Fresh polling shows Gov. Ron DeSantis with a 5-percentage-point lead on Democratic challenger Charlie Crist.
An Insider Advantage poll for Fox 35 Orlando found about 50% of likely voters in Florida favor the Republican incumbent for re-election. About 45% plan to vote for Crist, a former Republican Governor-turned-Democratic Congressman.
That’s not a huge lead, but critically, the poll puts DeSantis above a vital 50% mark. Incumbents want that standing, as a majority level of support cannot be overcome without peeling support away.
“Crist will have to do something fairly unusual to overcome DeSantis, but it’s not impossible,” Insider Advantage founder Matt Towery said in an interview with Fox 35. “It’s just outside the margin of error, so to say that Charlie Crist is going to lose would not be a fair assumption from this poll. It just says that Ron DeSantis has what I would call a fairly comfortable lead.”
A look at the RealClearPolitics polling index shows the Governor with an average 4-percentage-point lead. That’s based on three polls conducted to date since Crist won a heavily contested Democratic Primary with Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried.
The Fox 35 poll shows a stronger DeSantis with a stronger lead than any poll in the field to date.
DeSantis also polled at 50% in a poll commissioned for AARP that was first released to Florida Politics. That poll found Crist at 47%.
Another poll, released by Susquehanna, found DeSantis with less than majority support, but still leading Crist with 47% to 43%.
Looking forward, DeSantis noticeably has a substantial cash advantage in the race moving forward. Crist depleted most of his available campaign funding leading into the Primary and will need to catch up, while DeSantis, uncontested in August, sits on more than $130 million. But Crist is making the case to national donors now that the race remains competitive.
Impeach Biden
September 9, 2022 at 10:08 am
The People’s Paper of Ft. Lauderdale “Sun-Sentinel” will only post polls that favor Crist. They will find one out there somewhere and of course it will be wrong like all of the other biased yet incorrect polls
Charlie Crist
September 9, 2022 at 11:32 am
^ Vote for me. I’ll put neo nazis like this guy behind bars.
Billy Rotberg
September 9, 2022 at 4:48 pm
You pointed at yourself again, chi com troll farm virus. Why are you hiding behind a fake screen name?
September 9, 2022 at 4:52 pm
Are you tired with your job good opportunity Ca03 Online Working Home Base Jobs for you here.
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Charlie Crist
September 9, 2022 at 8:54 pm
Vote for me…I’ll slap this guy so hard that he poops his pants.
Billy Rotberg
September 9, 2022 at 4:50 pm
The scum sentinel is leftist trash
Charlie Crist
September 9, 2022 at 8:56 pm
👆 Vote for me. I’ll suplex body slam this guy into broken glass…
September 13, 2022 at 7:03 am
Keep it up only one more reason to vote for DeSantis!
Winston Churchill
September 11, 2022 at 1:17 pm
It’s interesting because DuhSantis has been losing voters steadily over the last year. Early last year DuhSantis enjoyed a nearly 20 point lead. Today is hovers around 5%. To lose 15% in a year is HUGE.
September 12, 2022 at 1:09 pm
Identity theft perpetrator, fake names, multiple aliases… you should expend your energy into promoting your candidates virtues and accomplishments, oh, that’s right, there aren’t any.
September 9, 2022 at 10:36 am
To get suburban women’s votes Desantis is hiding his plans until after the election. His own party says: A GOP operative told NBC News that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is holding off on more restrictive abortion bans than the 15-week ban already in place while he seeks re-election, but is expected to go further if he wins a second term.
Said the Republican operative: “The strategy is obvious. Do it after the gubernatorial so as to not piss off suburban women, then screw them over after the election in order to appease fire-breathing pro-lifers in a presidential primary.”
Impeach Biden
September 9, 2022 at 11:03 am
A GOP operative. Ha! Ha! That is some funny stuff there. Again the Democrats are running with this because their record from the economy to the Southern Border crisis is so poor. Mary Lou, abortion is legal in the state of Florida up to 15 weeks. Over 90% are accomplished by the time limit.
Charlie Crist
September 9, 2022 at 11:31 am
^ Far right/ neo nazi propaganda… deflection from Trump crime spree and meltdown.
