Winner and Loser of the Week in Florida politics — Week of 3.6.22

Like it or not, Gov. Ron DeSantis scored win after win in the Legislative Session.

Oh, joy.

It’s spring forward time again. That also means it’s time for the annual jag by U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio about moving the clock up an hour only to move it back later in the year.

“We Americans are about to suffer another ridiculous time change as we spring forward this weekend,” Rubio said. “Switching in and out of Daylight Saving Time is outdated and is only a source of annoyance and confusion.”

He’s not wrong, and there are solid arguments that DST should be permanent. There are equally strong arguments against that. Moving the clock up an hour means many kids wait for their school buses in the dark.

Every year, we debate this topic, and nothing changes. The Florida Legislature even passed the Sunshine Protection Act in 2018 to keep DST year-round.

Alas, it needed congressional approval, and that never came.

Since we will be stuck with these yo-yo time changes, though, here’s a thought.

Instead of springing forward on a Sunday morning, move the time change back 24 hours. Changing the clocks on Saturday gives people extra time to adjust the work week that starts Monday.

Yes, many people work on the weekend too. If we must have DST, though, Saturday makes more sense.


Honorable mention: Jared Moskowitz. He hit the ground running in his bid to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch.

Moskowitz reported that he raised more than $100,000 in the first 24 hours after announcing he would run for Deutch’s seat.

He is the only announced candidate, but potential challengers include Republican state Rep. Chip LaMarca, Democratic state Sen. Gary Farmer and Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis.

Moskowitz also released a list of 50 people supporting his bid.

That list includes Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book, state Sen. Shevrin Jones, Democratic House Co-Leader Evan Jenne, plus state Reps. Dan DaleyAnna Eskamani, Michael Gottlieb, Christine HunschofskyCarlos Guillermo Smith and Marie Woodson.

Almost (but not quite) biggest winner: Bob Chapek. It took a while, but the Walt Disney Company’s CEO spoke out against Florida’s infamous “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

At Disney’s annual shareholders meeting, Chapek admitted that employees let him forcefully know they are “upset that we didn’t speak out against the bill.”

He said the company opposed the bill from the start. Rather than speak publicly, though, company leaders decided to speak directly to lawmakers.

Chapek said he told Gov. Ron DeSantis by phone that the law could unfairly target “gay, lesbian, non-binary and transgender kids and families.”

Chapek said the company is “reassessing our approach to advocacy — including political giving in Florida and beyond.”

It’s probably too little, too late for this issue, but maybe he got some lawmakers’ attention before the next culture war attack.

The biggest winner: DeSantis. As if we needed more proof of his stranglehold on Republicans in the Legislature, the Governor came away from the Session with nearly everything he wanted.

A lot of it was divisive and designed to appeal only to the red-meat portion of the Republican base, but lawmakers dutifully did his bidding.

Granted, it looked like more of a platform to run for President than laws designed to improve the lives of everyday Floridians, but that’s what DeSantis wanted.

The House and Senate approved a plan to penalize airlines, bus companies, and other organizations that assist the Joe Biden administration in moving undocumented immigrants to Florida.

DeSantis won his push to ban the teaching of critical race theory in Florida schools, which isn’t taught anyway. That got him some nice headlines for his supporters, though.

He wanted a special police force to ensure election security, even though Florida had earned national kudos for how smoothly the 2020 election ran. Lawmakers barked on command for another red-meat talking point.

DeSantis won on “Don’t Say Gay” and legislation designed to dictate what teachers and employers can say about race.

Like it or not, the Governor used this Session to show who’s boss.


Dishonorable mention: Aaron Zahn and Ryan Wannemacher. The two men were indicted in federal court over an alleged scheme to steal millions of dollars from the city of Jacksonville through an attempt to sell the Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA).

Zahn is the former CEO, and Wannemacher was its CFO. They face wire fraud and conspiracy charges after the indictment says they devised a scheme that would have paid them potentially tens of millions of dollars.

In 2019, the two falsely reported JEA was in a “death spiral” and unless officials sold the utility, there would be layoffs and steep rate hikes. The indictment said they concocted that rocky economic forecast to force the sale while enriching themselves.

As the Jacksonville Times-Union reported, they did that to “manipulate the utility’s board of directors into believing privatization was the only feasible option going forward.”

Almost (but not quite) biggest loser: Rick Scott. Florida’s junior U.S. Senator is still dealing with the repercussions of going rogue in his role as chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

The National Journal reported that “Republican strategists are flummoxed that the chairman would clumsily insert himself into the campaign conversation when his main job is to be a team player and do whatever it takes to help Republican candidates running for office.”

Scott, instead, startled top Republicans — including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell — with his 11-point “Rescue America” plan. It contained a provision that called for all Americans to pay income tax. He specifically included the poorest folks whose income falls below the minimum threshold for taxes.

The Journal quoted Republican strategist Scott Jennings, who is close to McConnell, on the potential damage the plan caused.

