”
Of course, if he doesn’t “find time” to answer a reporter’s question, then you get to blast your opinion about how he doesn’t respect what I have heard folks like you call “the critical role of journalists as the vital links in the chain of democracy” or some such blather.
It is a wonderful life to be able to create reality to fit your outlook.
Ocean Joe
August 11, 2021 at 12:13 pm
“It is a wonderful life to be able to create reality to fit your outlook.” Like your version of the last election I guess.
Tom Palmer
August 11, 2021 at 12:20 pm
Amerika’s governor strikes again
August 11, 2021 at 1:02 pm
Isn’t it ironic Faux talking heads were screeching how kids wearing masks was child abuse?
You only need look at DeathsAnus to see the one abusing kids health and life.
Frankie M.
August 11, 2021 at 2:22 pm
DeSantis is like Santa Claus. Goin to different towns. Givin out $$ (that isn’t his) like it’s candy. Did he even vote for that federal bailout $$? Didn’t think so. He’s just the messenger…and a lousy one at that.
AG, ask Lenny if he’s pullin his kids out of your alma mater because of the mask mandate? If Lenny doesn’t believe in the effectiveness of masks he needs to talk with actions instead of tweets.
August 11, 2021 at 7:57 pm
You Democrats have gotten insane with this stuff. It’s never ending. Thats all you do is want more mandates, more restrictions, more demands on people. The obsession with power and control and censorship is unreal. People in this country have had enough of this.
I suffered through 2 vaccine shots and terrible side effects. The side effects from the vaccine were worse than what I got with the virus itself! What sense does that make? When I had COVID it gave me a stuffed up nose and sore throat for 2 days. That’s it! No fever, no cough no nothing else. When I got the vaccine, I had a fever for 2 days, a migraine for 2 weeks, and my arm hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep! There is no possible way (no way in hell) I’m getting a 3rd shot or a booster. There is no way! And I will not wear a mask anymore. No way. No how. I am so done playing this game with you liberals and these doctors that keep flip-flopping. I WILL NOT COMPLY with this nonsense.
You Dems can take your masks and vaccines and stick them where the sun don’t shine! I will not vote for any politician that advocates restrictions, lockdowns, or mandates. I have done my part and I am moving on with my life. I’m not going to sit and live my life in fear of a virus that only gives me a stuffy nose for 48 hours. My body is flooded with antibodies. Just leave me alone!!!!
Andrew Finn
August 11, 2021 at 9:13 pm
“Well, it’s 1 – 2 – 3 what are we fightin’ for —— and it’s 5 – 6 – 7 open up the Pearly Gates —— be the first one on your block to have your kid come home in a box —— we ain’t go time to wonder why – whoopie we’re all gonna die” ——————- (Remember?)
bishop jerome
August 12, 2021 at 10:22 am
In Manhattan playwrights Sanctuary
Catholic – informed Theater Foundation
Playwright Dr. larry Myers
vaccination wars play
Myers = activist
August 14, 2021 at 6:38 am
Ha, ha , bjT ha, ha.
Such a dweeb.
I don’t know whose more boiled, you or pud Alex. Manchurians are getting busted.
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