Impeach Biden
September 9, 2022 at 11:45 am
Someone else that doesn’t or can’t read.
Mr. T
September 9, 2022 at 12:04 pm
You gon get your head bust cracker!!!!
September 9, 2022 at 2:05 pm
Instead of another “Marxist”, I quote an actual GOP-er, and still you cry, Peaches! What’s Desantis hiding? Time to demand to know Desantis’s secret plans before— not after—the election!
September 9, 2022 at 2:54 pm
Desantis vetoed contraceptives for poor women and teens at high risk for pregnancy, in response to a letter (an order, really) from the Conference of Catholic Bishops demanding his veto, and stating that the CC (his own church), considers contraceptives to be abortifacients.
Desantis followed CC orders to prevent the abortion of fertilized eggs, so logically he would follow CC orders to prevent abortion of an even more developed embryo or fetus.
Desantis is refusing to comment now, but after the election he will demand an absolute ban. A large segment of Catholic clergy doesn’t even consider the woman’s life to be a permissible exception, so there’s no guarantee that the woman won’t be left to die with—-or instead of——the fetus.
James Madison
September 11, 2022 at 1:20 pm
Comprehension is not your strong point.
September 9, 2022 at 11:02 am
To all:
5 or 6 polls now showing America’s Gov with 3 to 9pt lead.
Not one poll shows him not leading!
Handstands being done to try to show him losing, fail.
DeSantis will win with 54% to 55% of vote.
The left extremists will go ballistic and fail the next 50 plus days!
America’s Gov will prevail, even Newsom’s in-laws moved to Naples and support Gov.Ron.
Simply, the best Gov in America.
Julio Eglasis
September 11, 2022 at 1:27 pm
Ron enjoyed a 20 point lead last year. It’s dwindled to 5%. What happened?
September 9, 2022 at 12:43 pm
Good for Ronnie!
September 9, 2022 at 12:56 pm
Republicans can’t answer tough questions from the main stream media ….. that’s why the media is never invited into Republican venues!
That’s why Republicans are interviewed on Fox, OANN, Newsmax, and Breitbart. Those interviewers are PAID to avoid tough questions.
Make no mistake, when Hannity gets to speak at a Trump rally ….. Fox is getting money from the Republican Party.
September 9, 2022 at 3:34 pm
Peter h, you truly are on the limb of a boat at high seas!
The main steam media is “hostile” to Republicans. They look to eviscerate GOP in any policy discussion.
To be clear, the so called main stream media provides the talking points for the Dems. They both are one and the same. It’s pathetic, hostility towards GOP and bouquets to incompetence. Never accountability on dreadful public policy.
You are a retread H. Yesterday’s news, yesterday’s Lincoln, yesteryear GOP. Spare us.
September 10, 2022 at 1:01 pm
It’s because we know the game. The liberal media sets up “gotcha” questions and grill Republicans. But then handle Democrats like children and throw softballs.
And during the presidential debates, we had moderators debating Trump instead of the candidates! That’s not supposed to happen in a debate!
So Republicans just aren’t going to play the game anymore if the media isn’t going to play fair.
Abraham Lincoln
September 11, 2022 at 1:29 pm
What are “gotcha” questions? Give an example. You all complain when you are asked hard questions and relabel them “gotcha or trick questions”. Stop making excuses.
September 9, 2022 at 2:01 pm
Why doesn’t DeSantis go by his own belief system. He needs to stop being lazy and do something, and take responsibility for the weak cancer patients that don’t have the right attitude like his wife because if they didn’t get better it’s on them! Why can’t he make euthanasia legal for the inoperable cancer patients cut off from the medical cannabis program. Can you kill us please?
September 9, 2022 at 5:44 pm
He can’t. People were hoping that his wife’s cancer would give him some compassion….but it’s always just more soulless cruelty
September 9, 2022 at 7:56 pm
He can’t. People were hoping that his wife’s cancer would give him some compassion….but it’s always just more soulless cruelty
Billy Rotberg
September 9, 2022 at 4:52 pm
Charlie Chain Gang Grifter FrankenChrist will be easily defeated
Charlie Crist
September 9, 2022 at 8:58 pm
👆Vote for me. I’ll put idiots like this guy in jail. Better yet, a worse punishment would be putting him in a classroom.