“When Scott put out his agenda, it gave the Democrats an opening to force certain policy ideas on campaigns that didn’t want it. I’m not sure if any campaigns actually adopted the Scott agenda when it came out,” he said.

“Senator Scott is a smart person, an ambitious person, seems like he wants to be a presidential candidate. This was him laying down some policy markers ahead of 2024, but it’s complicated by the fact that he was elected to run the NRSC.”

The biggest loser: Christina Pushaw. How low can she go? Well, she keeps trying to show us.

DeSantis’ press secretary outdid herself bashing critics of the Legislature’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

That’s the piece of legislation that dictates what school teachers can (or mostly can’t) say in the classroom about sex. Many saw it as an attack on LGBTQ+ people.

Pushaw’s tweet said those opposing the bill were “probably a groomer, or at least you don’t denounce the grooming of 4-8 year old children.”

Grooming is a term for adults using coercion and intimidation on children for sexual purposes. There was a thunderous backlash to her tweet.

Pushaw responded that she used her personal Twitter account and was not on the clock at the time.

That is, of course, baloney.

As the official spokesperson for the Governor, Pushaw is always on the clock. And with a salary of $120,000 a year, she could try to bring a little dignity to the job.

Oh, who are we kidding?

This is what Florida’s Divider-in-Chief wants as he continues his unofficial campaign for the presidency. He’ll probably give her a raise.

Joe Henderson

I have a 45-year career in newspapers, including nearly 42 years at The Tampa Tribune. Florida is wacky, wonderful, unpredictable and a national force. It's a treat to have a front-row seat for it all.


  • Tom

    March 13, 2022 at 6:43 am

    Right Joe. Almost Biggest Winner, you mean Loser: Chapek/Disney/ABC, what a clueless CEO. 32 lobbyists on payroll. Grandstanding 11 3/4 hour after ignoring it for weeks, total incompetent grandstanding. Hello McFly!!

    Licking China’s boots is of course time consuming and distracting. China objected with Top Gun movie, Tom Cruises jacket patch, said Taipei/Taiwan patch. They threatened to block movies showing in China. Disney caved and took it off. Typical Corp sellout.

    Those Afghans falling off wings and wheels of American planes weren’t going to China or Russia Joe. Biden has destabilized the foreign policy works. Threats, debacles snd disaster. Afghan, Ukraine, Taiwan, Iran one debacle after another. Possible Nuclear war ticking closer.

    America’s Governor Perennial Weekly Winner: He wins every week. DeSantis dominates weekly on every topic in overwhelming manner.
    His legislative achievements demonstrate the ability to accomplish his goals. Do for America what you’ve accomplished for Florida. All politics is local regardless of what he may do after his landslide win in Nov. as he makes a difference in Floridians life. Tallahassee to White House Oval. America’s Governor the true conservative and Repub. leader, the best!

    • Old man Ron

      March 13, 2022 at 6:55 am

      When you get the taste of old white man out of your mouth just remember:

      He caved on mask and he will on this too lol

    • Tom

      March 13, 2022 at 7:55 am

      Feel free to toss all the fentanyl in too.
      I’m sure Disney is doing everything it can to discourage it. I’m sure Chapek and his shareholders are outraged by China’s efforts to destroy American society.

    • Mother Superior Slapshot, Bishop Vasilevskiy High School

      March 13, 2022 at 12:41 pm

      My goodness, Tom, there’s no pleasing you. Mister Henderson did call Mister DeSantis “the”biggest winner” of the week, after all, and yet you are still not happy. I suspect you prefer to be angry about anything Mister Henderson says, just anything at all.
      You do seem to be at your happiest when you are praising Mister DeSantis, however, so perhaps you should concentrate on doing more of that. More “DeSantis dominates,” and “He wins every week,” and “(he’s) the best!” Who knows? Maybe he’ll discover you and make you junior press boy assistant to that lovely press secretary of his! Think what you could tweet!…Now, take a well-deserved nap and dream about that. Dream away, bless your heart.

      • Tom

        March 13, 2022 at 1:09 pm

        Mother dysfunctional, you really need to be bent over. Why don’t you worry bout yourself. Calling ABC/Disney a winner under any circumstance with all the boot licking of China is appalling. Chapek also known as McFly is a woke a joke. His 32 lobbyists must be dreaming of Cinderella every day. Disney like Nike are captive to China you idiot!

        China is trying to destroy America. Have you heard of tech spying and fentanyl death. The open Biden border. Disney’s caving to China over Top Gun jacket patch demonstrates they are corrupt. Disney won’t leave Florida, to Cali LMAO.
        Save it Sista dysfunctional. U really need it.

  • 🦠

    March 13, 2022 at 6:58 am

    Shouldn’t old Ron be trying not to join all the other republicans getting a Herman Cain award every month?

    • Tom

      March 13, 2022 at 7:18 am

      Your ignorance is bliss, but typical from demented Dum manchurians.
      No caving on masks you dweeb.
      With elephant Kahones the line starts behind him. But fraudsters like you are balls less.

