Yet another single-state poll of Republican voters suggests Gov. Ron DeSantis would be the front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination in a field without Donald Trump.
And even with the former President in the field, the May poll from Texas’ CWS Research shows DeSantis as an increasingly strong runner-up, at least among 992 likely voters in this year’s Texas Primary surveyed between May 4 and May 10.
Without Trump in the field, DeSantis was the choice of 56% of respondents, well ahead of two favorite sons. Sen. Ted Cruz had just 14% support, and Gov. Greg Abbott had just 10% backing, with all other names in single digits.
Yet even when the former President’s name was included, Trump was not the choice of a clear majority. Trump mustered just 45% support, with DeSantis garnering 28%, a full eight points up from April polling from this same group. Ambassador Nikki Haley was a distant third, with 7% support, and Cruz and Abbott farther back yet.
CWS Polling continues to test DeSantis’ appeal, and Florida’s Governor performs well. A February press release promoted a survey with DeSantis “crushing” the Texas Governor in a hypothetical head-to-head Presidential Primary matchup.
The latest positive Texas survey tracks with good polls for DeSantis in other states important to Republican candidates, such as North Carolina, where a competitive Primary season has led to prospective 2024 questions as well in a series of polls that show that a growing number of people regard DeSantis as a first choice, even if Trump runs again as many expect.
National polls corroborate the more granular surveys of what is still a hypothetical contest.
A survey from Echelon Insights of 377 Republican registered voters, a subset of a larger poll of 1,001 registered voters, showed that in a head-to-head battle with Trump, DeSantis would command over one-third of the vote.
Meanwhile, when scenarios are envisioned where the former President does not run, DeSantis benefits.
The aforementioned Echelon Insights poll likewise had DeSantis at 35% in a Trump-free field, with more support than the next four finishers combined.
The April 2022 McLaughlin & Associates poll, in the field from Apr. 22 to Apr. 26, showed the Governor above 30%, with more support than what runners-up Mike Pence and Donald Trump Jr. mustered.
The April 2022 Harvard/Harris Poll also showed the Governor with 35% of Republican respondents backing him if former President Trump stands down.
Other metrics besides polling show a strengthening DeSantis position, including odds touted by professional bookmakers. Trump’s odds to win the nomination and the General Election have declined between March and now, and DeSantis has seen his odds improve on both counts.
May 11, 2022 at 8:28 pm
No surprise, voters see the leadership,
conviction and like ability. DeSantis is America’s Governor, regardless of what opposition says.
His efforts on economy and schools cements majority of Floridians. His Covid efforts proved to be correct. Dems are lost in Florida.
Biden is 36% approval in Florida.
Chameleon crisp and nikki fraud have no chance.
The c
May 11, 2022 at 10:31 pm
De Santis has clamidia lol
Just a comment
May 15, 2022 at 11:38 am
No people
May 11, 2022 at 11:56 pm
LOVE GOV DESANTIS! He is on point with ALL ISSUES IN FL and is NOT AFRAID To take a STAND against anyone!! He has a big heart and utmost loyalty to Florida!!!!
May 12, 2022 at 8:02 am
Leadership? I see a bully who’s obsessed with culture wars. I cringe at the thought of voting for dems but if you can’t vote for something you want, there’s no choice other than to vote against what you don’t. Time will tell I guess.
May 12, 2022 at 8:28 am
Bill you Loser!
May 12, 2022 at 11:27 am
What’s up Tom? Can’t accept the fact that other people have different points of view so you have to go with the childish insults?
May 12, 2022 at 11:27 pm
Loser moron and ass wipe!
How dat ignant
May 13, 2022 at 12:07 pm
Boorish and utterly predictable. Who would have thunked it?
Matthew Lusk
May 12, 2022 at 12:22 pm
Where’s Pence? Less than 1%. Thought SO!
Itold Usoh
May 12, 2022 at 2:48 pm
I did not vote for DeSantis in ’18, but he’s done a great job with COVID. He had the courage to go against the conventional wisdom.
–He’s plain spoken. I do not need Google Translator to translate from Politicalese to Everyday English. He uses simple, declarative sentences. No fancy, academic vocabulary like the left.
–He uses common sense. Just one example: Kindergartners do not need lessons in transgenderism and preferred pronouns.
So, surprisingly, he has my vote this election. Certainly better than Mr. Flip Flop, Charlie Crist, and the cannabis lobbyist, what’s-her-name.
May 13, 2022 at 7:31 am
What are you a Johnny come lately?
America’s Gov #1. The best state and Gov in country. DeSantis is the conservative leader in GOP. He clearly is the go to Gov by example. Repub. GOPers are seeing his leadership across country.
Across the board Desantis #1.
Re-elect in Nov. WH oval next.
May 15, 2022 at 10:53 am
Fine. Send Gov DeMAGA to Texas and let him run for governor against Greg Abbott. A race to the bottom…
May 16, 2022 at 7:27 am
Hardly, Texas Repubs like Desantis.
Who you got moron, bozo O’Rourke.
What are you a liberal Dummycrat.
Please, spare us.
America’s Gov is clearly appreciated by the public at large. DeSantis is the new generation leader. Get used to it.
Just a comment
May 17, 2022 at 1:25 am
Na I like my strength ING 😅 supportive 😛
Just a comment
May 17, 2022 at 1:27 am
People can not even follow 10 laws. How many fake ones you all have to make upon
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