September 10, 2022 at 8:35 am
Flip-flop Charlie. No one will vote for you you are an embarrassment.
Charlie Crist
September 10, 2022 at 9:55 am
I’m sure quite a few people will vote for me. You’ve been proven a liar time and time again on this website…
Phil Morton
September 10, 2022 at 6:15 am
Two polls have DeSantis above 50% and three polls have him under 50%.So on average, he’s under 50%, right where RCP and 538 have this race. Charlie Crist has the momentum right now. Going to be close.
September 10, 2022 at 7:49 am
Dreaming Morton.
All the polls, all have Desantis leading.
Dems don’t lead in any, none.
Momentum Crist? Please stop exaggeration and lies.
September 10, 2022 at 7:49 am
Dreaming Morton.
All the polls, all have Desantis leading.
Dems don’t lead in any, none.
Momentum Crist? Please stop exaggeration and lies.
September 10, 2022 at 12:41 pm
Polling in Florida always favors Dems. Crist had a 1 pt lead in 2014, and then lost. Gillum had a 4 pt lead in 2018, and then lost. Hillary and Biden both had leads in 2016 and 2020 respectively. Both lost. I don’t know why the polls always favor Democrats in Florida, but they do. They consistently spot the Dems 3-5 points every cycle.
If the polls now dont even show a Crist lead, then DeSantis is actually way ahead.
September 10, 2022 at 1:55 pm
Independents dislike Desantis, and he polls lower than Crist when pollsters inform voters of Desantis’s positions on housing costs/availability and abortion rights. It’s disappointing that many of his supporters consider keeping voters ignorant is an acceptable strategy for “winning” at any cost. Voter education and outreach have been quite successful since the Dobbs decision, resulting in surprise Republican losses and pro-women’s rights votes on amendments. Women will vote for Crist, as will most voters who receive the truth about Desantis’s plans for a second term. Crist’s job is to expose the current governor’s agenda. That’s all it will take to beat Desantis.
September 11, 2022 at 10:24 am
There She Goes Again Typhoid Mary toxic to humanity.. the Democratic Party’s strategy is not working. They have no plan, platform, or accomplishments. Throwing shade on their opponents is their strategy. The state of the nation speaks for itself and their strategy has failed. Republicans win.
George Washington
September 11, 2022 at 1:34 pm
Actually quite a lot has been accomplished. You won’t hear it on your alt-right tabloid we sites though. DuhSantis is losing independents in droves. DuhSantis had a 20 point lead last year and that has dwindled to 5%. What happened?
September 12, 2022 at 1:13 pm
Name one.
September 10, 2022 at 12:37 pm
None of you remember the polling in Florida ALWAYS favors Democrats. Look at 2014, Crist had a 1 pt lead going into election day in the RCP average. Scott won by a point. In 2018, Gillum had a 4 pt lead going into election day. Heck one poll had Gillum up 7 points! DeSantis won by 1/2 point. The bias also shows in the presidential races. In 2016 and 2020, Florida polls had Hillary and Biden winning. Trump won both.
The fact these polls are showing DeSantis with 3-5 pt lead, and knowing the polls overestimate Democrat turnout every single cycle, it only highlights how much of a mountain Crist has to climb to win. Liberals are quick to point out the margin of error makes the race a dead heat. But that error can skew the other way too. It could mean that DeSantis’s lead is actually 9 points. Looking at the history of polling in Florida, it’s more likely that error is in DeSantis’s favor.
Republicans are Hypocrites
September 11, 2022 at 1:36 pm
It’s because of Independents. Period.
tom palmer
September 10, 2022 at 7:51 pm
The only poll that counts is the one on election day.
September 10, 2022 at 11:27 pm
Yes you are correct.
The disinformation poll from Quinnipiac the day before election Govs race,2018 saying Gillium was up 9pts. Purposefully done to try to sway election. Example of corrupt polling and polling firm,
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