      • Peeking through the door

        March 13, 2022 at 7:51 am

        You hate gays a lot for someone who loves Ron descant us and his balls

  • 🦠

    March 13, 2022 at 7:37 am

    “No caving on mask you dweeb”

    Covid: I love it when they fight back lol

  • No fight

    March 13, 2022 at 7:40 am

    Covid: and give Jim hadgedorn my regards reps!

    Cancer: he could not take it! Lol

    • Tom

      March 13, 2022 at 7:51 am

      You must be jealous not to be identified as biggest loser.
      Not hard for you. U degenerate,
      What a loser when you Mogk dead and ill. Special place in hell for u.
      Just another Dum, Manchurian boot licker. Ovary.

      • Break time

        March 13, 2022 at 7:59 am

        “When you mogk”

        Ok let’s talk

        You have an unhealthy obsession with Ron’s balls and now your coviding the English language

        There are limits. And you are breaking them. You need to get off the Internet lol

  • Ocean Joe

    March 13, 2022 at 8:08 am

    Ron Desantis is Moe, always angry, Rick Scott is Curly, always doing something stupid, and Marco is Larry, the guy in the middle never getting anything done.
    …and maybe Richard Corcoran is Shemp. Don’t let the screen door hit you on the way out.

    • Tom

      March 13, 2022 at 8:25 am

      Total bull crap from you ocean. How bout some objectivity for change.
      Disney/ABC/CEO Chapek are China boot lickers. Fentanyl being imported, Biden destabilizing the world with reckless foreign policy, Nuclear war seconds away.

      Chapek is a con, he can’t fight to keep Tom Cruses Top Gun jacket from China’s sensors.
      America’s Gov has no problem telling Chapek to go Call Xi. Just a joke.

      • Ball catcher

        March 13, 2022 at 8:48 am

        “How about some objectivity”

        What would you know about that one way?

        Go back to thinking about Ron’s balls Lol

  • Tom

    March 13, 2022 at 8:15 am

    “ Typo” when you “mock”cancer and death, demonstrates your sick mentality. Degenerate loser. Your efforts to change subject, falls flat.
    Disney like Dems and you got rolled again, time after time. You can’t articulate or defend your incompetence. DeSantis runs over you all.
    China/Disney/you losers. LMAO. My outline sets the trend and dominates as always. I am the FP Legend. You are the loser.

    • Oh well

      March 13, 2022 at 8:50 am

      “When you mock cancer and death”

      Are you still mad. I made fun of Republicans and covid? Get over it. They did

      The Herman Cain award is a self given award. Should have gotten that vaccine lol

      • Tom

        March 13, 2022 at 9:21 am

        Oh well.

        Hardly, you are mentally meaningless.
        Nothing you crap has meaning but stink! How’s the incest with your family? Hard to be you.
        You loser. Scum bag.

  • Tom

    March 13, 2022 at 9:15 am

    Everything I write is objective.
    Unlike mental retard as yourself.
    Clueless as usual. Unable to deal with anything substantive. Fake moniker. No balls, just ovary you are.
    Obviously, China boot licker got your tongue wagging. LMAO. Gov Kahones busts you and your Manchurians! America’s Gov the best!
    U Loser

  • Marconi

    March 13, 2022 at 10:30 am

    Tom: I and millions of other Floridians agree with you 100%. Disney needs to stay in their lane, the land of make believe. If not for Desantis, we would have fallen in the black hole of an alcoholic, drug and same sex addicted dem governor.
    Desantis lives deep in the heads of every dem.

  • Tom

    March 13, 2022 at 11:12 am

    Thanks Marconi my conservative brother!
    Stay attuned. We need you voice.
    Agreed on America’s Gov. Gillium was a soros canard. The Dem Manchurians have nothing to offer.

    Joe’s outline suggested winner in Disney.
    Really? They are a joke, 32 lobbyists later.
    The Top Gun example I provided is overwhelming in woke a joke. Chapek as ceo is a joke. ABC/Disney are apologists for woke Dems. They both lick China’s boots. Not Gov Ron, he does not cow to the extremist education and socialists. NEA sued him when he opened schools. After the teachers got a pay raise. Despicable.
    Yes, America’s Gov has crushed them, with avalanche coming in Nov. Biden’s non approval in Florida is 34%. Crist, Fraud and Dum Dum Deming, no chance.
    Dems can’t have a discussion on anything. Total manchurians. Trump, Jan 6, DeSantis Wah Wah.
    Repubs win 60 net House seats and 6 Senate seats in Congress!

  • Tom

    March 13, 2022 at 1:15 pm

    Yes he does Marconi. Big time.
    Thanks, these wok-ester jokers are pathetic.
    Disney is embarrassment as is Nike.
    America’s Governor wipes the floor with these losers. Thanks, don’t be a stranger. I’ve driven the Manchurian nation out.

Comments are closed.


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